23 Pretentious Phrases High IQ Individuals Overuse

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Pretentious people love making condescending remarks, usually in an attempt to appear superior, but, often all these remarks do is highlight their transparent attempts to impress, and it can be quite hilarious, at their expense. Here are 18 things pretentious people love saying.

“Let’s do some Blue Sky Thinking in our next meeting”

Editorial credit: vectorfusionart / Shutterstock.

Cringe. Pretentious managers love talking about Blue Sky Thinking, does anyone even know what it means? We aren’t sure ourselves, but we do know, that this is a cringy, pretentious saying that should remain off-limits. 

“I don’t know how you watch TV, It’s such a waste of time”

Editorial credit: Adam Yee / Shutterstock.

Well, Karen, we don’t know how you walk around with little, to zero self-awareness, but somehow it’s happening. Jokes; but this has to be one of the most pretentious statements ever, it’s a clear attempt to belittle the fact that you might enjoy relaxing while watching Netflix, I mean, how could you do such a thing? 

“I’ve been called a connoisseur of fine wines before you know”

Editorial credit: Mix and Mat/ Shutterstock.

If you’re out for dinner with someone who says something like this to the waiter or worse, the Sommelier, my advice would be to leave, no dessert, just grab the cheque and go. This is quite humorous and I’m sure it’s something that waiters have to listen to all the time, and yet they have to stand there, be polite, and just keep smiling. 

“I’m such a little gym bunny these days”

Editorial credit: Dusan Petkovic/ Shutterstock.

“Oh really? Any chance you could hop off then,” of course, this is a humorous retort that most of us are probably saying in our heads whenever we hear a pretentious person bragging about their amazingly healthy gym habits. 

“You’ve probably never heard of it; it’s a pretty exclusive location” 

Editorial credit: Mila Supinskaya Glashchenko / Shutterstock.

If you ask someone where they went on holiday and this is the answer you are presented with, I think it’s fair to say that you are engaging with a pretentious individual. 

“Let’s circle back around on that later”

Editorial Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

What are we, a flock of seagulls? We’re sorry, but this business-speak saying is too funny. Pretentious managers often use this in big meetings as a polite, yet, snarky way of saying “Eh, your idea is no good. Next”

“I only listen to music on vinyl; it’s just so much more authentic” 

Editorial Credit: Nattapol Meechart / Shutterstock.

This sentence reeks of snobbish, elitism, and someone who is clearly just trying to sound posh, or cool; unfortunately it doesn’t quite have the desired effect, and this person just ends up sounding pretentious, and naff. 

“I only eat 100% organic, nothing else” 

Editorial credit: gpointstudio / Shutterstock.

Organic food is pretty expensive, and of course, it’s healthy to eat organically, but realistically, only celebrities can afford to do this 100% of the time, so number one, this sounds like a little bit of a stretched- truth, and number two, do we care? 

“Many thanks in advance”

Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

This is a pretentious way of saying “I’m thanking you in advance for doing the thing that I have asked you to do, so, you better do it”. It is a cringy, and snobbish way to apply subtle pressure in business. 

“I can only have avo on toast for breakfast these days, right after my cold plunge, and 5k run” 

Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

Pretentious people often feel the need to slip some information into the conversation about how fit, and healthy they are. It is quite amusing, as these people seem to think that they will now somehow appear cool, or impressive to us. 

“I only buy bread from an artisan bakery”

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

How lovely, and I suppose that you feel the need to tell people about it regularly? Another funny example of pretentiousness at its finest. We all like quality food, and it’s nice to invest in particular treats that you enjoy, but if you feel the need to go around repeating the word “artisan,” Houston, we have a pretentious one. 

“We only eat seasonal, local produce, as we do all we can to support local businesses”

Editorial credit: rian Weyo/ Shutterstock.

Of course, it is great to support local businesses, and produce, etc, however, sometimes people can go over the top with how much they speak about it, and they can come across as, pretentious food snobs. 

“We need to look at the bigger picture”

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.

If someone says this to you, like a close friend during a deep, and meaningful conversation, this is an acceptable sentence. But if someone says this in an executive meeting, it can come across as pretentious, and slightly cringy. 

“I’ve been practicing yoga before it became commercialized” 

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

Sometimes people feel the need to assert some kind of claim on a health trend that has become popular, as if they were the ones who invented it. It’s great if someone is a seasoned Yogi, but statements like these do give off an air of pretension. 

“I can’t believe that you haven’t seen that movie, it’s iconic, an avant-garde of cinema” 

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Whenever someone tries to make out that they somehow know more than you, or have done more than you, it can feel a little like a put-down, and often with pretentious people, it is. In these instances, it’s usually best to laugh it off as if you take it as seriously as they do, we’re all doomed. 

“I only read hardback books, you lose the full experience with a

Editorial credit: Soloviova Liudmyla / Shutterstock.

Pretentious people love to infer that something they do is somehow superior to something that you do. Many people like reading hardback books, and many people also like reading with an Amazon Kindle, both are equally valid choices, and no one needs to throw shade at anyone for either. 

You’re not still wearing fast fashion, are you? It’s so 2008”

Editorial credit: Tupungato / Shutterstock.

There is a new kind of pretentious person on the block, one who likes to highlight all the ways that others are not making environmentally friendly choices. And while we all should care about the environment, we aren’t sure that publicly shaming people for buying a T-shirt from Walmart is the way to go. 

“I spent a year in Bali, you know, to really find myself” 

Editorial credit: Shane Myers Photography / Shutterstock.

In some cases, this could be a very real, authentic statement, but in others, it could be a pretentious person boasting about their year abroad in an exotic place. It signals woke and snobbish attitudes.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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