18 Ways the Wealthy Are Excused for Trashy Behavior

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It is funny how everything looks better with money attached to it. When someone who doesn’t have money does certain things, society considers it trash. When someone with money does it, however, it isn’t. A complete double standard, people with wealth get away with a whole lot, including bad behaviors and bad excuses.

Taking Money From Government Assistance

Editorial credit: Lane V. Erickson / Shutterstock.

When someone poor takes money from a government-assisted program, it is considered a handout. When someone who has money does, it is called “funding.” Those who struggle to pay their bills could use the funding, but no one seems to want to discuss the disparity.

Scantily Furnished Homes

Editorial credit: Klem Mitch / Shutterstock.

 When a celebrity has a house with barely any furniture in it, it is considered “contemporary” and fashionable. When someone walks into a poor person’s home and the furniture and decor are scarce, it is assumed they can’t afford much. No one thinks that they paid interior designers to keep it humble. 

Nannies or Caregivers

Editorial credit: tativophotos / Shutterstock.

When you see a celebrity without their children pretty much year-round, it is completely okay and not talked about. When, however, you see a woman who is working overtime and juggling kids from one person to the next or taking her kids to daycare, she is uncaring and not being the parent that she should be. A person struggling to pay the bills is seen as neglectful when she is doing the very best she can.

Vintage Cars

Editorial credit: Grzegorz Czapski / Shutterstock.

 Cars that are twenty-plus years old on the street are presumed to be owned by someone who can’t afford something new or better. When a celebrity steps into a Cadillac from the 70s, it is a new trend. A person with money is driving a “vintage” car, and someone without money is driving “a piece of garbage.”

Clothes With Holes

Editorial credit: Vera Petrunina / Shutterstock.

People at the courthouse or in line for Medicare who have clothes that are ripped or torn are pitied and looked down on as if that is all that they can afford, and it might be. When a person of wealth steps in front of a camera to display their weathered and beaten-up split jeans, the paparazzi are at it, making it the new fashion trend.

Fast Food

Editorial credit: Patcharaporn Puttipon4289 / Shutterstock.

People who go through the drive-thru at Mcdonald's in their 90s cars are seen as someone who doesn’t keep up their health. Others assume that they either don’t know that fast food isn’t good for them or that it is all that they can afford. When a rich person orders fast food, they are just enjoying an everyday meal to break the monotony of their four-course one. 

Hotel Living

Editorial credit: Mariia Korneeva / Shutterstock.

Extended-stay hotels have people staying in them, usually because they don’t have a permanent residence or are going from one to the next due to money problems. Wealthy people who stay in hotels do so because they want to be pampered, not because they are temporarily homeless. How does that work?

Thrift Store Clothes

Editorial credit: Daisy Daisy / Shutterstock.

Thrift stores are one of the best places to get designer clothes for some; they are the only place that some can afford to clothe their children. When someone who comes from money goes thrift shopping, it is cool and trendy. For those with money, getting hand-me-downs at a second-hand store is considered being “green.” 

Outlandish Kid Names

Editorial credit: Eviart / Shutterstock.

Someone who names their kid something outside of the norm when they don’t have money is considered tacky. It is also looked down on at the school level because it is hard to pronounce and even harder to teach a child to spell it. When a celebrity does it, it is considered unique and creative. Wealthy parents can name their child after fruits, and no one bats an eye. 

Estates and Manors

Editorial credit: trekandshoot / Shutterstock.

Most people who live in housing projects that have the name estate or manor are typically not living in the lap of luxury. That is much different from the very rich who actually do live in estates and manors, mansion-sized.

Taking Food From the Trash

Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

People with wealth who make a political stance by pulling food from a dumpster or trash are commended for their recognition of the amount of food that people waste. It is a political statement. When people who can’t afford food to put on their table do it, it is considered gross and wrong.

Needing Representation

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

People who have to go to court, whether that’s for a custody hearing, having their children taken for lack of resources, or divorce, have public defenders, and they are granted the best attorney they can afford. When wealthy people are facing court battles, they actually get the best attorney they can afford.

Being a Bit Off

Editorial credit: Tinseltown / Shutterstock.

When Kanye goes into a rant on television or social media, he is considered a bit off. When poor people do it, they are considered mentally ill. People with money are considered eccentric, but the same actions from someone poor can get you locked up.

Police Escorts

Editorial credit: pryzmat / Shutterstock.

Someone who doesn’t have money gets arrested and goes to jail. Someone with money doesn’t get arrested; they get a police escort, and no one thinks twice about whether there are consequences.

Having Dentures or Veneers

Editorial credit: pikselstock / Shutterstock.

Poor people often can’t afford the dentist or dental care, which predisposes them to tooth decay and cavities. Over time, that usually ends with unsightly broken, cracked, or rotten teeth that get replaced by dentures or veneers. When the wealthy have their teeth overhauled, it is considered dental cosmetics.

Being a Court Frequent Flier

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

Someone who continually ends up in front of a judge is not on a first-name basis with the court. Celebrities who do are well recognized and not treated the same. Repeat offenders without money are repeat offenders; those people who repeatedly offend with money have “problems.”

Backyard Weddings

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

People who don’t have enough money to have a lavish wedding usually hold their wedding where they can; in someone’s backyard. When someone wealthy has a wedding in the backyard, it is considered fairytale-like. 


Editorial credit: Lipik Stock Media / Shutterstock.

Poor people who have drug and alcohol problems are seen as the problem. It is presumed that their addictions are what drives them to be poor, to begin with. When wealthy people have drug or alcohol problems, it is something they can’t help and a disease. Poor people go to jail. Rich people go to lush rehabilitation centers.

It is amazing what a little money can do to the perspective of things. Those who have money get a pass for pretty much all of their bad behavior, while poor people are held to a higher standard of scrutiny. Blaming the victim only happens in poor communities; if we stopped to compare and take a look, the disparity would be pretty shocking.

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