20 Telltale Signs Someone Is Into You (Without Words)

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Are you wondering if that special someone has a crush on you? It’s not always easy to read the signs despite your best efforts. Fortunately, there are plenty of subtle indications that can give you a hint. You just need to keep your eyes peeled for a few giveaways. Need some help? No problem. Let’s have a glance at some of the things you need to be looking out for.

Eye Contact

Editorial credit: GaudiLab / Shutterstock.

If someone has the hots for you, they'll often make frequent and prolonged eye contact. It's their way of trying to connect with you on a deeper level. Those lingering glances are a classic sign of interest that might make you blush.

Remembering Small Details

Editorial credit:fizkes/ Shutterstock.

When someone pays attention to the little things you say, it's a good sign that they're interested. Remembering your favorite coffee order or the name of your pet shows they're attentive, and that they might well have a crush.

They Initiate Conversations

Editorial credit: Art_Photo / Shutterstock.

If they're always the first to start a conversation, there’s a good chance that they’re into you. Whether it’s via text or in person, initiating chats shows they're keen to engage and connect with you.

Laughing at Your Jokes

Editorial Credit: iona didishvili / Shutterstock.

Do your worst jokes get a laugh from them? If so, there’s a high chance that they’re smitten. Laughing at your jokes, even the not-so-funny ones, shows they want to make you feel good. It’s a great feeling, so lap it up.

Mirroring Your Actions

Editorial credit: SeventyFour / Shutterstock.

People often subconsciously mirror the actions of those they like. If they’re folding their arms when you do, and mimicking some of your other gestures, posture, or speech patterns, it’s a sure sign of attraction. They probably don’t even know they’re doing it, but it’s something to look out for.  

Finding Excuses to Touch You

Editorial credit: George Rudy / Shutterstock.

It might well make you blush, but those light touches on the arm and playful nudges can be a big indicator that they’re into you. These small, seemingly innocent touches are their way of getting closer to you. Pay attention to how often it happens, and consider how it makes you feel.

Complimenting You

Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.

Compliments are one of the biggest signs of interest. Are they praising your appearance, intelligence, or sense of humor? If so, it shows they’re paying attention. If you notice that they’re genuine, frequent compliments, it can mean they’re smitten.

Making Time for You

Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

Someone who has feelings for you will go out of their way to spend time with you. They’ll even rearrange their schedule just to hang out. If someone values your company and wants to be around you, it’s a strong sign of their affection, and you should be flattered.

They Get Nervous Around You

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If you notice that they seem a bit flustered or anxious around you, it means they’re feeling nervous in your company. That’s a good thing, nervousness often comes from wanting to make a good impression. Watch for signs like fidgeting, blushing, or stumbling over words. These little nervous habits can indicate they care about what you think.

They Ask Personal Questions

Editorial credit: Inside Creative House / Shutterstock.

Anyone interested in you will want to know more about your life. They’ll ask about your hobbies, family, and plans. Have you noticed that? Numerous questions show they’re invested in getting to know you better. It’s their way of deepening the connection.

They Engage on Social Media

Editorial credit: PATCHARIN.IN / Shutterstock.

Liking, commenting, and sharing your posts can be a subtle sign of interest. Engaging with you on social media shows they’re thinking about you even when you’re not together. If you jump onto Instagram and notice they’ve liked a few of your posts, they’re smitten. Pay attention to their online interactions.

They Show Jealousy

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A little bit of healthy jealousy can be a sign they like you, as long as it doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable. If they seem edgy when you mention other potential romantic interests, it’s a clue. Don’t test them by mentioning it too often, it’s all about being authentic. If you do spot it, just be mindful of their reaction.

They Include You in Their Plans

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.

Someone who likes you will want you involved in their plans. Whether it’s inviting you to events, or talking about future hangouts, they see you as a significant part of their life. That, right there, is a sign of their long-term interest. They’re thinking beyond just the moment. Don’t blush.

They Give You Their Full Attention

Editorial credit: TimeImage Production / Shutterstock.

If they put away their phone and focus entirely on you during conversations, it’s a good sign. Full attention shows they value your time and presence. They’re interested in what you have to say and don’t want to miss a moment. It’s a sign of respect and affection.

They Tease You Playfully

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

Playful teasing is a normal way to flirt. If they joke around and tease you lightly, it’s their way of showing interest. Gently poking fun creates a fun, flirty dynamic, and it keeps things exciting. It’s a way of building a bond and keeping things light-hearted. Just be sure to give as good as you get.

They Share Personal Stories

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Have you noticed them opening up and sharing personal stories? It isn’t always easy to do that, so it shows they trust you. They’re creating a deeper connection and letting you into their world. They feel comfortable around you and want to be closer.

They Support You

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

If they’re always there to cheer you on and champion you, they likely have feelings for you. Supporting your goals and being your cheerleader is a great sign that they care about your happiness. Notice how you react, and how much you want to support them too. That’s another sign that it’s meant to be.

They Dress Differently

Editorial credit: evgeniia_1010 / Shutterstock.

If you notice that they’ve started making more of an effort and looking their best when they know they’ll see you, it’s a sign of interest. They want to impress you and catch your eye. Is it working? Their effort shows they care about your opinion. It’s a subtle but significant way of showing they have the hots for you.

They Lean In

Editorial credit: Svitlana Hulko / Shutterstock.

Intimacy doesn’t come easily for many, but leaning in during conversations shows they’re engaged and interested. It’s also a way of closing the physical distance and creating intimacy between you. This body language can be a big clue, it shows that they want to be closer to you, both physically and emotionally.

They Give You Meaningful Gifts

Editorial credit: George Rudy / Shutterstock.

Thoughtful gifts, even small ones, can be a sign of affection. It means they’re thinking about you and want to make a good impression. It’s also their secret way of expressing feelings without words. Pay attention to the thought behind the gifts—they can be very telling.

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