18 Key Points to Consider About California Becoming Independent

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Nationwide political division has posed the question of whether states should be allowed to secede from the Union. California is the state most likely to pursue independence as it has a large economy and is central to American soft power, which it could use to its advantage. There are challenges involved in becoming independent, and it would not be smooth sailing. Here, we look at whether or not California should be an independent country.

California's Path to Statehood

Editorial credit: Alexander Lukatskiy / Shutterstock.

California became a state in 1850 amidst the Gold Rush. The need for laws to govern a land that had been sparsely populated and without a functioning legislative system hastened their acceptance into the Union. With so many people arriving in California, infrastructure and industry sprang up, forming the basis for its economy as we know it today. 

Economic Strength and California's Global Influence

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California is set to surpass Germany and become the world’s 4th largest economy. Key industries in the state include agriculture, technology, and tourism. The film industry is its most famous industry, known worldwide and a source of American soft power. An independent California already has the foundations to be a player on the global stage.

Political Landscape of a Diverse and Divided State

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California is a politically divided state despite the media painting a picture of a Democrat stronghold. At the federal level, California won’t turn red anytime soon, but at the state level, there is a diverse range of political views. Rural California is more conservative but has the problem of lack of representation in the House and Senate. Independence would bring more representation and potential for compromise.

Cultural Identity and Its Unique Blend

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Climate and economic opportunity have attracted immigrants throughout the state's history. It’s a unique blend of international cultures that would continue to attract workers and tourists as an independent nation. 

Legal Considerations for Secession

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The legal path to secession from the Union would face legal challenges, and in the current political climate, civil war is a remote but not impossible scenario. An amendment to the constitution is needed, and there is little chance it will pass. The secession of California would have economic, political, and military repercussions for the United States and is not a palatable option for either political party. 

Environmental Policies and Leading the Way

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California is already a leader in environmental policies, but federal-level politics has interfered with its ability to go further. Independence offers an opportunity to develop its sustainable energy industry and become a global leader.  

Technological Hub and Silicon Valley's Role

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Silicon Valley is the most influential technological hub in the world. It’s home to companies such as Apple, Facebook, and Google. An independent California could use the influence of these companies for economic benefit and soft power. 

Healthcare and Social Services in a Progressive State

Editorial credit: REDPIXEL.PL / Shutterstock.

California is a progressive state having introduced policies making access to healthcare more affordable. There are social welfare programs that address the issues of minorities in an attempt to solve the problem of inequality. Independence brings more money to invest in these programs and continue its fight against injustice and inequality.

Education System and Innovative Leadership

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Home to world-leading universities such as UCLA and Stanford, California entices students and academics from across America and the world. The state invests heavily in research, giving them an edge when attracting PhD students. Continuing investment as an independent nation would make it an educational powerhouse.

Immigration and Diversity in California

Editorial credit: Xavier Lorenzo / Shutterstock.

California rightly celebrates its diversity, having citizens with roots in Central America, Asia, and Europe. Diversity could also bring problems, with ethnic groups looking for more representation. Immigration is another area where politics may become divisive, especially as California struggles with having enough resources to support its population.

Military and Defense Security Concerns

Editorial credit: Dragos Asaftei / Shutterstock.

As a newly formed independent nation, California wouldn’t have a functioning military. Currently, it relies on the United States military, but this isn't viable if independence is pursued. Setting up a military is costly and would take money away from other areas. The border with neighboring states is extensive and needs protecting. There is also 840 miles of coastline to consider. 

International Relations and Potential Allies

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Fostering good international relations poses a problem if California becomes independent. An amicable secession from the Union is unlikely, leaving a country with the largest military in the world at its border. Progressive values and already strong ties with European countries would help to create new alliances but some countries may not want to upset the United States. 

Economic Implications of Independence

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The economy of California is the largest in the Union, but it still receives federal funding, and this wouldn’t continue if it became independent. The state is deeply integrated with the rest of the United States, and diversifying its economy as an independent country would be a challenge. 

Infrastructure Challenges

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State infrastructure is already struggling, and heavy investment is needed; as an independent country, infrastructure would be an immediate priority. It benefits from easy access to the rest of the United States through air links and freight trains. These may remain, but infrastructure within the state must be developed, and expansion opportunities are limited as vast parts of the state are uninhabitable.

Public Opinion on California's Independence

Editorial credit: Microgen / Shutterstock.

There are some Californians who believe the state should become independent, but it’s not a majority. Public concerns need addressing, and when the reality of secession is clearer, it may not be an attractive proposition. 

Impact on National Identity and Patriotism

Editorial credit: SvetikovaV / Shutterstock.

Independence could spark an identity crisis for Californians, especially for those brought up in an educational system promoting American patriotism. This would lead to division among the population but would also be an opportunity to create a new national identity based on the values of California.

Role of Media and Public Discourse

Editorial credit: wellphoto / Shutterstock.

The media would play a huge role in the debate on independence and have the potential to swing the discussion one way or the other. Given the political influence of media companies, it’s likely opposition to the movement would be the loudest voice.

Comparative Analysis with Other Movements

Editorial credit: PMGphotog / Shutterstock.

There are no comparisons within the United States, but there are independence movements globally that California can learn from. Scotland is one example, a nation divided in its quest for independence from Great Britain. It demonstrates the political complexities of independence. 

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