19 Things Younger Women Deal With That Become Intolerable in Later Years

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When you are younger, things are new and exciting. As you get older, they get less so. Many women who used to love doing things no longer find them exhilarating, and those things that they used to tolerate have become intolerable. Whether it is the daily grind that they no longer want to grind out or societal things that they can’t overlook anymore, women in their later years are calling these things out as no longer being fun or cool.

Uncomfortable Cars

Editorial credit: forestpath / Shutterstock.

In your younger years, you love the freedom of hopping in a car and going, well, anywhere. If the top is down or there is four-wheeling to be had, you are having it. As you get older, the wind becomes a bit more annoying, you are no longer seeking the sun, and things like heated seats and cruise control are much more important than a convertible or sporting a Jeep Wrangler.

Drinking Alcohol

Editorial credit: Lopolo / Shutterstock.

When you turn 21, you can’t have enough of a good time trying out different drink concoctions. The older you get, the less your body can recoup from a night on the town. Middle-aged and older women have less love and more hate in their relationship with alcohol. It can also be more detrimental to your health as you age. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, older women can develop things like high blood pressure, memory problems, and osteoporosis linked to drinking alcohol.


Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

A job is just a job when you are in your early years. You understand that you have to trade your time to get paid and don’t care as much about what you get paid to do. Older people feel as if they have already paid their dues, and a job seems more like punishment. Women have traditionally had a hard time in the workplace, and as they get older have less tolerance for things like mansplaining and inequality.


Editorial credit: evrymmnt / Shutterstock.

Sexism is nothing new in the workplace, but older women have been there and done that. When you are young and fresh, you think that you can overcome stereotypes and discrimination with hard work and persistence. When you get older, you have been knocked down enough times to know that it doesn’t matter how hard you try. It is what it is, and you are done trying to set the world on fire. 

Small Talk

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Small talk seems simple enough, but as you get older, you no longer want to play the “interested” game. When you are out somewhere, you are more comfortable remaining silent and doing your own thing instead of talking to someone you don’t really care about about something you don’t really care about. 

Window Shopping

Editorial credit: Rock and Wasp / Shutterstock.

When you are young, you can walk past any retail window, see a mannequin, and think, “That would look good on me.” As you get older, you already have a closet full of things that you no longer wear, and you really don’t care if something looks good on you anymore. You just want to be comfortable. Window shopping is not anything that excites someone past middle age. 

Being Competitive With Other Women

Editorial credit:T.Den_Team / Shutterstock.

Anyone who has ever dressed for a party knows that women aren’t dressing for men; they are dressing to impress and compete with the other women in the room. As you get older, you don’t have any competition from other women in the room. You just want to be you and not care about anything but how the food is. Animosity toward other women is no longer a thing. You really couldn’t care less about anyone in the room but you.

Being Late

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

When you get older, your schedule seems to free up a lot, which means that you have a calendar that is no longer full. That means when you get invited to something, you are ready and prepared to go on time. When other people are late, it is irritating. First of all, you don't want to drive past dark. Secondly, you had hoped to be at home in time for your pajamas at the reasonable hour of 7 pm.


Editorial credit: Kues / Shutterstock.

Older people have been there and dealt with people who walk through life as if the world owes them something. You can look past the poor behaviors of other people when you are young, but as you get older, you tend to feel like it is your job to set the record straight. Older women don’t hold their tongue when someone is acting a fool. They say it out loud so it can be heard. 


Editorial credit: Carlos_Pascual / Shutterstock.

Ask any younger girl if they think that misogyny is a thing, and most likely, they will say, “Well, maybe.” Older women have been dealing with discrimination their entire lives. Fighting against systematic sexism in the workplace, homeplace, and every place has jaded them. They no longer accept their place in the world as they once did. Their place is wherever they want to be. 

Waiting for Service

Editorial credit: dowraik / Shutterstock.

Younger people go to dinner later, and they want to sit down, relax, and have a couple of drinks before they order. Older people want to get in and get out. When they don’t get the service the way that they want, they are less tolerant and polite. If there is a line to get in, they will find another place to eat. 

Loud Music

Editorial credit: SvetaZi / Shutterstock.

To an older woman, loud music is not just bothersome; it is grating. Where once they were able to tolerate noise, due to nerve fibers and hair cells overgrown in their ear canals, loud music is ten times more loud to them. 

Wearing Fashion 

Editorial credit: Georgi Fadejev / Shutterstock.

Older women have spent their lives trying to look pretty for everyone else, and they just don’t care anymore. They don’t shop to find the hottest fashion; they want the most comfortable thing possible. Gone are things like belts and anything restricting, easy it is. 

Tolerating Children

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

There is a reason why our species has children younger because younger mothers have more tolerance for little kids and their noise and nonsense. When you get older, you realize that you already raised your children and aren’t ready to do it again. As women age, they have less tolerance for children who aren’t polite and who are seen but not heard. Their patience is something that they have grown out of, just like the ability to have kids. 

Staying Overnight

Editorial credit: Katherine Welles / Shutterstock.

Older people leave before dark by design. First of all, they have a hard time seeing and driving in the dark. Second, they have no desire to spend the night anywhere but in their own bed. They aren’t as excited about going on vacation unless it is to their second home (that houses their second bed), and will plan around sleeping so they are home safe and sound when the lights go out. 

Pranks and Jokes

Editorial credit: Toa55 / Shutterstock.

Many older people do not think that pranks and playing jokes on someone are funny, Perhaps because they are tired of the scams in their email and the phone calls that their social security is in jeopardy. Being taken advantage of as a senior citizen dulls your ability to find humor in being made to look silly.

Paying More Than You Should

Editorial credit: Yuri Dondish / Shutterstock.

Ironically, when you stop growing out of things, it is the exact same moment when you no longer want to pay more for designer wear. Older people know that it doesn’t make a difference what the tag on your clothes labels say, it is about how you feel when you wear it. At a time when they might have disposable income to afford designer, they aren’t having it. 


Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

Older women are not fond of being in large, crowded places, without a seat, and having people bump into them. Quite likely, they weren’t very fond of it for their entire adult life, but they tolerated it. In your later years, you have no reason to play the “I’m fine” game when you are not fine. 

Not Getting Enough Rest

Editorial credit: michaeljung / Shutterstock.

It doesn’t matter what time it is to an older woman; when they are tired, off to bed they go. In your later years, you no longer care about FOMA. You’re more worried that you won’t get enough sleep throughout the night. The only way to make sure you do is to start early.

Tolerance is for the Young

Editorial Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

When you are young and fresh, everything is new and exciting. The older you get, nothing is new or exciting. Older women have lived their lives with things like tight and uncomfortable clothes, sexism, ageism, and generally just crap that they have had to deal with. You reach a certain age and realize you don’t have to deal with crap anymore. 

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