18 Common Christian Practices Not Found in the Bible

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Religion is sometimes about a leap of faith where there is no evidence to support what you believe in, you just believe. In Christianity, there are several traditions and common things that followers accept and adhere to even though they have absolutely no direct basis for in the Bible.

Celebrating Christmas on December 25th

Editorial credit: AndreyCherkasov / Shutterstock.

Although Christmas is a Federal holiday in the United States, and people all around the globe celebrate it as the birth of Jesus on December 25th, there is nothing in the Bible that says that it was on that specific day. The Bible recounts the event but makes no mention of the day of the year.

Wearing the Sign of the Cross For Blessing or Protection

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The cross has become a symbol of the Christian faith due to Jesus dying for people’s sins. There is no mention of wearing it as an ornament around your neck as superstition. There is also no direct scripture of it as an amulet to protect or to bless someone. 

The Easter Bunny and Hiding Eggs

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Easter is supposed to be a celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus. There is no mention of bunnies or hiding eggs in the Bible or elsewhere in Christian literature. The association of the Easter Bunny, coloring eggs, and hiding them, stems back to the Pagan religion.

The Trinity

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Every good Christian knows about the Trinity or the notion that God is comprised of their persons namely the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. While it is a doctrine that was developed by early Christian theologians, it is not explicitly articulated or spelled out in the Bible. 

Literal “Rapture”

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Some Christians believe in the notion of a literal “rapture,” which is a secret coming of Christ. During the rapture, Christ is said to take believers to heaven before a time of tribulation. It is based on interpretations of specific biblical passages. It is not universally believed or explicitly mentioned in the Bible. 

Praying to Saint Mary

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Some Christians find solace in praying to Mother Mary for their intercessions, along with other saints. The Bible does not explicitly command or suggest that people should pray to them for help or forgiveness. 

Taking Personal Time Daily for Prayer

Editorial Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

While some personal time with the Lord is encouraged in the Bible’s teaching, there is no amount of outline of the personal time that a Christian should put aside to speak to God in the Bible. Having children say prayers at night is something that has just become a tradition. 

Angels Have Wings

Editorial credit: Elena Nechiporenko / Shutterstock.

While most people accept that angels have wings to fly to heaven and back and they are depicted with them in art and literature, there is no consistency of their existence in the Bible. It is likely symbolic of their ability to be on both heaven and Earth.

Sunday is the Sabbath

Editorial credit: MarinelaM / Shutterstock.

While some people believe that Sunday is a day of Sabbath, that is not the teaching of the Bible. The Bible does not talk about observing Sunday as a day of worship. It does talk about Saturday as the day of rest and worship and designates it as the Sabbath.

Each Person Having a Guardian Angel

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The Bible does speak about angels both guiding and protecting individuals, but the notion that everyone has their own guardian is not explicitly stated in the Bible. While it is comforting to think that someone is looking out for us, it isn't outlined as the Bible’s intent.

Giving 10% of Your Earnings to the Church

Editorial credit: Andrei Korzhyts / Shutterstock.

While giving to the church is talked about in the Bible in the original Bible there is no formula. It does appear in the New Testament probably as a way to outline how much everyone should contribute for fairness.

The Notion of Purgatory

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Purgatory is one of those abstract ideas that has never fully been outlined, but the concept has been debated and used in many different ways. The belief that there is an intermediate state that rests between heaven and Earth is not explicitly taught in the Bible. Many people believe that purgatory is a place where souls undergo purification for one reason or another, but it isn’t a specific Catholic tradition.

Babies Who Die go to Heaven Automatically

Editorial credit: mdjihad.photos / Shutterstock.

As a Christian, you would like to believe that all babies go to heaven. After all, they haven’t even had time to sin. The Bible does not provide any clear guidance about where babies go after they die. That is why some Christians believe that babies go to purgatory because it is a place between heaven and hell.

A “Soul Sleep”

Editorial Credit: Anton Watman / Shutterstock.

Some Christians believe that when someone dies, their soul enters something like a “soul sleep” or a state of unconsciousness where they exist until they are resurrected. There is no explicit talk about such a phase in the Bible.

God Helps Those Who Help Themselves

Editorial credit: artin1 / Shutterstock.

Although a catchy and useful phrase to motivate people, there is no similar saying in the Bible to support it. It is a popular phrase but it is not found anywhere in scripture.

Infants Being Baptized

Editorial credit: sweet marshmallow/ Shutterstock.

Some Christian denominations have the tradition of infants being baptized, but on the whole, the Bible does not specifically talk about the ceremonious need. The Bible does not command or endorse the practice of baptism.

Using Rosary Beads to Pray

Editorial credit: Ivonne Wierink / Shutterstock.

Many Christians use rosary beads to pray. The Vatican also engages in selling the rosary and many old traditions teach people how to use it to pray specifically according to the placement of the beads. The rosary or rules about which prayer to say for which bead is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible.

Sins are All Equal in God’s Eyes

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

All sins are considered serious and taboo in the Bible, but the notion that all sins are equally punishable is not explicitly talked about. But, there is mention in the Bible that there are distinctions between how serious God considers various sins and their consequences.

Taking From the Bible

Editorial credit: realpeople/ Shutterstock.

The Bible is a book from which Christians learn about the teachings of God and the religion. Over the years, particular notions and sayings have been handed down that have no explicit instruction in the text of the Bible, but have prevailed as common knowledge in the Christian faith. 

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