20 Reasons People Regret Making California Their Home

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It’s known for its sunny weather, stunning beaches, and Hollywood glam, and it’s pretty hard to find a good reason you wouldn’t want to live in California. Believe it or not, it does have its fair share of critics who argue that the reality of living there is nothing like the dream. Let’s look at a few reasons why some people think the Golden State doesn’t live up to the positive hype.  

High Cost of Living

Editorial credit: Zolak/ Shutterstock.

The cost of living in California is notoriously high. From sky-high rent in cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles to expensive groceries and utilities, living in California can quickly burn a hole in your wallet. Those currently living there are constantly struggling with high inflation and low wages.

Housing Crisis

Editorial credit: Inna Dodor / Shutterstock.

Buying a home is a dream out of reach for many Californian citizens due to exorbitant house prices. The issue lies in a growing population and limited housing, and the result is more homelessness than the state has ever known.  

Traffic Congestion

Editorial credit: Ceri Breeze / Shutterstock.

In a state where owning a car is essential, it’s of no surprise that California's traffic is legendary, and not in a good way. Los Angeles and the Bay Area are infamous for their daily gridlock, making daily commutes a nightmare. A lack of public transport means that there are limited alternatives to simply sitting it out.


Editorial credit: My Photo Buddy / Shutterstock.

Wildfires are a very real problem in California due to the state’s dry climate and strong winds. These natural disasters not only destroy homes and landscapes but also pose serious health risks to inhabitants due to smoke and poor air quality. The fires are often huge and dramatic with images of previous wildfires captured from space.


Editorial credit: austinding / Shutterstock.

You may think that Californian earthquakes are nothing more than movie fodder, but you’d be wrong. California sits on several major fault lines, including the notorious San Andreas Fault, making it prone to earthquakes. The fear of the Big One hitting is a constant concern for residents.


Editorial credit: Engineer studio/ Shutterstock.

Water shortages and droughts are persistent issues and lead to strict water conservation measures. Sadly, it has a major effect on agriculture, which is a significant part of California’s economy. Droughts are only expected to worsen due to the impacts of climate change.

High Taxes

Editorial credit: FAMILY STOCK / Shutterstock.

California has some of the highest state income and sales taxes in the nation which makes living affordability a huge problem. While these taxes serve a purpose and fund many public services, they also mean less money in residents' pockets. Rising costs only add to the problem.


Editorial credit: Marek Masik / Shutterstock.

The state’s homelessness crisis is highly visible wherever you visit, particularly in major cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco. Even the famous Hollywood Walk of Fame, perceived by many as a place of glitz and glamor, is one of the worst areas for homelessness. The issue is exacerbated by high living costs, limited affordable housing, the impact of wildfires, and inadequate mental health services.

Crime Rates

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

While not the highest in the nation, certain areas in California, such as parts of Los Angeles and Oakland, have higher crime rates. Since the pandemic, violent crime rates have significantly increased with more gun-related crimes than in previous years. This contributes to a sense of insecurity among residents.


Editorial credit: TR STOK / Shutterstock.

Air quality can be a major concern for residents, especially in urban areas like Los Angeles, where smog and pollution levels often exceed safe limits. While measures have been taken to improve the air quality with electric cars and power plant clean-ups, Los Angeles is still the smoggiest region in the nation.

Cost of Education

Editorial credit: ITTIGallery / Shutterstock.

Despite being home to some of the best learning institutions in the US, higher education in California is expensive. The cost of tuition and living expenses for students can be prohibitive, while those who graduate so do with thousands of dollars’ worth of debt.

Public Transportation

Editorial credit: Christian Mueller / Shutterstock.

While public transportation exists, it’s often criticized for being inefficient and limited compared to cities like New York or London. In most cases, Californian residents are expected to drive which contributes to traffic woes.

Celebrity Culture

Editorial credit: DestinaDesign / Shutterstock.

The obsession with celebrity culture, especially in Los Angeles, can be overwhelming for many. It’s easy to see why many flock to the city for some celebrity spotting, but for those who live there, the constant focus on fame and fortune is a turn-off and can easily create unrealistic social pressures.


Editorial credit: IM_photo / Shutterstock.

Many neighborhoods in cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles have experienced rapid gentrification. Long-term residents have been forced out of their homes to make room for expensive tech startups which vastly alters the cultural landscape. The days of casual markets and arty communities are rapidly in decline.


Editorial Credit: blvdone / Shutterstock.

California’s major cities are densely populated, and it will only continue. This is leading to overcrowded schools, hospitals, and public spaces, which can diminish the quality of life for those who live there.

Natural Disasters

Editorial Credit: Eugene R Thieszen/ Shutterstock.

Beyond wildfires and earthquakes, California also faces mudslides, rockslides, and flooding, particularly in areas affected by fires. Residents have become familiar with being placed on flood alert, a constant risk that can potentially destabilize the land and cause further damage.

Political Climate

Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

Whether it’s a fight for social justice or a Hollywood actor's strike, the state’s progressive politics can be a draw for some but a deterrent for others. The highly polarized political environment can lead to heated debates and social division, with protests a common occurrence.

High Competition

Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

The job market in California is highly competitive, particularly in tech hubs like Silicon Valley. For those who work in industries outside of tech, job opportunities are diminishing or paying lower wages. This competition can lead to job insecurity and high-stress levels for many residents. It comes as little surprise that many residents are fleeing the state in favor of more affordable cities with greater opportunities.

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