Where To Next? Planning Your Next Career Move

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Are you looking for a new challenge? Have you grown tired of doing the same job every day? Are you considering alternative employers, or have you decided to try and pursue your dream job? If you’re thinking about making changes, here are some tips to help you plan your next career move. 

Looking for a new employer

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If you love what you do, but you’re not progressing, the company culture doesn’t feel right or you don’t have the best relationship with your employer or your colleagues, you may be considering looking for a new company. If this is an option for you, it’s beneficial to start looking for opportunities by using websites, recruitment agencies and professional social media networks like LinkedIn. You can also try to forge connections through networking events. When searching for a new employer, take time to read up on different organisations, learn about their values and company culture and read job descriptions carefully. It can also be helpful to speak to current employees and read comments from previous staff members. If you go for interviews and receive offers, think about what matters most to you. Some people may be interested in the best pay and benefits packages while others may gravitate towards companies that offer the most flexibility, for example. 

Setting up a new business

Millions of new businesses launch every year across the world. Running a business isn’t easy, but it can offer a fantastic alternative to a traditional job. If you’re looking to take control of your schedule or increase your income, for example, you might find that being your own boss suits you. If you have an idea for a startup, research the market to find out more about prospective competitors and identify gaps. Define your ideal customers and work out how you’re going to monetise the venture and attract clients. Research company formation online and make sure you understand the challenges and processes involved in setting up and managing a business. Being an entrepreneur takes time, effort and dedication, but it can be incredibly rewarding. 

Changing careers

Many people have jobs that don’t reflect their career ambitions and goals or their personal interests and passions. When you have bills to pay, you need to have an income and often this means accepting job offers that aren’t necessarily relevant to your aspirations. It’s also common to pursue a career path and then find that you want to do something different. If you’re at a point where you want to change careers, it’s worth taking the time to do some research and figure out how you can make the transition. In some cases, you may simply be able to apply for jobs in different sectors or fields, but in others, you may need to study, complete courses or training programmes or gain experience. Read job adverts and descriptions and look for courses if you need additional training or qualifications. Studying online is an excellent option if you want to continue working to keep money coming in. 

Going freelance

More and more people are choosing to go freelance or become self-employed. Freelancing is not as stable or secure as conventional employment but opportunities are becoming more commonplace, as businesses embrace flexible working and more fluid staffing structures. The main advantage of freelancing is that it gives you more control. Rather than reporting to an employer, you decide which jobs or clients to take on, how much to charge and when to work. Freelancing is an appealing option for parents, as well as those who want to use their talents and skills to earn more, enjoy more flexibility in terms of their working hours and tailor their workload to enhance job satisfaction. 

If you are thinking about going freelance or setting up on your own, work out how you’re going to build a client list, identify competitors and start networking. Put together a portfolio to show clients your work, design a website and consider your financial situation. You may want to continue working while you put plans in place to stabilise your income and prevent cash flow issues. 

Are you bored of your job, have you got a dream role in mind, or are you thinking about setting up your own business or going freelance? If you’re considering a career change, or you want to pursue a new direction, it’s important to think carefully about what you want to do, how you’re going to turn ideas into a reality and what kind of move will bring you satisfaction. 

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