19 Ways Men May Disrespect Women Without Realizing It

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One of the key elements that we are all looking for in a relationship is respect. We all want a partner who is kind, considerate, and who treats us with respect. However, what we wish for is not always what we get, and sometimes, men can be oblivious to the subtle nuances that make women feel disrespected. Here are 19 ways that men disrespect women without even knowing it.

Not Acknowledging Achievements

Editorial credit: Parinya.Maneenate/ Shutterstock.

Whether it’s a new promotion at work or perfecting the art of a meringue, women like to feel that their partner acknowledges their achievements, big and small. Even if it’s just a few positive words of encouragement or a celebratory drink, when men ignore a woman’s accomplishments, it can feel hugely disrespectful. 

Embarrassing You in Public 

Editorial credit: SeventyFour/ Shutterstock.

Sometimes men might not get the subtle social cues and nuances that exist within a female circle of friends, and it can feel super disrespectful for women when their partner doesn’t “read the room,” and divulges some private, or personal information that she would have preferred not to broadcast. 

Not Being Honest 

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio/ Shutterstock.

Research shows that honesty is an integral part of a healthy relationship, and if a man is not telling us the truth, this can feel incredibly disrespectful and hurtful. No one wants a partner who lies or, even worse, cheats, and honesty is essential for building trust in a partnership; without it, neither party will feel a deeper emotional connection. 

Ignoring Your Requests

Editorial credit: DimaBerlin / Shutterstock.

If a woman has requested something from her partner, even if it’s just a simple behavior change like asking if her he can try and take the bins out more frequently as they keep getting extra full, and heavy, and this request is repeatedly ignored, a woman will begin to see this as a lack of respect. 

Violating Boundaries

Editorial credit: G-Stock Studio/ Shutterstock.

If a man keeps violating a woman's boundaries, no matter how big or small, this can make her feel disrespected and like her needs don’t matter. For example, a man may not think it is such a big deal if you decide to have an early night, and he wants to play loud music downstairs for hours, but, this does constitute a boundary if you have deliberately communicated that you have a big work presentation, and thus need a good nights sleep, it’s plain disrespectful. 

Not Listening 

Editorial credit:DimaBerlin / Shutterstock.

Many men don’t realize the true value of just listening to their partner. When women come to a man with a problem, they often just want to vent and feel heard. Unfortunately, many men feel compelled to try and “fix” whatever the issue is; this can make women feel disrespected and like they are not being listened to. 

Not Being Attentive to Your Needs

Editorial credit: Antonio Guillem/ Shutterstock.

Part of being in a relationship involves attending to our partner's needs. Unfortunately, sometimes men can get so wrapped up in their own needs, work, and other commitments that this can leave women feeling last on their list and not very respected at all. However, both partners must work together to ensure that each other's physical and emotional needs are met to maintain a healthy relationship. 

Expecting Chores to Be Done Unequally

Editorial credit: Creative Cat Studio/ Shutterstock.

In 2024, male, and female genders are arguably the most equal that they have ever been, therefore, whenever a man displays some kind of expectation that a woman should cook, clean, or fulfill some other household chore, this feels very disrespectful to women as, depending on who is working, and who has the energy, chores are something that can be shared equally. 

Not Celebrating Special Occasions

Editorial credit: Mix and Match Studio/ Shutterstock.

Few things can make a woman feel disrespected like a man forgetting a special occasion. Whether it’s your birthday, your anniversary together, or a new job, if a man fails to acknowledge and celebrate his lady in some way, she will undoubtedly feel disappointed and disrespected.

Not Answering His Phone

Editorial credit:fizkes / Shutterstock.

Communication, communication, communication. We all know that the number one rule in relationships is communication, right? Well, maybe not all of us, as it’s something that men seem to struggle with quite often, especially when it comes to answering their phones or texts promptly. Although he may not think that it’s such a big deal, not replying to you for hours can feel very disrespectful.  

Helping Out on Hormonal Days 

Editorial credit:Air Images / Shutterstock.

Let’s face it, on some days of the month, most women might need an extra hour or two on the sofa with some hot chocolate, and in these moments, we really appreciate it when our partner helps out with simple things like getting groceries or loading the dishwasher. If a woman feels that this kind of support is missing, especially on days when she really needs her man's help, this will feel like a lack of respect for her. 

Making Comparisons

Editorial credit: goffkein.pro/ Shutterstock.

This may come as a genuine shock for most men to hear, but comparing your current partner to any previous ones in any way is not a good look. It feels demeaning and like you don’t value the woman who is in front of you, and it's incredibly disrespectful.

Underestimating You

Editorial credit: Nestor Rizhniak/ Shutterstock.

Many tasks that have been labeled as traditionally “male” such as assembling an Ikea desk or replacing the light bulbs are tasks that women can do just as well as men, and it can feel disrespectful if a man underestimates the fact that you are quite able to solve these issues just as well as him. 

Not Helping with Chores

Editorial credit: Africa Studio/ Shutterstock.

If a man sees you cleaning all around him, and he just continues eating nachos on the sofa while you vacuum under his feet without offering to help at all, this can feel super disrespectful to a woman. Although we may not expect you to help, it’s still nice to know that the offer is there. 

Not Compromising 

Editorial credit: Krakenimages.com/ Shutterstock.

Relationships are a game of compromise, and you cannot get things your way 100% of the time. For example, if a man only wants to watch football all day and isn’t considerate of the fact that you might want to watch something else, even just for a short time, this comes across as inconsiderate and disrespectful. 

Selfish in the Bedroom 

Editorial credit: Ground Picture/ Shutterstock.

Men and women both enjoy sex, and it is an important part of any romantic relationship. However, it is equally important to make sure that you are paying attention to each other's needs, if a man is self-centered in the bedroom, and doesn’t make an effort to fulfill a woman’s needs too, not only does this feel disrespectful, it’s also a huge turn-off. 

Choosing the Boys Over You

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

If a man is constantly prioritizing nights out with “the boys” over quality time with his partner, this is going to make her feel very disrespected. While it’s healthy to maintain friendships outside of a relationship, balance is key, and it is important to show others who your priority is. 


Editorial credit: stockfour/ Shutterstock.

A relationship is supposed to be our safe space, and we all face enough criticism in the outside world; whether it’s at work or about our appearance, women are looking for emotional safety and reassurance from their partner, not more criticism. A man may not realize it, but even subtle comments about a woman's appearance or achievements can negatively impact her self-esteem, making her feel unappreciated and disrespected. 

He Tries to Isolate You

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

Without realizing it, a man can make you feel like going out with your friends is a “bad thing,” but intentionally or not, negative comments about your social activities will only discourage you from being social, which is both disrespectful and unhealthy. Always make sure to assert your boundaries around maintaining social contact with family and friends. Of course, it’s also important to make our partner feel he is a priority, but with a sense of balance, both can be achieved.

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