19 Scientifically Supported Ways to Strengthen Your Relationship

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Relationships are an essential part of human life, and they bring us joy, support, and a sense of belonging. But, maintaining a healthy relationship requires effort, understanding, and compromise. Here are 19 scientifically proven ways to cultivate a robust, fulfilling, healthy relationship.

Resolve Conflicts Respectfully

Editorial credit: Dmytro Zinkevych/ Shutterstock.

Disagreements are natural, but how they are handled matters. Research shows that couples who learn how to “have good fights are more likely to stay together and remain happily married. The key is to approach conflicts with a problem-solving mindset, staying calm, avoiding blame, and focusing on solutions together as a team.

Communication is Crucial

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Communication, communication, communication. We’ve all heard how important it is to maintain a healthy, happy relationship. Open, honest communication forms the foundation of any strong relationship. Both partners should feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or reprisal. Active listening and empathetic responses while communicating with our partner can help to foster deeper connections.

Practice Forgiveness

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Holding onto grudges can damage relationships. Learning how to forgive and move past mistakes is vital for long-term happiness in a relationship. Plus, forgiveness doesn't only benefit your partner; it also benefits you. Research shows that choosing forgiveness over resentment leads to increases in health and happiness all around. 

Sharing Responsibilities

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Sharing household and financial responsibilities prevents resentment and promotes teamwork. It allows for more flexibility and avoids sticking to rigid traditional expectations and roles, which can help to give each partner the space to be more authentically themselves instead of feeling constrained by outdated gender roles or stereotypes.

Trust Each Other

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Trust is essential in a relationship, but it doesn’t come automatically. It must be built over time through consistent, reliable behavior. When partners trust each other, they feel secure and supported, allowing the relationship to flourish.

Show Appreciation

Editorial credit: Dmytro Zinkevych / Shutterstock.

Expressing gratitude for your partner can significantly enhance relationship satisfaction. Regularly acknowledging and appreciating your partner's efforts strengthens the bond between you. Remember to remind your partner regularly about all of the positive things you love about them. 

Support Each Other

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Life can be challenging, and our main source of support is often our romantic partner. It’s important to be there to support your partner mentally, physically, and emotionally when they need you. Being supportive means encouraging your partner’s goals and being there during tough times. 

Maintain Physical Intimacy

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The main factor that separates romantic love from platonic friendship is physical affection and intimacy. Physical touch enhances the bond with our partner, whether through holding hands, hugging, kissing, or more sensual activities. The physical side of a relationship is important for maintaining closeness and connection.

Stay Honest

Editorial credit: Branislav Nenin / Shutterstock.

Honesty is a fundamental component of a healthy, loving relationship, and transparency about feelings, intentions, and actions can prevent misunderstandings and build trust. Staying honest with your partner, even about trivial matters, can help to ensure a long-lasting union between two people. 

Have Fun Together

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Shared laughter and enjoyment are essential to keep the excitement and spark alive in a healthy relationship. Fun activities and lighthearted moments can relieve stress and reinforce your bond.

Establish Healthy Boundaries

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Respecting each other’s personal space and boundaries is paramount if you want to maintain a healthy partnership. Clear boundaries ensure both partners feel safe and respected, and it helps to guard against toxic or controlling behaviors.

Cultivate Emotional Intimacy

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Emotional intimacy involves sharing your innermost thoughts and feelings and allowing yourself to be vulnerable with your other half. Displaying vulnerability fosters a deeper, more meaningful connection in relationships. 

Be Adaptable

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Relationships change over time, so being flexible and willing to adapt to new circumstances can help your relationship grow and thrive. For example, although a couple might meet while young and carefree, a long-term relationship might see each person's roles change as they become a mother, father, or less able-bodied due to illness. That’s why, if you want to maintain a healthy, loving partnership, it’s essential to stay adaptable, as a lot can change over the course of a person’s lifetime. 

Show Kindness

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Small acts of kindness can have a big impact, and regularly performing kind gestures for your partner can enhance positivity and affection in the relationship. For example, bringing your loved one breakfast in bed or rubbing their tired feet can go a long way to cementing strong bonds of romantic partnership. 

Keep Learning About Each Other

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People and relationships evolve over time, so making an effort to continuously learn about your partner’s interests, dreams, and fears will help to keep the relationship dynamic and engaging.

Prioritize Self-Care

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Prioritizing your physical and mental health ensures that you can bring your best self to the relationship. Taking care of yourself is as important as caring for your partner, and we’ve all heard the mantras about the importance of self-care, but that’s because it’s true. You can’t give from an empty cup, but by taking time to replenish yourself, you will have more energy and love to give to your partner. 

Prioritize Quality Time

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This world is full of distractions, and whether it’s work, your family, friends, children, or social media, a million things are competing for attention, but our romantic partner shouldn’t be one of them. We should consciously try to put them first, and spending quality time together strengthens your connection. Whether it's a date night or a shared hobby, these moments create lasting memories and deepen intimacy.

Maintain Independence

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One major key to healthy relationships is balancing togetherness and individuality. Maintaining your interests and friendships outside the relationship can prevent co-dependency and promote personal growth.

Cultivate a Growth Mindset

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View challenges as opportunities for growth that can be faced together rather than threats. This mindset fosters resilience and a collaborative approach to problem-solving. By incorporating these scientifically proven habits into your relationship, you can build a strong, healthy partnership that stands the test of time.

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