22 American Taboos We’re Encouraged to Avoid Discussing

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It is amazing how lasting some social mores and traditions are, while others seem to come and go very quickly. Although it isn’t really clear why some notions hold and others seem to be forgotten, for many, these things seem to be pretty harmless. With most people not really understanding why they are unacceptable, perhaps they just shouldn’t be. 

Men Crying or Being Emotional

Editorial credit: Just Life / Shutterstock.

Toxic masculinity is a term for how being “masculine” can stop males from being the best version of themselves. Men showing emotion or crying has always been seen as unacceptable, but it shouldn’t be. Masculine traits are supposed to show strength. What is stronger than being vulnerable enough to be yourself?

Not Wanting to Have Children

Editorial credit: Look Studio / Shutterstock.

When someone says that they don’t want to have children, there is an immediate backlash. Not wanting to have kids or raise them is viewed by many in society as being unacceptable and selfish. It should be selfish for someone to have a child just because society tells them to. No one benefits in that scenario.

Out of the Ordinary Families

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

Why is it only okay to have a traditional family with a mom, a dad, and 2.2 children? There is no such thing as normal, and there is no definition of a normal family. Families are not about being related to someone, they are about being there for the people you love. Nontraditional families are just as healthy when there is unconditionally, and many traditional families are not healthy at all.

The Word “No”

Editorial credit: Andrii Iemelianenko / Shutterstock.

Most people have a really hard time with one seemingly simple word, “No”. Many view saying no to something as being selfish or off-putting. There is no reason, however, why you should sacrifice your time or wants to put others in front of you. Saying “Yes,” when you can is great, but learning to say “No,” and being okay with it, is even better for your mental health.

Being Gender Roll Different

Editorial credit: Valery Sidelnykov / Shutterstock.

Genders are traditionally supposed to behave in traditional ways, and anything outside of those norms is looked upon, by some, as unacceptable. It is undeniable that there are some actions and behaviors that most within a gender do, but there are also many of them that people of a particular gender do not. There needs to be some tolerance to let others be who they are and be okay with it. 

Breastfeeding in Public

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

Breastfeeding is the healthiest way for a baby to be fed. It is also the way that nature intended. Granted, breastfeeding is not preferred by all, and for some, it is not possible. There is no reason why you can’t feed a hungry baby in public with some discretion. Women who are made to feel as if it is inappropriate are needlessly shamed for doing what they are supposed to. 

Traveling Alone

Editorial credit: mcroff88 / Shutterstock.

People who travel solo are often looked upon as loners who couldn’t find anyone else to go with, so they have to go alone. The truth is that many people travel on their own, on purpose, and enjoy exploring. Having the confidence to do things and the love of self to be okay with just you, should not be looked down upon, it should be celebrated.

Later Life Career Changes

Editorial credit: 4 PM production / Shutterstock.

There’s no reason why anyone should stay in a career path or occupation that they don’t enjoy simply because someone says it is too late for them to try something new. The average adult switches jobs many times over, and it doesn’t matter what age. Ascribing a certain age for which you should be stuck, is agism, period.

Asking for Help

Editorial Credit: Dragana Gordic / Shutterstock.

Most people see asking for help, especially emotionally, as unacceptable. There is a belief that humans should be strong enough to handle their emotions and take care of things on their own. The stigma of dealing with mental health problems often leads to many people not getting the help that they need, which does everyone a disservice.

Taking the Day From Work

Editorial credit:fizkes / Shutterstock.

Almost everyone can identify with wanting to stay in bed and pull the covers up over their head. It is not easy to be a human being or an adult. Forging along and always putting on a brave face can be tantamount to not processing your feelings or taking the time for self-care that keeps us all mentally healthy. It is not only okay to take a mental health day, it is healthy and natural.

Couple’s Therapy

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

Contrary to public opinion, not everyone who goes to couples therapy does so because their marriage is failing. Many couples see a therapist because they want to have the best relationship possible and are willing to put in the work to do so. People who work together to make their relationships work should not be judged, they should be looked up to.

Wearing Masks

Editorial Credit: Kzenon / Shutterstock.

Where once those who didn’t wear masks were shamed, now those who do wear them, are being shamed. How about we all just let people do what they feel comfortable with, regardless if we agree with what they are doing or why they are doing it?

Discussing Salaries

Editorial credit: enciktepstudio / Shutterstock.

It is considered uncouth to speak about how much you make with others. That, however, is probably a big reason why inequities exist between genders and races. If someone has made it to a certain level, they should be able to celebrate. Those who haven’t should not be ashamed of an honest day’s pay.

Not Having a Degree

Editorial credit: fongbeerredhot / Shutterstock.

Not everyone can go to college and not everyone should go to college. Nowadays, unless you are going for a degree that will be profitable and help you become a professional, it is not always a good investment. Many honorary occupations don’t require a four-year degree, at all.


Editorial credit: Krakenimages.com / Shutterstock.

Not many boys or men understand the shame of keeping menstruation and talk of it, under lock and key. Being a teenage girl is one of the hardest and most anxiety-ridden times of your life trying to make sure that no one knows when you have your period. 

Being Single 

Editorial credit: mimagephotography / Shutterstock.

If someone is single, the first thing most people assume is that they are either hiding their sexuality or there is something wrong with them. Many people simply want to be single and prefer it that way, and that is okay.

Self-Care for Men

Editorial credit: Nina Lishchuk / Shutterstock.

Men are supposed to be rugged and tough, but that doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t take care of themselves. People should be okay with men who have manicures and wax their eyebrows to look more attractive. If men do, there is something wrong, if women don’t, there is something wrong. 

Loving Yourself

Editorial credit: Nicoleta Ionescu / Shutterstock.

Humility is a very healthy behavior, but it should also be okay to love yourself and say so. People who speak highly of themselves and talk about their happiness are somehow bragging, which is not acceptable. Why can’t society just let everyone do what makes them happy, as long as it doesn’t take from anyone else?

Being Sober

Editorial credit: Mateone / Shutterstock.

The first thing that people usually think when an adult says “I don’t drink,” is either that they have a problem with alcohol or that they are boring. Why is it unacceptable to not like to drink alcohol? If you don’t like the way that something makes you feel, then good for you for doing what you want instead of succumbing to peer pressure.

Living With Your Parents as Adults

Editorial credit: VGstockstudio / Shutterstock.

Movies like Stepbrothers were a comedy built completely off of the premise that two grown men were living with their parents. Adult people live with their parents for all sorts of reasons and not all of them are based on being lazy or unemployed. Many live with their parents to shoulder their parent's financial situations, not the other way around.

Body Shaming

Editorial credit: stockpexel / Shutterstock.

It is totally unacceptable for someone to say someone is overweight, but completely okay to say to someone that they are too thin. When someone thin says “I’ve gained weight,” no one thinks twice about hopping on them to make fun of their body image. Why is it okay to shame anyone for their size, period?

Friendships With Other Genders

Editorial credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

Why is it not okay for men and women to be friends? It is as if society thinks that people can’t be friends with the opposite sex and control their salvage nature to procreate. Many women have male best friends and many men have women best friends. Once more, it is nice sometimes to get advice from the opposite sex.

Societal norms are very powerful motivators for people to act in a specific way. Some things that society deems unacceptable are nonsensical, yet the stigmas persist. If you are okay with yourself and you aren’t harming anyone else then it should be acceptable and okay for you to be free, happy, and doing what you want, not what others want for you to do. 

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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