19 Traits You Need To Share With Your Partner For A Relationship Win

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Building a strong and lasting relationship means finding common ground with your partner. While it’s important to have your own set of hobbies and interests independently, shared traits, values, and interests can contribute to a deeper connection and better compatibility. Here are 19 traits that you need to share for a great relationship.  

Shared Values

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A thriving relationship requires similar core values to lay the foundation for mutual understanding and respect in the relationship. Your morals and values are what define you, so it’s pretty important that you share similar priorities and goals for a future together.

Healthy Communication Styles

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We’re all vastly different as individuals, so we’re never going to meet someone who directly mirrors our communication style. That said, some compatibility in communication styles is important as it leads to better conflict resolution and a greater emotional connection.

Compatible Sense of Humor

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Sharing a similar sense of humor is one of the most important aspects of a strong relationship. Finding someone who laughs at your humorless jokes and quirky foibles is something worth holding onto. A shared sense of humor allows you to ease tension and make each other smile.

Shared Life Goals

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Having compatible life goals ensures that you're both moving in the same direction and prevents later conflicts about major life decisions. When our life goals move in different directions, it can be hard to see a way forward as a couple. Shared goals make for exciting plans regarding future adventures and goals.

Strong Family Values

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Aligned family values create a strong bond when it comes to important family-related decisions and interactions with extended relatives. Having a partner who values their extended family as you do is a huge goal-scorer.

Good Financial Habits

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Similar financial habits and attitudes toward money management help avoid conflicts over budgeting, spending, and saving. When you’re both on the same page with your personal finances, it removes a great deal of stress from your relationship.

Love of Leisure Activities

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It’s great to spend time doing the finer things in life as a couple. Sharing hobbies and leisure activities provides opportunities for quality time together, strengthening your emotional bond and creating long-lasting memories.

Matched Emotional Intelligence

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We all need support now and again, and it’s wonderful when we have an emotionally available partner who can act as a rock during the harder times. Equally, it’s vital that we can be there to support them in difficult times. Getting through the hard times together strengthens a relationship.

Similar Attitudes Toward Conflict

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Knowing that you can discuss issues with your partner makes for a healthier relationship in both the short and long term. You also need to allow your partner a safe space to discuss any problems they may be facing or be able to overcome external issues as a united front. Constructive discussions minimize resentment and unnecessary misunderstandings.

Shared Sense of Adventure

Editorial Credit: Dudarev Mikhail / Shutterstock.

Having a shared sense of adventure encourages exciting exploration and the fun element of trying new things together. It helps keep the relationship exciting and dynamic. Starting a new hobby together can be fun and hilarious in equal measure when you’re open to trying something new.

Similar Intellectual Levels

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Many couples of differing intellectual abilities can live harmoniously, but there’s nothing greater than a deep and meaningful conversation with a like mind once in a while. When your partner shares your enthusiasm for delving into the meaning of life, you’ll reach new heights in your relationship. Equally, it’s perfectly fine if you both like to keep things light. It’s all about what suits you as a couple.

Admitting When You’re Wrong

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It’s hard to do sometimes, but a healthy relationship is one where you can admit that you messed up and take the hit. It’s all about adulting, and while it isn’t fun, it shows that we’re civilized grown-ups who can admit mistakes. Equally, you need to know that your partner can accept the blame once in a while. If you can both make this your mantra, you’ll live happily ever after.

Knowing Personal Boundaries

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There’s nothing worse than feeling the need to request some personal space, so boundaries are essential for relationship wellbeing. Respecting each other's personal boundaries gives you both a sense of safety and trust within the relationship, leading to greater emotional intimacy.

Sense of Responsibility

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Whether or not you have a family of your own, you need to have mutual accountability and responsibility for a balanced partnership where both partners feel supported and respected. If one partner takes on more responsibility regularly, it can promote stress in the relationship. Taking up the slack is vital to keeping things fair and equal.

Spiritual Beliefs

While it’s perfectly fine to have differing views on spirituality or certain philosophies, when you share the same set of beliefs, it opens up a deeper connection and shared understanding of life's purpose and meaning. It makes for some great conversations.

Health and Wellness Goals


Couples that work out together are happier, and that’s a fact. Even if you have separate fitness goals, you both need to value health and wellness in the name of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It can be great to spur each other on to become the best versions of ourselves in a busy world.

Shared Levels of Independence

Compatible levels of independence ensure that both partners have the freedom to pursue individual interests and goals while maintaining a strong connection. Many relationships fail when a couple's independence levels differ, especially if one partner is more of a social butterfly than the other. Striking the balance is important for ongoing trust.

United Social Circle

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Sharing a similar social circle or having compatible social preferences is a great way of spending time together as part of a larger group. It leads to more social interactions, leisurely activities, and even group vacations. It’s a great feeling when you’re both part of a shared group of friends or can double-date. It can provide extra support during tougher times, too.

Healthy Communication

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Knowing that you can speak openly and candidly to each other at crucial times is important for emotional connection. If something is bothering us, we need to know we can share our problems with our partner, as they can with us. Couples that communicate regularly thrive.


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