5 Beautiful British Locations For A Road Trip

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Looking to explore the beauty of Britain? Travel coast to country to city with one of these road trip routes.

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.

Most people think that they need to leave the country to enjoy beautiful scenery, but that is not the case at all. There are some truly stunning places in the UK, and the best thing is, you can drive through them to enjoy them. If you’ve wanted to go on a road trip for a while, and you want to make sure you’re going to experience something magical, read on for 5 beautiful UK locations to drive through. 

Land’s End to St Ives

Perhaps you’ve heard of Land’s End – the place people once believed was the end of the world. You probably already know that Cornwall is one of the most stunning coastal locations, with an abundance of views and cliffs that will take your breath away. A popular route to go down is Land’s End to St Ives. The road winds up and down and you will reach a beautiful countryside filled with farmhouses, ancient stone walls, and even more picturesque sights to see.

Take A Yorkshire Circuit 

Taking a circuit through Yorkshire, you’ll encounter historic market towns, summer fields, and hiking spots that are a great place to stop off for a ramble to stretch your legs. Heading  along the valley floor to the Wensleydale Creamery Visitor Centre at Hawes will allow you to sample the famous cheeses loved by Wallace and Gromit, and nearby you can check out an unusual monastery and quaint tea room to refresh yourself. Just bear in mind that the area is rife with tour buses as it’s so popular, and parking can be a problem. It might be a good idea for you to hop on a tour bus instead of driving yourself! 

Inverness to Nairn Circular, Scotland

Scotland is another location famous for its beauty. Starting at Inverness, you will make your way through one of the most amazing routes, with a 2 day drive that will lead you up the coast along Lossiemouth, before driving inland and taking in some amazing castles. You can then follow the road to Cairngorms national park, which you can explore on foot. 

Hardknott Pass, The Lake District 

Confident drivers need only apply, as well as those who can handle heights. There are warning signs here that shouldn’t be taken lightly, so make sure you can drive responsibly and with caution before taking this route. The hairpin bends can make for an anxiety-inducing ride for those less confident drivers, so bear this in mind. Just make sure you have a reliable vehicle for the journey: visiting a Volvo dealer before you go could be a good idea if you’re anxious. Make sure you plan to stop in a nearby layby too, so you can take a breather and really take in the views. Best visited in summer when the weather is fine (ice, rain, and fog are a no-go if you want to stay safe). 

The Atlantic Highway 

There are some big, wild views here that many people travel from all over to see. There are windswept dunes, barley fields, beaches, and many more stunning areas to enjoy. This is the ideal location for wannabe surfers or those who would love to hike at Exmoor National Park. Visit Padstow if you’re a seafood fan, or head to Newquay if you’d like to sample the nightlife. 

Have you done a UK road trip before? Which is your favorite route? Share your tips with the SOCIÉTÉ community in the comments below.

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