20 Critical Life Skills Schools Fail to Teach

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School is great for teaching us language and math, but there are some crucial life skills that don’t make the curriculum. Algebra is all good if you’re planning on pursuing a related career path, but less so if you want to experience life in its truest form. Skills such as financial literacy, political structures, and basic home maintenance would be useful additions to current curriculums and ones that would have a place in the real world. Here are 20 things we wish they’d teach in school that are essential for navigating adulthood with confidence and ease.

Voting and Civic Engagement

Editorial credit: Frame Stock Footage / Shutterstock.

Participating in democracy is a fundamental right, but many are unaware of the workings of the political system. Social media and other media-related publications tend to monopolize modern methods of understanding, but they fail to educate accurately. Schools should teach the importance of voting, understanding policies, and civic responsibilities. That way, students can learn to be active, informed citizens.

Financial Literacy

Editorial credit: izzuanroslan/ Shutterstock.

Young adults often enter the world with few money management skills. Students should learn about budgeting, saving, and investing to build a secure financial future. Knowing how to handle money wisely can prevent debt and encourage smart spending habits.

Cooking Basics

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.

If there’s one thing that everyone needs to learn, it’s cooking. While schools lightly touch on Home Economics, they fail to teach students how to prepare healthy, budget-friendly meals. Knowing how to cook can lead to better nutrition and a more balanced diet.

First Aid and CPR

Editorial credit: Platoo Studio / Shutterstock.

What could be more important than basic first aid and CPR that can save lives? More students should be taught how to handle emergencies, as well as being able to perform CPR. Think of how many more individuals would be able to confidently assist in critical situations.

Home Maintenance

Editorial credit: Monkey Business Images/ Shutterstock.

Young adults who fly the nest often have no knowledge of simple home repairs and keep family members on speed dial. If schools taught students how to fix a leaky faucet, unclog drains, and do basic electrical work, it’d save money, stress, and all those late-night emergencies.

Tax Preparation

Editorial credit: FAMILY STOCK / Shutterstock.

Understanding taxes is a bugbear for every working individual. Sadly, it's an essential one. Most adults would love to have been better informed about taxes, and schools would be the ideal learning ground. Filing taxes, understanding deductions, and avoiding common mistakes would help save money and reduce stress during tax season.

Emotional Intelligence

Editorial credit: Elnur / Shutterstock.

Emotional intelligence is key to personal and professional success. Schools have too much focus on academic studies and lack focus on self-awareness, empathy, and effective communication. These skills enhance relationships and workplace dynamics in the real world. They’re essential.

Critical Thinking

Editorial credit: Panchenko Vladimir / Shutterstock.

While math encourages critical thinking, it only does so to a point. If schools taught students to analyze information, question assumptions, and think creatively, they’d learn a valuable life lesson. Why do schools overlook this vital skill?


Editorial credit: PopTika / Shutterstock.

Networking opens doors to opportunities, and it’s a significant aspect of working life. Schools should teach how to build and maintain professional relationships for career growth and personal development.

Car Maintenance

Editorial credit: sirtravelalot / Shutterstock.

Many adults are unaware of the basic workings of a car, and options to learn are limited. Basic car maintenance can prevent costly repairs. Schools should teach how to change oil, replace tires, and understand warning lights. These basic skills would be a lifeline for young drivers.

Digital Literacy

Editorial credit: thinkhubstudio / Shutterstock.

In a tech-driven world, digital literacy is crucial. Schools are highly tech-driven nowadays, but many fail to teach important aspects such as safe internet practices, digital etiquette, and basic coding. These skills are priceless and prepare students for the modern workforce.

Time Management

Editorial credit: GaudiLab / Shutterstock.

While there are deadlines for essays and coursework, the significance of effective time management is overlooked. Good time management boosts productivity and reduces stress. Schools should teach prioritizing tasks, setting goals, and avoiding procrastination. It’s a skill that many would like to improve, as mastering it leads to a balanced and efficient life.

Conflict Resolution

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

How should individuals respond to conflict? Everyone is different, but knowing how to handle conflicts peacefully is essential. Schools should teach negotiation, active listening, and empathy. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and schools could help contribute to healthier relationships and a more harmonious environment.

Public Speaking

Editorial credit: Terdsak L / Shutterstock.

Public speaking can be tough for many, but engaging in it builds confidence and communication skills. Schools should provide more opportunities for students to practice public speaking and lessons in improvement. This skill is valuable in both personal and professional settings.

Basic Sewing

Editorial credit: Irina Timokhina / Shutterstock.

Sewing is a practical and creative skill, but many young generations have no experience of it. If only schools would teach how to sew buttons, mend tears, and create simple garments, a basic life skill that can save money and encourage self-sufficiency.

Personal Finance Management

Editorial credit: SynthEx / Shutterstock.

Most people would value a lesson in managing personal finances, regardless of age. Knowing how to handle finances is a lifelong necessity. Schools would be great places for teaching how to track expenses, managing credit, and understanding loans. It would help promote financial independence and security.


Editorial credit: wertinio / Shutterstock.

Those who do it, love it, and embrace the benefits. Gardening connects people to nature and promotes sustainability. Schools should teach how to grow vegetables, herbs, and flowers. It’s great for mental health and encourages healthier eating habits and a greener lifestyle.

Stress Management

Editorial credit: Xavier Lorenzo/ Shutterstock.

Many people go through life with limited skills in managing stress. That’s why mental health directives have gone into overdrive in recent times. It’s taught us all that effective stress management improves mental health, and people should have a greater awareness from a young age. Schools could easily teach relaxation techniques, mindfulness, and healthy coping strategies.


Editorial credit: GaudiLab / Shutterstock.

As more young adults enter the world of entrepreneurship, there’s a growing need for schools to teach how to develop business ideas, create plans, and understand market needs. This knowledge empowers students to start their ventures and will be valuable in modern society.

Cultural Competence

Editorial credit: HannaTor/ Shutterstock.

In a world that struggles to understand and respect diverse cultures, it’s clear that a greater awareness is needed from an early age. Schools should teach cultural awareness, sensitivity, and inclusion, particularly in the era we’re living in. It can only enhance social interactions and professional relationships.

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