18 Special Signs of Love Women Only Show to Their True Loves

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Sometimes it is difficult to know when you have turned the point from dating to something more committed. That can cause anxiety in the relationship wondering what your next move is. If you are wondering if she wants to take it to the next level, there are subtle signs that might give you the green light to go for it. These are subtle but significant, messages that you can read into that she is ready for a more intense commitment. 

She is Vulnerable

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As human beings, we often keep emotional vulnerability under lock and key. Due to our earlier life experiences, we have learned to hide those parts of us that, if put out there, would leave us open for hurt. If she is beginning to open up the parts of herself and reveal her true nature, then that is a sign that she is falling in love. 

Showing Her Silly Side

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At the beginning of a relationship, things tend to be more serious. A woman usually hides her silly side and reserves that for people who know her the best. Showing her humor, putting out her quirkiness, or just allowing the awkward moments that are often comical is a subtle sign that you have made it into her trust circle. Being able to act without the fear of judgment is definitely a key component of being in love. 

She Remembers the Little Mentions

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Having a conversation means that you give a lot of facts, some insignificant, others not so much. At the beginning of a relationship, a woman will typically not celebrate every little feat of your life or pay attention to the small seemingly mundane details. If, however, she is taking note of and remembering those things that would have otherwise passed by unnoticed, you should take notice. That is most likely a sign that she is under your spell.

She Puts Time Aside for You

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When you start dating, almost as if you don’t want to put too many eggs in your basket, you only make room where room exists. If you were seeing one another around her once busy schedule, but you find more time becoming available, that is usually a sign that you have become someone important to her. If someone makes time for you, that is one of the biggest signs that you mean something special to her. 

You Meet Her Friends and Family

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Most people don’t want to introduce a potential mate to their family and friends until they know that it is real. There are parts of our world that we aren’t ready to open up to strangers or even those we aren’t sure about until we are sure about them. A dead giveaway that she is giving her heart to you is when you meet the parents, besties, and everyone else that she cares about. 

You Are in Her Inner Circle

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In a relationship, one of the most telling questions is usually found on a participation form. “Who is your emergency contact?” Your emergency contact is that person that you rely on to have your back, be your sounding board, or to trust with your inner secrets. If she is opening up to you and you have made it to the coveted “emergency” spot, you are good as golden in her heart. 

She’s Seen Your Ugly and is Still Around

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There are things you can accept and others you can’t. That same notion goes in a relationship. If you have put all that you have on the line and she is still there, that is true love. Letting the crazy out of the closet is something that we naturally hold back until we are sure someone is ready to see it. Over time, if your door has gotten to the point where it is fully open and you are still together, that speaks volumes about how much she wants you in her life despite your idiosyncrasies. 

She Talks About the Future

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When you start dating someone, you are very careful about making any long-term plans. Most people avoid even committing a week out, just in case things go South. If she is including you in her plans months ahead or even using the “we” word, then she sees your relationship as long-term. Women typically don’t intentionally mention things like “What are we doing for Christmas?” unless they’re committing.

She is Concerned About You

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When dating, you have a general concern for the well-being of your date as much as you would an acquaintance. You might check up with them from time to time. If you are leaving on vacation and she texts you before to be safe, texts again to ask if you made it, and then follows up with an “I hope you have fun,” that is being concerned to the point where you have impacted her life. Women worry by nature. That doesn’t, however, mean they are indiscriminate about it. If she didn’t care about you as much as she did, that energy would go toward someone else. 

She Shows Signs of Jealousy

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No one wants to be with someone who is overly controlling or jealous. It also, however, doesn’t feel good when someone can seemingly care if you are dating someone else. If you mention your friend from work (who happens to be a girl) and there is an immediate question about her, take heart. People who aren’t invested and are just dating, are okay when the person they date, dates someone else. If they aren’t, you aren’t just dating. 

She Doesn’t Put on a Show

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At the beginning of a relationship, people put their best foot forward. If her best foot used to be dressed in high-heeled wedges, but is now covered with Converse, then that means she has found a certain level of comfortability with you. It isn’t that she is no longer trying to be attractive because she doesn’t care that much about you. Likely, she wants to be herself and for you to see the real her. That in relationship terms equals love. 

She Gives You Tokens

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One of the most common ways for someone to show you a sign of love is by giving little gifts for no reason at all. If she leaves you little notes, shows up with lunch unexpectedly, or brings a souvenir home from a concert, that means that you are on her mind. Being in someone’s subconscious means that you have made your way into her psyche. She didn’t bring a gift home for everyone; just you. Take that as a sign that you mean something special. 

She Cares About Your Family

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When you have a close relationship with someone, they invest in your family, overall life, and friends. If you notice that she is asking how your mom is doing, or if your best friend is still dating that girl, take heed. Not only is she invested in you; that investment is solidified. If she didn’t love you, she wouldn’t put the time into making sure you, and everyone in your life, are doing well and okay.

She Makes Sacrifices for You

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Humans tend to be selfish by nature. Whether it is a self-preservation habit or one that we have developed over time, if someone puts you ahead of them, that is a rare and special thing. If you suddenly notice that she is putting her time toward something important to you, or even more, she is sacrificing something she loves to please you, then that is a sure sign that you are foremost in her heart. Women tend to be nurturing and put others first. There are likely many people, however, on her list to be kind and sacrificial to. Consider yourself lucky in love if she chose your intramural sport over her yoga class. 

What’s Your Next Move?

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It is always hard to put yourself out there in a relationship. No one wants to be hurt, and they certainly don’t want to be the first to say, “I love you.” Although you can’t really ever know for sure if she loves you and is ready to take the next step, there are subtle signs. 

The reality is that you have three choices to make in a relationship. You can stay stuck and never progress, you can move forward, or you can cut things off. If someone is important enough to you and you don’t want to be stuck forever, you can make the first move. 

If she isn’t in love the way you are and she turns you down, at least you know where you stand. A relationship is about two people getting what they need. If you need more, then you have to take the initiative to get what you want for your own happiness. 

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