19 Signs Your Significant Other Might Be a Narcissist

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Navigating the dating world can be a fun and even thrilling adventure, but it sometimes leads you into the arms of someone who isn’t who they seem to be. Narcissistic individuals often appear charming and charismatic initially, making it hard to recognize their true nature until you’re already deeply involved. If you’re wondering whether your partner might be a narcissist, here are some important signs to watch for.

Love Bombing

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People always wonder how people get involved with narcissistic people if they are so horrible and negative, and the answer is love bombing. At the beginning of the relationship, a narcissist might shower you with excessive attention and affection, and this intense phase of “fake positivity” is designed to quickly win your trust and devotion. But this phase truly is just a fake attempt to hide the narcissist's true, manipulative, self-centered nature. 

Lack of Empathy

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A lack of empathy is probably one of the most defining traits of a narcissist, and they have an inability to empathize with others. High levels of narcissism make people unable to put themselves in someone else’s shoes or understand their feelings, making genuine emotional connections difficult. That’s why, when someone is in a relationship with a narcissist, they might wonder why their partner can’t understand what they’re feeling, and it’s actually not deliberate; it's literally because they can’t. 

Lack of Boundaries

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Another red flag for narcissism is an inability to recognize or respect your boundaries. If you’re dating a narcissist, they might intrude on your personal space, possessions, or privacy without a second thought, and if you call them out on it, they will usually accuse you of being too sensitive. 


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Another famous narcissistic trait is gaslighting. Narcissists frequently use gaslighting as a manipulation tactic. They make you doubt your reality, memories, or perceptions, which can lead to confusion and self-doubt.

Exploitative Behavior

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Narcissists often enjoy exploiting others to achieve their own gain. They may manipulate or use people without regard for their feelings or well-being. While in some cases, this may be a deliberate act, in others, a narcissist may be oblivious to the fact that they are exploiting your kindness. 

Frequent Lying

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Narcissists often lie, even about trivial matters. If you start to notice your partner lying about small, insignificant details, like how they didn’t eat your last snack in the fridge, when you clearly know that they did, I’d mark this down as a red flag. Their deceit can create a confusing and unstable environment.

Deflecting Blame

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No matter what, when confronted with their behavior, narcissists struggle to admit any fault whatsoever. It doesn’t matter what proof you have; even if you find them with chocolate spread all around their mouth and catch them on video eating from the jar, they will deny that they have eaten any chocolate spread. Narcissistic partners are quick to deflect blame onto others, and they rarely take responsibility for their actions.

Grandiose Fantasies

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Narcissists are often preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love, and these fantasies can drive their behavior and relationships. So, if the person you’re dating keeps boasting about how great they are or comes across as overtly arrogant, I would note this as a major red flag. 

Constant Need for Admiration

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A narcissist craves constant praise and validation, and they thrive on attention and can become upset or angry if they feel ignored or underappreciated. If you notice the person you’re dating needs constant compliments and goes out of their way to get attention, even from strangers and in public, some people might say, run. 

Sense of Entitlement

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They believe they deserve special treatment and have unrealistic expectations of favorable treatment by others. Narcissists see themselves as better than others and “above” others in terms of status and attraction, and they believe that they should be treated accordingly. This sense of entitlement can lead to frustration and anger when their needs aren’t met.

Arrogance and Domineering Attitude

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Narcissists often display arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes; they may talk down to others and believe they are inherently superior, and this behavior can quickly turn into them being controlling, especially towards their romantic partners. 

The Allure of Charm and Charisma

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People are often puzzled how these apparently “horrible” and manipulative people get romantic partners in the first place, and the answer is that narcissists come across as incredibly charming and charismatic. Their tendency for self-infatuation can make them appear ultra-confident. This magnetic personality can make it hard to see their true nature early on, and innocent partners are duped right from the start. 

Envious of Others

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Despite their outward arrogance, narcissists are often envious of others and believe others are envious of them. This can lead to a competitive and hostile demeanor, so if you notice signs of extreme jealousy or competition against others for their clothes, car, or looks, take this as a big hint that you might be dating a narcissist. 


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They might make grand promises about the future to keep you interested in them, but these promises often never materialize, leaving you disappointed and strung along.

Isolation from Loved Ones

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A narcissist can’t have full control if you are always surrounded by your family and friends, so to maintain control, a narcissist might try to isolate you from your social circle. They want to be your sole focus and may achieve this by creating rifts between you and your support network.

Exaggerated Self-Importance

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Narcissists often have an inflated sense of self-worth. They believe they are superior to others and expect to be recognized as such, even without achievements that warrant it.

Devaluation Phase

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Once you’re committed, the narcissist’s behavior often changes dramatically. They may begin to devalue you, criticize you harshly, and make you feel unworthy, and you may be left wondering what you did wrong. 

Difficulty in Apologizing

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Another red flag is the fact that narcissists struggle to apologize sincerely, and if they do apologize, it’s often insincere and used as a tool to regain control.

Easily Offended

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Narcissistic individuals have very fragile egos, and they are extremely sensitive to criticism and can react with rage or passive-aggressive behavior if they feel slighted or disrespected. So, while they may be happy to criticize you multiple times a day if you utter one word of criticism in their direction, you might experience a harsh backlash. 

Protecting Yourself

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Recognizing these signs early can help protect you from the emotional and psychological toll of dating a narcissist. Setting firm boundaries, seeking support from friends and family, and considering professional therapy can provide the necessary tools to navigate or exit such a relationship. 

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