18 Important Things Every Husband Should Know About His Wife

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You might think you know everything about your wife; the films she likes, her dream car, and her favorite pair of shoes, but understanding the way her mind works goes a long way in deepening your relationship. She’ll no doubt have her unique traits, but there are certain generic qualities that the vast majority of women possess. Once you learn to spot the signals, you can make sure you’re ready to support her.

She Loves Surprises

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Women carry a lot of mental stress, but they’re experts at suppressing it to avoid unsettling the family. A small gesture can go a long way in lifting her spirits, so an occasional surprise like an unexpected date night or weekend away is a great way to let her know she means a lot to you. Women love to be surprised, so she’ll be over the moon.

She isn’t Fine

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It’s become a joke over time that when a woman tells you she’s fine, she’s anything but. The truth of the matter is that your wife will work hard to protect you from her stress and emotions, so she’s avoiding conversations that might worry you. Knowing that she’s trying to remain stable and reliable as the matriarch of the family might make you rethink the next time you’re joking about it.

She Wants Date Nights

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Even if your wife tells you she doesn’t need to be dated five years into your relationship, deep down, she loves the occasional night out with her beloved partner. There’s every chance she gets caught up in working and school runs, and she’ll no doubt dismiss the idea of having to dress up. If you give her an excuse to, she’ll be grateful for it.

She Still Loves Compliments

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It’s easy to think that compliments are only necessary at the start of a relationship, but that’s far from true. Women can easily get caught up in their busy lives and sacrifice their appearances, its par for the course as a parent. Offering her compliments will always lift her spirits, especially when she least expects them.

She Likes Time With Friends

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Time with friends is important to a woman and gives her a calming life balance. Don’t deny her opportunities to have the odd night out; she’ll feel more exhilarated for it, and your relationship will be much healthier. As much as she loves her partner, a woman always needs other women around her. Long live the sisterhood.

She Likes Alone Time

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Part of being a woman is having time alone. That means time away from husbands, kids, and the general chaos of life. Don’t worry if she wants to go for a walk on her own or take some time out. It just means she needs to clear her mind and replenish her spirit.  

She Needs a Self-Care Routine

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Women are known for multitasking, but juggling different tasks can easily lead to burnout. Different women vary greatly in their approach to self-care, with some leaning into it and others deeming it time wasted. If your wife falls into the latter category, encourage and support her in her self-care routine, whether it's hitting the gym, indulging in a spa day, or simply taking time for herself.

She Has Pet Peeves

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Don’t be fooled into thinking that the grass is greener elsewhere. Every wife has those little things that irk her. Whether it's leaving dirty socks on the floor or forgetting to put the toilet seat down, it’s her God-given right to complain about trivial matters that drive her mad. Pay attention to her pet peeves and try to avoid them. Her change in attitude will surprise you.

She Can Struggle With Hormones

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A woman’s time of the month is often laughed off by men who have no real understanding of what their partners experience. Hormones play havoc with a woman’s mood and emotions and can cause immense physical discomfort. If she’s short-tempered, irritable, or down in the dumps, try to cut her some slack. It’s a tough time for her. There's the menopause to look forward to next.

She Has Certain Family Dynamics

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Understanding your wife's relationship with her family can provide valuable insights into her upbringing and values. It doesn’t necessarily mean her experience has been good or bad, but her familial experiences will shape the way she acts toward you and your children. If some of her views don’t align with yours, be mindful of her past and try to encourage her to openly discuss how she feels.

She Wants You to Watch TV Shows with Her

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Men and women can have vastly different tastes when it comes to watching TV, but there’s every chance that she’d love you to cuddle up and watch her favorite show with her. It’s a lovely way of bonding, even if it does mean you’re laughing at her terrible choice on TV the entire time.

She Has a Comfort Zone

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Knowing each other’s comfort zone is part of the joy of partnership, creeping out of plans and laughing when you’re somewhere that neither of you wants to be. Sometimes, your wife’s comfort zone might differ from your own, so always avoid pushing her into situations where she feels uncomfortable or anxious. On the flip side, gently encouraging her to push her limits can be rewarding for both of you.

She Can Sense Your Stress

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It’s a typically masculine trait to keep problems to yourself, but women are extremely intuitive and can always pick up on any underlying stress. By not opening up, your wife will mentally catastrophize and assume all sorts of terrible situations, so it’s a good idea to keep her informed when you’re feeling out of sync.

She isn’t Nagging

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Contrary to popular belief, when you accuse your wife of nagging, she’s probably had to ask you to do something numerous times to no avail. It’s understandable why she’s annoyed. If your wife makes demands every second of the day, you might have cause for concern, but being asked to help out with the odd job here and there shouldn’t require numerous requests.

She Can’t Always Be Your Rock

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Women are known for being emotionally resilient, and they’re often the rock in the relationship. They, too, have their weaker moments. When life gets too overwhelming for your wife from time to time, she needs you to step in and support her. That might mean doing more at home or juggling a few things to lighten her load; just try to ease her burden, and she’ll be back to full strength in no time.  

She Has Dreams and Goals

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The days of the stay-at-home mom are long gone. Women now want thriving careers that fulfill their desires, even if that means juggling home life and childcare in the process. Always encourage your wife with her dreams and show that you’re prepared to support her. As a modern woman, she’ll want to have the same opportunities as her partner.

She Might Hate Cooking

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It might come as a shock, but not every woman likes to cook. Although modern domesticity looks very different from many years ago, there’s still an assumption that women prepare meals for the family. Just because your wife does the lion's share of cooking doesn’t mean she’s happy about it, so maybe try and contribute with your culinary skills now and again.

She isn’t Superwoman

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There's no doubt that you think she’s capable of miracles, but she isn’t. She just never stops trying. Your wife is stronger than you’ll ever know, but she’ll have her moments of burnout where she needs some time out. Learn to recognize when she’s heading towards exhaustion and follow any of these tips to lighten the load. She’ll be back in her cape in no time.

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