18 Occupations That Women Consider Dating Deal Breakers

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While it doesn’t say everything, someone’s career can tell you a lot about the person. It can tell you what their values are, what they are interested in, and even what they might be like as a partner. There are a lot of stereotypes surrounding different professions that may be rooted in some people’s real experience but by no means imply that everyone with that job is going to behave the same way. Regardless, there are some professions that men may have that just make some women want to go running the opposite direction. Here are 18 professions that certain women see as red flags.


Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

The idea of going out with someone who is preoccupied with taking photos and videos of themselves is a major red flag for many of us. It’s just annoying when you’re trying to get to know someone, and all he cares about is documenting the moment for his followers. Plus, he might try to schmooze the restaurant staff into giving him free food. Pass (unless it works).


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A lot of women have a fear that if they date a therapist or someone in psychology, he will constantly be trying to diagnose them. There is also a concern that he will be able to read them too well, and they won’t be able to keep their cards close enough to the chest. Part of the fun is the chase, and someone who can read people too well might not allow for the chase you want. However, a relationship with a therapy professional might be a really great thing because they are already so emotionally evolved and self-aware.

Investment Banker

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This is a job that can make excellent money and is seen as very respectable by many, but it can be extremely time-consuming, and the hours aren’t always consistent. 


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While a very attractive and admirable job, it’s scary to fall for someone who is risking his life every day. Many women don’t want to go down that road because of the emotional toll it would take to worry about your partner constantly. 


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There is a stereotype about pilots that they are cheaters. That’s all it is, a stereotype, but it’s based on the fact that pilots travel for work and are away from you and alone in hotel rooms in strange cities many nights of the year. So, it’s fair to be a little concerned. Plus, even if everyone is totally loyal, you’re still agreeing to essentially do a long-distance relationship.


Editorial Credit: Bumble Dee / Shutterstock.

Similar to firefighters and pilots, someone in the military may be less appealing to date long-term to a woman who wants someone who she knows is safe and can be around often. People in the military spend a lot of time away and sometimes inaccessible to their partners, and that’s just too much to take for some women.

Life Insurance Agent

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Some people who sell life insurance are trying to sell it all the time. Since they generally work on commission, it benefits them to sell as much as possible, and everyone could use life insurance. It’s a pretty boring job, too, and not something you necessarily want to hear about all day.


Editorial credit: Niyazz / Shutterstock.

Politicians have a reputation for being wishy-washy, amoral, and non-trustworthy. Of course, that does not mean they all are, but it may put some women off. Beyond this, they will be super busy, especially during election season. It’s also important to consider their leaning and that of those you’re close to because, for someone so in the public eye, differing views could cause serious conflict at Thanksgiving.


Editorial Credit: Geoff Goldswain / Shutterstock.

Musicians have reputations for being lady killers. They also inevitably get a lot of attention because talent is sexy. There are plus sides, of course, like how he can serenade you on his instrument and provide live music around the house while you’re reading or making dinner. If the guy is looking for fame, though, it might not be the kind of lifestyle you want.


Editorial credit: santypan / Shutterstock.

A guy who is a bartender is going to work a lot of late nights. There also tend to be a lot of binge drinking and drug abuse issues with those in the service industry. It’s not exactly an environment that promotes sobriety. 

Cross-Country Trucker

Editorial credit: Virrage Images / Shutterstock.

It makes sense to want to avoid dating someone whose career will keep them on the road the majority of the time. If he wants to stick to trucking in the region and be home with you by 6 PM, that’s a different story.


Editorial credit: Pablo Wilson / Shutterstock.

A guy who is a model might be particularly self-centered. On the plus side, he’s probably beautiful, but he might be more beautiful than you. He also will probably get a lot of attention from other people, which, if you’re the jealous type, might not bode well for anyone.


Editorial credit: Juice Verve / Shutterstock.

While there are pros to dating a chef, like the delicious food at home and gifted meals at his restaurant, he will be spending a lot of nights working late and long hours. If you want a guy to be at home with you for dinner, you probably shouldn’t fall for a chef.

Pro Gamer

Editorial credit: Roman Kosolapov/ Shutterstock.

This is the type of job that will absolutely follow him home. Whenever a big new game drops, you’ll come in second. This doesn’t mean he won’t prioritize you, but it’s not going to be a cut-and-dry 9-5 schedule. Plus, if you yourself aren’t into gaming, you’ll probably get sick of hearing him talk about it.


Editorial credit:John Roman Images/ Shutterstock.

There’s a lot of controversy surrounding cops, so many women might avoid dating them for moral reasons. Even if that’s not the case, it can be a very dangerous job with off hours and you might be lying awake at night worrying if your partner is okay.


Editorial credit: Jade ThaiCatwalk / Shutterstock.

Paparazzi get paid for invading privacy. For this reason, it’s not exactly the most admirable job, and women may be put off by the idea of dating someone who takes photos of people without their consent. Can you blame them?

Pro Athlete

Editorial credit: Maridav/ Shutterstock.

Oh, athletes. They make a lot of money and get a lot of attention. You might be flattered by the affections of a professional baller, but be wary of their reputation. After all, there are constant new infidelity scandals popping up in the tabloids about pro athletes. It’s just something to go into, eyes wide open.

Tech Startup Founder

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This can be a very cool job and sound awesome at the jump, but it’s extremely risky financially and requires a crazy number of hours, maybe more than anything else on this list. If you start dating a tech startup founder, you will likely find he is too focused on his business to have much time or emotional effort left over for you.

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