18 Research Findings That Challenge Traditional Marriage Views

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Marriage might have once been a near-compulsory aspect of adulting, but modern society has taught us that it isn’t the only path to a fulfilling life. Many studies suggest there are plenty of benefits to staying single. Fancy going it alone? You might be better off for it. What a great way of owning your life. Here are 18 science-backed reasons why not getting married might be your best decision yet.

Greater Independence

Editorial credit: mimagephotography / Shutterstock.

Studies show that single people often have a better sense of self and independence than their married counterparts. They don’t have to make the compromises marriage often requires, and it means they can pursue their personal goals and passions more freely. Liberating.

Better Friendships

Editorial credit: Mangostar / Shutterstock.

Research indicates that singles tend to have stronger social networks and closer friendships. It makes sense too. There are no time demands from a spouse, so they can spend their free time investing in maintaining and nurturing their friendships. That’s every night of the week if you’re inclined.

More Time for Hobbies

Editorial credit: Vitaliy Abbasov / Shutterstock.

Without the pressure of certain marital obligations, singles have more leisure time to engage in the hobbies and activities they love. It might be traveling, painting, hiking, or even reading an entire book collection, you can dedicate all the time in the world to whatever you want.

Improved Physical Fitness

Editorial credit : UNIKYLUCKK/ Shutterstock.

Studies have found that single people are often more physically active than their married counterparts. It’s likely due to several factors; more time available to work out, choosing to feel the best they can about themselves, and keeping their appearance in check for potential admirers. Either way, more time for personal fitness routines can lead to better overall health.

Financial Freedom

Editorial credit: FabrikaSimf / Shutterstock.

Singles enjoy complete control over their finances. Without compromising spending or saving habits, you can manage your money exactly how you want. If you want to splurge on a new wardrobe, you’ve got the green light to do so freely. Plus, you haven’t got to save for a costly wedding with in-laws you don't like. Result.

Less Stress

Editorial Credit: Anatoliy Karlyuk / Shutterstock.

There’s plenty of research to say that people report lower levels of stress compared to married individuals. Just think, there’s no joint financial stress, concerns over the status of your relationship, inevitable vacation squabbles, or disagreements over in-law visits. The only stress is choosing Indian or Chinese takeout. That's a tough one.

Career Focus

Editorial credit: Sergey Nivens / Shutterstock.

Singles have the freedom to pursue demanding careers and follow their dreams. It’s not to say that married people can’t, but there’s less pressure than having to consider familial relocations, starting families, or financial implications. It’s so much easier to take the job and start on a path towards greater professional achievements.

Better Sleep

Editorial credit: Billion Photos / Shutterstock.

Singles get better sleep than couples who sleep together, and there’s evidence to prove it. The fact that many couples choose to sleep in separate beds for better sleep quality is a testament to the fact, and there's even a new trend called ‘Sleep Divorce’ sweeping the Western world. Without the disruptions of a partner’s snoring, tossing, or differing sleep schedules, you can get a good night's rest consistently. Bliss.

Freedom to Travel

Editorial credit: mcroff88 / Shutterstock.

Solo travel has become the new norm, and being single means, you can travel on your own terms, without needing to coordinate with a spouse’s schedule or preferences. Sounds amazing, right? You’re more likely to be spontaneous and have extra-fulfilling travel experiences too.

Higher Levels of Creativity

Editorial credit: flauma / Shutterstock.

Research suggests that single individuals often have higher levels of creativity. It’s not hard to believe, especially with plenty of time and freedom to explore new ideas and projects. Lacking the focus of a partner means there’s time that can be put into other things, and that might just be interior décor or clay bowl making.

Avoiding Divorce Risks

Editorial credit: Daniel Jedzura / Shutterstock.

Divorce is emotionally and financially draining, and the build-up is often nothing short of traumatic for all parties. It isn’t a good enough reason not to marry, but by opting out, you get to sidestep the risk of a potentially messy and costly divorce process. Plus, you know you get to keep the dog.

Personal Growth

Editorial credit: stoatphoto / Shutterstock.

Being single gives you plenty of time for uninterrupted personal growth. Whether that’s a spiritual journey or more time spent in self-care, you can focus on self-improvement and self-discovery without the compromises often required in a marriage. All that time to work on a better you has to be worth something.

Mental Health Benefits

Editorial credit: Aliaksei Kaponia / Shutterstock.

Research has found that single people report better mental health than their married counterparts. In particular, that’s related to anxiety and depression. Single life gives you more time for self-care and mental well-being, so there’s every reason to be single, healthy, and happy.

Freedom to Relocate

Editorial credit: baranq / Shutterstock.

With the working world changing daily, it’s anyone’s guess what might be on the horizon in the way of opportunities. Singles have the flexibility to move for better job opportunities or simply opt for a change of scenery without the need to consider a spouse’s preferences or career. Just think, you can move to Miami Beach without a second thought.

Enhanced Decision-Making

Editorial credit: Inna Dodor / Shutterstock.

As a single person without the need to negotiate and compromise on major decisions, you can make life choices more quickly and confidently. Whether it’s buying a home, changing careers, or choosing to adopt a rescue animal, you can seize the moment and shout a liberating, ‘Yes.’

Greater Altruism

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Single people often engage in more volunteer work and community service than married individuals. With more free time, they can dedicate their time to contributing more to the causes they care about. It sounds like a great way of spending personal time.

Happy Pets

Editorial credit: Nitiphonphat / Shutterstock.

Studies show that more single people are choosing animals for love over humans. And why not? You’ve got a much less complicated relationship to navigate, and no human will make you feel as special as your dog when you come home at night. If you’re a pet owner, being single means a beautiful bond between the two of you, and that alone will lead to reduced stress and a happier outlook.

It's Liberating

Editorial credit: Kostikova Natalia / Shutterstock.

That’s right. Being single is frivolous and liberating, and you’re choosing to make a choice that goes against everything you’ve ever read about love and commitment. Do you need a partner to achieve happiness? Absolutely not. You can embrace every moment of a single life and reap the benefits that come with it, all while shaking your head to archaic traditional standards. There’s nothing more liberating than that.

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