17 Misunderstandings About Christians’ Personal Behavior

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There is a notion about what Christian people do and don’t do behind closed doors. As with any stereotype, however, there are some valid notions and many false ones. Being Christian is supposed to be a guide about how to behave righteously in life, but no one is perfect. Sometimes, it is the ideology of having to be perfect where people get most lost. These are false beliefs about what and who Christian believers are.

Christians are Conservative

Editorial credit: M-SUR / Shutterstock.

Although most people assume that if you are Christian, you are conservative, that is not always true. Christian ideology is based on equality and loving your neighbor. It is also based on the belief that you should take care of those people in a community who need it most. Both Republicans and Democrats believe in Christian ideology, not one more than the others. 

Christians are Anti-Science

Editorial credit: Kristina Kuptsevich / Shutterstock.

Not all Christians believe that science is not real. Some Christians do follow the Bible closely enough to take issue with the parts of science that try to explain away the existence of God, but many do believe that science and God can coexist. There are many parts of the Christian faith that intersect perfectly with scientific study and findings. 

Christians are Judgmental

Editorial Credit: Ekateryna Zubal / Shutterstock.

Although there is a belief that many Christians are judgmental and think that they are more righteous than others, that is not the teaching of the Bible. The Bible believes that the only one who has the right to judge mankind is Jesus. Many passages in the Bible talk about the sins revolving around the judgment of others and are not in favor of it.

Christians are Monolithic

Editorial credit: Jacqueline F Cooper / Shutterstock.

Many people believe that Christians are monolithic, meaning that they only believe in their religion and practices. There are many in the Christian faith, however, that give credence to the teaching of other religions and faiths. At the heart of Christianity is tolerance for others, and that includes their beliefs.

Christians are Close-Minded

Editorial credit: Farknot Architect / Shutterstock.

As with any theory of thought, some Christians are not open to discussion and debate about the doctrines of Christianity. They believe that there is a right and wrong way and no other way. But not all Christians are dogmatic. Many are open to freely discussing many of their beliefs and opinions and listening to what others have to say.

Christians are Anti-Gay

Editorial credit: Adam Wasilewski / Shutterstock.

Although there are instances in the Bible that disparage the behaviors of the LGBQ+ community, not everyone takes heed of them. Many Christians understand that the Bible was written at a time when homosexuality was not acceptable and that society has changed. Christians believe in tolerance and treating your neighbor as you want to be treated. 

Christians are Ignorant

Editorial credit: Krakenimages.com / Shutterstock.

Any one person who refuses to examine their beliefs or discuss the potential that they might be wrong is ignorant. That is not special or unique to Christians, nor is it fair to stereotype all Christians as being unwilling to open their mind and learn new facts and opinions.

Christians are All About Rules and Restrictions

Editorial credit: chayanuphol / Shutterstock.

There are some things and practices that Christians feel very strongly about. They also believe that some things are bad and immoral. Christianity is also a religion that is supposed to be about joy and love of family and others. It is more than just a list of rules and what you can and cannot do. It promotes ideation about how to live a faithful and happy life. 

Christianity is Sexist

Editorial credit: BRAIN2HANDS / Shutterstock.

Some parts of ceremonial Christianity tend to be sexist, and they don’t acknowledge the importance of women in society. Others talk about women being subservient to their husbands. That doesn’t mean that the Bible and the teachings of it do not teach respect for women and equality. There is nothing explicit in the teaching of Christianity to mistreat women.

Christians Push Their Agenda on Others

Editorial credit: Adriana Mahdalova / Shutterstock.

Although other religions believe one of the tenets of faith is to spread their religious beliefs around the globe. Christians, on the whole, are not missionaries looking to convert anyone. They do believe in spreading the moral and righteous tenets of Christianity, but they are not out to conquer or convince anyone of their faith.

Christians are the Same

Editorial credit: Creativa Images / Shutterstock.

All Christians are human, and no two humans are the same, nor do they have the same experiences. To surmise that just because you believe in a religion, you are the same as everyone else who believes the same is an ignorant way to think about Christianity or any group. 

Christians Never Doubt Their Faith

Editorial credit: Krakenimages.com / Shutterstock.

Christians are like any other humans on Earth and frequently doubt their religious beliefs and whether they are being good humans. Being a Christian doesn’t automatically mean that you are a good person or just. You have to behave as a good person, not just say you belong to a religion. 

Christians Don’t Sin

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Christianity is comprised of humans, and humans are imperfect. There is not a person on Earth who has never sinned. Humans are fallible, and even if they try to live by the doctrines of Christianity, they still make mistakes. Those who follow the Christian faith try to live in the shoes of Jesus. 

Christians Never Question God

Editorial credit: rayjunk / Shutterstock.

There is not a Christian who has not questioned their faith in God when things are hard or they don’t go their way. Christianity does not provide all of the answers to the greatest questions, and even the ones that it does, that doesn’t mean that some people don’t have a different experience and ask why.

Christians Go to Church Every Sunday

Editorial credit: Jurgis Rudaks / Shutterstock.

Being Christian is not all about your participation in church. There are many Christians who for one reason or another might not be able to make it to mass or services as regularly as they want. Like everyone else, they have obligations that need to be upheld that sometimes interfere with Sunday mass or service. The church doesn’t take attendance or consider someone who can’t make it a sinner. 

Christians Don’t Struggle With Mental Health

Editorial credit: marekuliasz / Shutterstock.

Although Christians are supposed to believe in a higher power and have faith that God will show them what to do, that doesn’t mean that they don’t have the same struggles with depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. They also have brain chemistry imbalances and the same human emotions and issues as other people.

Christians are Always Positive

Editorial credit: Nastyaofly / Shutterstock.

Christians believe in having faith that things will work out. They also believe that God cares for them, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t get as negative and sad about things as everyone else. Difficult feelings happen to everyone, and it says nothing about their belief in God; it just makes them human.

People are Human, Fallible, and Individuals, Regardless of Religious Faith

Editorial credit: Kristina Kuptsevich / Shutterstock.

Christians are guided by the tenets and teachings of Jesus, but like Jesus, they are human and have the same doubts as everyone. They are also individuals with various experiences, emotions, struggles, and ideations. To think that they are all the same behind closed doors in how they act and in what they say is simply not true. 

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