The Hidden Effects of Loneliness on Men

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Loneliness is something that all people have to deal with at one point or another in life. It is one of the tougher struggles that human beings go through. Science shows that while men and women are both affected by loneliness, certain effects challenge men more. 

Men in Particular 

Editorial credit: John Christian/ Shutterstock.

When we are younger, time is shared out between that spent with friends, and the remainder with family. As time goes on loneliness creeps in. The gaps between friends and family widen, leaving more alone time. Some people have a problem being alone. This results in loneliness hurting them. Here are some of the ways that loneliness affects men in particular.

Makes New Relationships Harder

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When a man deals with extended periods of loneliness, he will build walls around himself. These walls might be put in place to help soften the negative emotions felt during these times. The problem is that when loneliness ends and there is a chance for a new relationship, these walls are still there, and now serve as a barrier between them and that new person.

A Less Empathetic Man

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Loneliness kills something inside a person. And should you have to deal with solitude in large quantities, one of the results is having less empathy. A man’s ability to, and want to understand another person drops when he spends too much time on his own.

Blaming Himself 

Editorial credit: George Rudy / Shutterstock.

There must be a reason for the loneliness a man feels. And often in this time alone, a man can begin to blame himself for not having anyone around. It must be his fault or something to do with who he is. Feeling inadequate, not good enough, or unworthy can be a direct result of too much loneliness.

Inability to Speak About it

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Men are brought up to be tough and capable of dealing with anything. This means that when men find themselves in the grip of loneliness, they often struggle to talk about that being the case. Something women do not have as much trouble doing. A classic side-effect of manliness then is not being able to talk about loneliness.

Poor Performance at Work

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One of the earliest signs of loneliness can come in the form of a man’s work being affected. Even the most efficient and productive worker can see drops in performance when going through spells of loneliness.

Detrimental Ways of Dealing with Loneliness 

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It is often when men are going through a hard time that they develop unhealthy habits. These distractions or ways of coping can be brought on by bouts of loneliness. Men can find themselves turning to fast food or other such means of relieving themselves of the burden of being alone.

Lacking Social Skills 

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It is understandable that when a man is lonely, and therefore not regularly talking to others, he will see a dip in his ability to socialize. Good social skills come from practice, and if you have nobody to practice with then you lose those skills.

Loneliness Leads to Anxiety

Editorial credit: YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV / Shutterstock.

Another common condition that comes from extended periods of solitude is anxiety. Some men suffer from high levels of anxiety anyway, so when loneliness kicks in, it can cause these levels of anxiety to be pushed through the roof. Loneliness and anxiety for men go hand in hand.

Not Knowing Why You’re Here

Editorial credit: Black Kings / Shutterstock.

Much of a man’s reason for being is based on where they fit into society. If you take away a man’s ability to see where his part should be played, then he will lose any idea of purpose or reason for being.

Poor physical health

Editorial credit: Dusan Petkovic/ Shutterstock.

Loneliness can have many adverse consequences for men. Chief among them is the stopping of certain healthy practices, such as fitness training. Even the most basic physical upkeep can become a chore when a man is weakened by loneliness.

Dealing Badly with Stress

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Stress is one of the world's most lethal killers. So if stress is this hard to deal with at the best of times, what about the worst? When a man is lonely, he will be more likely to succumb to the power of stress, and all the other negative emotions that come with it.

Enhances Negativity 

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It is hard to be happy when there is no one around. So when men suffer loneliness, they often encounter feelings of negativity. Ideas based on sadness and solitude can build with no buffer to slow their progress or stop them. This means that negative sentiments have free reign to worsen as they please.

Mental Health Suffers

Editorial credit: Just Life / Shutterstock.

One of the key ways that men can maintain their mental health is through conversations and friendships. If you remove these things from the equation, the space left can be filled with doubts and depression. If left untreated, this can cause a man to spiral downward into despair.


Editorial credit: Pormezz / Shutterstock.

Addiction is another prime example of a negative effect brought on by loneliness. In times of solitude, a man can choose to turn to alcohol, cigarettes or even drugs to fill the gap left by the lack of community or companionship. Studies show that many men turn to drugs to find comfort in such trying times.

Trouble Sleeping 

Editorial credit: Lysenko Andrii / Shutterstock.

One of the strange ways that being alone for too long can affect men is trouble sleeping. A good night’s sleep is not only very important but it is usually aided by a sound mind and a lack of stress. The stress and anxiety produced by loneliness can drastically change the patterns of a man’s sleep. 

Solitude Leading to Suicide

Editorial credit: nito / Shutterstock.

The raised levels of anxiety and self-doubt that are often caused by loneliness can lead to far worse. It is a dangerous combination of unhealthy thinking practices that can end in the worst of ways. A man left alone for too long might see there being no point in continuing his life, and therefore being on suicidal thoughts.

A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed

Editorial credit: wavebreakmedia / Shutterstock.

Men are often negatively impacted by all of these issues brought about by loneliness. Because this is such a regular occurrence, it is important to check in on your male friends. Even if it’s just to remind them that they have people in their lives who care.

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