19 Things Non-Americans Blow Out of Proportion About the US

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America is known for sports, entertainment, and skyscrapers, but it is also home to some of the most misunderstood and exaggerated quirks by non-Americans. From their love for large portions to an obsession with reality TV, let’s look at the things foreigners take way too seriously about the US.

Portion Sizes

Editorial credit: Tatjana Baibakova / Shutterstock.

Yes, American portions can be gigantic, but it's not like they eat like that every meal. Foreigners seem to think they super-size everything, but many Americans also enjoy a balanced diet. The US is obsessed with fitness, too, would you believe? There's another one to add to the list.

Guns Amock

Editorial credit: Sorapop Udomsri/ Shutterstock.

While it's true that the US has a high number of firearms, the majority of Americans don't walk around carrying a gun in their bags. When the big stories hit the media, it’s easy to assume that it's a gun-toting society, but that’s not the case. Most Americans only encounter guns at ranges or in rural areas where hunting is common.

Reality TV

Editorial credit: Erman Gunes/ Shutterstock.

Shows like ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ and ‘The Real Housewives’ are wildly popular across the world, but they’re not a reflection of everyday American life. Contrary to popular belief, they don’t all have champagne problems or dramatic dinner parties every night. What’s more, not all Americans enjoy watching trashy reality TV.


Editorial credit: Ministr-84 / Shutterstock.

From pharmacies to wedding chapels, the Americans’ love for convenience is legendary, but it’s not like they never get out of their cars. While a thousand movies might have you believe that Americans are too lazy to take a stroll to a local coffee shop, the truth is that they do enjoy a good walk and some fresh air, too.

Fast Food Nation

Editorial credit: Juliana_haris / Shutterstock.

It can’t be denied that the US is a forerunner in fast food. McDonald's might be on every corner, but so are farmer's markets and health food stores. Many Americans are just as passionate about eating healthy as they are about their Big Macs. That said, there are over 200,000 fast-food restaurant businesses in the US as of 2023. Okay, maybe that’s one to reconsider.

Tipping Culture

Editorial credit: lunopark / Shutterstock.

Tipping is a huge deal in the US, and to people from the rest of the world, it can seem excessive. For Americans, it’s a way to acknowledge good service and support workers who rely on tips. Plus, they have tipping calculators on their phones. Once you’ve visited the states and experienced their fantastic customer-centric service, you’ll understand why you need to tip.

Hollywood Influence

Editorial credit: Thomas Wolf / Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 3.0

Not every American is obsessed with celebrities and Hollywood gossip. Equally, not every American knows a famous person. It might be hard to believe, but many couldn't care less about the latest blockbuster or star scandal and prefer indie films or books. Americans can be cultured.


Editorial credit: Maria Dryfhout / Shutterstock.

We’ve all heard endlessly how patriotic the Americans are. From flag-themed everything to ‘God Bless America,’ it can seem as though they’re constantly in a state of patriotic fervor. In reality, most people save the intense displays for holidays like the Fourth of July.

Workaholic Lifestyle

Editorial Credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.

The US is known for its strong work ethic, but not everyone is a workaholic. They also value downtime, vacations, and family time, even though they work nine weeks more per year than Europeans with fewer vacation days. We can only assume it’s a work hard, play hard culture.

Obsession with Football

Editorial credit: rarrarorro / Shutterstock.

Every American soap features American football in some context, so non-Americans have to assume that it’s a huge part of their culture. In truth, it is huge, especially the Super Bowl, but not everyone is a fan. Plenty of Americans enjoy other sports like soccer, basketball, and even hockey.

College Sports Craze

Editorial credit: Alex Kravtsov / Shutterstock.

College sports, especially football and basketball, are undeniably big business, and they’re taken seriously by students, coaches, and spectators. However, it’s not all ‘Friday Night Lights,’ and not every student lives and breathes for game day. Many are more focused on their studies or other activities.

Car Dependency

Editorial credit: l i g h t p o e t / Shutterstock.

Indeed, public transportation isn't as widespread as in other countries, but many cities are improving their transit systems. There’s still a way to go, particularly if they’re keen to keep their carbon footprint on the down-low, but it’s a start. Plus, biking and walking are becoming more popular in urban areas.

OTT Holidays

Editorial credit: Iris_Images / Shutterstock.

From Halloween decorations in September to Christmas lights in November, the American holiday enthusiasm can seem extreme by other countries' standards. Many enjoy the festive spirit and community events that come with these celebrations, but there are plenty of people who don’t embrace the holidays. There are even a few Grinchs.

Sweet Tooth

Editorial credit: foodstck / Shutterstock.

Americans do love their sweet stuff. They choose Cheerios or maple syrup for breakfast while the rest of the world settles for a slice of toast. Let’s not forget that the US is also the home of innovative health trends and fitness crazes. The same nation that gave you the cronut also gave you kale smoothies and CrossFit.

Legal Drinking Age

Editorial credit: sandra wood / Shutterstock.

The legal drinking age of 21 can seem high to visitors, but it is deeply rooted in safety concerns. Many Americans are just as puzzled by the lower drinking ages elsewhere, especially when they visit Europe and see teenagers sipping wine. It might seem like an overkill, but there are fewer levels of underage binge drinking than in Europe.

Customer Service Smiles

Editorial credit: vectorfusionart / Shutterstock.

The US’ famous service with a smile can seem over-the-top, but it’s part of their hospitality culture. While it might feel insincere to some, many Americans genuinely enjoy being friendly and helpful. If you’ve been to the UK, you’ll notice immense differences between customer service staff, and the Americans win every time.

Mall Culture

Editorial credit: Sonpichit Salangsing / Shutterstock.

Malls were once the epicenter of social life, but now they’re more nostalgia than necessity. You’ve probably seen too many '80s movies where teens spend their days hanging outside popular stores waiting for the school quarterback to talk to them. In recent times, online shopping and lifestyle centers have taken over, although some still love a good old-fashioned mall trip.

Constant Snacking

Editorial credit:Plateresca / Shutterstock.

Americans do love their snacks, but it’s not like they’re always munching on chips and candy. Okay, they might have been at one time, but with growing concerns around obesity, many have now opted for healthier options like fruits, nuts, and yogurt. Meal-prepping is a growing trend, particularly buying ready-made meals online that have all the good nutrition.

Baseball Crazy

Editorial credit: Jim Barber / Shutterstock.

Baseball is known as America's pastime, but its popularity is waning compared to football and basketball. Many Americans might be more excited about March Madness or the NFL playoffs than the World Series. Baseball will always have a place in American hearts, however.

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