15 Science-Backed Strategies to Boost Your Attractiveness

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Who doesn’t want to appear more attractive? Not everyone is born a supermodel or ripped with six-pack abs and the face of Adonis. There are different levels of attractiveness, however, and not all of them stem from your outward appearance. There is no harm in going to the gym to enhance your health or a nip and tuck, but there are also scientifically proven changes that you can make that will make you more attractive both inside and out without all the hard work.

Stop Being So Serious

Editorial credit: Aliaksei Kaponia / Shutterstock.

Apparently, seriousness might not be the way to go if you want a woman to find you attractive. Women report that they are more attracted to men who can make them laugh. Several studies related to what women find attractive have concluded that physical attractiveness is important, as is wit and the ability to be personable. According to anthropologist Gil Greengross, a sense of humor is related to being more socially inept and is also something that women tend to seek out in a mate. 

Surround Yourself With Others

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

When you surround yourself with a group of people and are seemingly in the mix, that makes you more attractive to potential mates. When people see you laughing, enjoying, and being a part of the group, they assume you have an outgoing and likable personality. A study done in 2013 at the University of California, San Diego found that there was a “cheerleader effect,” whereby when men were shown pictures of women, they found the ones who were in a group of people more attractive than those who stood single. So get off of our coach and go have some fun with friends. They will make you look good!

Don’t Be So Shallow

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

There is a misnomer in the dating world that when you meet someone you should keep it shallow. People wrongly assume that talking about anything but mundane subjects can chase someone away or switch to something confrontational and off-putting. A study done in 1997 at the State University of New York concluded that people who asked more in-depth and pointed questions were more likely to be attractive because they connected on an emotional level. When you are meeting someone new, show interest in what they have to say and probe a little deeper. The truth is people love to talk about themselves. When you are shallow, it is hard to make anything but a surface connection, and that won't last!

Don’t Just Follow Along

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A study done on Wisconsin legislative aides rated how attractive they were during meetings and uncovered that those who appeared to be leaders of their party were found more attractive than those who were not. Traditionally, the appearance of power is a highly attractive trait, so stop being led around and be the leader if you want to appear more attractive.

It’s as Simple as a Smile

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Several studies have determined that facial expressions make you seem more attractive. A smile makes you seem more open-minded and approachable. When you appear more open, that gives potential mates the confidence to approach you. Also, people who are happy and positive seem to attract more people than negative ones. Once more, if you smile, you trigger hormones in yourself that trigger feelings of euphoria, and what isn’t more attractive about shining versus brooding?

Pets Make You Man and Woman’s Best Friend

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Kindness to animals is something that makes someone more attractive. People with empathy, in general, score higher on the likability scale. When you have pets, you appear more nurturing, which many people find attractive. Who can resist a dog? Being with one opens the door for conversation and makes you more approachable. 

Word of Mouth About Your Nice Scale Resonates

Editorial credit: Dmytro Zinkevych / Shutterstock.

One of the ways that we meet potential mates is through other people we know. Not only is it more attractive to date someone who treats you with respect and kindness, but it also makes you more attractive to potential mates. Along the same lines with a smile, when people appear nice and approachable, they appear more attractive. No one wants to walk up to someone who looks closed off and unfriendly. Carry yourself with kindness wherever you are, and it will go a long way!

Have a Nice Living Space

Editorial credit: Sheila Say / Shutterstock.

As shallow as it might seem, living in a luxury apartment makes you appear more attractive. Luxury apartments signal to potential suitors that you have the means to live well and value what you have. When you show someone your apartment, it is like opening up your checkbook to show them where you are at in life. 

Artists Get the Girls

Editorial credit: Anna55555 / Shutterstock.

Being musically talented is a way to make the girls swoon over you. Researchers found that men who play musical instruments or who can sing were rated as more attractive when compared to those who cannot. Of course, if you can’t carry a tune, don’t just take a swing at it. Some musical lessons couldn’t hurt, though.

Mindfulness is Mind-Blowing

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The practice of mindfulness is not new, but it is a new concept for many people. Men who participated in mindful tactics were rated higher than others when compared during a speed-dating session. How did researchers know? The participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire before the dating began. Those men who scored highest on the rating scale were the ones who appeared more attractive to the female participants.

Extreme Sports Might be Dangerous But Worth it

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

Men who participate in extreme sports appear to be more attractive to women than those who are more subdued. Perhaps along the same lines as “bad boys,” men who engage in risky behaviors are more desirable. It might go back to the hunter-gatherer phase where only the strong were able to care for and protect their families, but whatever it is, it is inherent. 

Women in Red Don’t Just Attract, They are Attractive

Editorial credit: Victoria Fox / Shutterstock.

A study at the University of Rochester found that women who were pictured wearing red were rated as more “sexy” than women in other colors. Once more, men reported that they would be more likely to choose and date one of the women they viewed in red. When asked, however, what factor made them more attractive, the men did not say anything about what they were wearing, which would indicate that the preference was completely subconscious.

Play Hard to Get

Editorial credit: Eugene Onischenko / Shutterstock.

The thrill of the hunt is still alive and well in today’s society. Science tells us that playing hard to get makes a person more attractive. Whether it is because we all want something we can’t have or if there is something bigger at play, not succumbing to falling to mush makes you more desirable. According to a study at the University of Rochester in 2020, a person is perceived to have a great value in society if they play hard to get.

What Did You Say?

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.

Your voice is something that you were born with, and although it would be difficult, if not impossible, to change, by adjusting the tone and pitch, you can make yourself more attractive. A 2013 study showed that men were more attracted to a higher-pitched, and women preferred a man with a lower-pitched. Once more, both sexes found breathiness attractive.

Confidence is King

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Although not many people think that confidence is something that shows on the exterior, science tells us it does. It also tells us that confident people are more attractive than people who are not. According to a study done in 2015, more confident men were attractive than those who did not appear so. Researchers concluded that when you are confident in yourself, you just appear to be more comfortable in your own skin, which puts other people at ease in your presence.

There is no doubt that at the heart of any great relationship is attraction. Although people often consider attractiveness to be an external trait, some subtle cues and characteristics can make someone appear so without physical change. If you want to make yourself more attractive to those around you, be mindful, smile more, and be confident. It is those things that make us more comfortable and happy in our own skin that make people want to latch on. 

 It is not fun to be with someone who frowns all the time, is always following everyone else’s lead, and plays it too safe. So, throw caution to the wind, take some risks, and most importantly, be the best version of yourself. The laws of attraction are what make you attractive, so play them to the best of your ability.

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