19 Once-Accepted Behaviors Now Deemed Unacceptable

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Social norms evolve over time, and practices once considered acceptable are now seen as rude or inappropriate. As societal expectations shift, it's important to be aware of these changes and how they inform our interactions. Nothing is worse than inadvertently turning people off because you've made an inappropriate comment, and the best way to avoid this is by keeping pace with societal norms. From interruptions to technological faux pas, here are 19 behaviors that have become socially unacceptable.

Talking on the Phone in Public Places

Editorial credit: Bilanol / Shutterstock.

In the past, talking on the phone in public places like restaurants or public transportation was common. Now, it's considered intrusive and disruptive to others around you. Opt for texting or stepping outside for calls, as with so many ways to DM people, having long and drawn-out conversations is best for when you are at home alone.

Not RSVPing to Invitations

Editorial credit: Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.

Ignoring RSVP requests was more acceptable in the past, but now it's considered rude and inconsiderate. Respond promptly to invitations to help hosts plan accordingly. With so many ways to RSVP, like messaging and texting, it takes two seconds for you to acknowledge and invite and give people a heads up either way.

Interrupting Conversations

Editorial credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

Interrupting someone mid-conversation was once more tolerated, but now it's seen as disrespectful. It's a good idea to practice active listening and wait for a natural pause before contributing to the discussion. It’s important to take turns and wait until someone has said their peace before you give yours.

Using Offensive Language

Editorial credit: Phovoir/ Shutterstock.

Casually using offensive language or slurs was more prevalent in the past, but now there's greater awareness of the impact of such words. Choosing respectful language that doesn't offend or marginalize others is the best way to avoid giving offense, as people are much more attuned to things that are inappropriate than they once were.

Not Holding the Door Open

Editorial credit: Dmytro Zinkevych / Shutterstock.

Common courtesy has always included holding the door open for others, but today, failing to do so can be seen as inconsiderate, especially in public places or when entering buildings. Letting the door fly in someone’s face is rarely considered nice.

Texting or Checking Phones During Conversations

Editorial credit:DimaBerlin / Shutterstock.

Previously, checking your phone during conversations was less frowned upon, but nowadays, it's seen as a sign of disinterest or disrespect. Give your full attention to the person you're talking to, as making eye contact lets someone know you are paying attention. After all, that's the least that you can do.

Not Using Turn Signals

Editorial credit: kryzhov / Shutterstock.

While driving a vehicle in the olden days, not signaling your intentions was more common. Now, it's considered unsafe and discourteous to other drivers and pedestrians. Regardless if it is changing lanes quickly on the highway or backstreets, give the people behind you a fair warning.

Not Cleaning up After Pets

Editorial credit: Monika Wisniewska / Shutterstock.

Leaving pet waste in public spaces or failing to clean up after a furbaby was sometimes overlooked. These days, it's considered irresponsible and disrespectful to the environment and community. After all, there’s nothing worse than stepping in someone else’s pet’s waste.

Not Saying “Please” and “Thank You”

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Basic manners like saying “please” and “thank you” were always important, but their absence is now more noticeable and perceived as rude or entitled. For those who live in the South, a “yes ma’am” or “yes sir” is more appropriate. 

Not Giving Up Your Seat for Others

Editorial credit: DW labs Incorporated / Shutterstock.

In public transport or public spaces, not offering your seat to those who need it, such as the elderly, pregnant women, or people with disabilities, was once more common. Now, it's seen as lacking in empathy and courtesy.

Ignoring Personal Space

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Invading someone's personal space or standing too close to others was less scrutinized in the past. Today, respecting personal boundaries and maintaining appropriate distances is crucial for comfort and respect. No one likes a close talker or someone who brazenly disregards personal space.

Double Booking or Being Late

Editorial credit: Bjorn Beheydt/ Shutterstock.

Overbooking appointments or being consistently late was more tolerated in previous years. This couldn't be more different nowadays, as lateness is seen as disrespectful of others' time and commitments. Show respect and prioritize punctuality, after all, your time isn't more important than anyone else's.

Not Using Headphones in Public for Audio

Editorial credit: GaudiLab / Shutterstock.

Playing music or videos aloud in public spaces without headphones was once more accepted. Yet nowadays, it's considered intrusive and disruptive to others' peace and privacy. No one wants to be beholden to your preferences, it is like holding them captive to listen against their will.

Sharing Unsolicited Opinions

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

Offering unsolicited opinions on sensitive topics or criticizing others' choices was more common in the past. Not only is it seen as intrusive nowadays, but it's also considered incredibly disrespectful. Respect others' autonomy and wait for an invitation to share your views. Don’t offer unless asked.

Eating Noisily or with Mouth Open

Editorial credit: Pattysan / Shutterstock.

NoisILy chewing or eating with your mouth open was sometimes overlooked. People these days are more likely to take offense, considering it impolite and unappetizing. Practice mindful eating habits, especially in public settings.

Not Offering to Help

Editorial credit: Inside Creative House / Shutterstock.

Ignoring opportunities to offer assistance or support to others in need was less scrutinized before. Thankfully, it's now the norm to offer help, as the opposite is seen as lacking empathy and community spirit. Try extending a helping hand when you can, whether that is monetary or physical, as science has shown that acts of good deeds make both parties feel better. 

Using Offensive Humor

Editorial credit: Giulio_Fornasar / Shutterstock.

Jokes or humor that belittles or stereotypes others based on race, gender, or other characteristics were once more acceptable. Now, they're rightly recognized as hurtful and inappropriate. Most people cringe when they watch movies that are decades old. Things have certainly become more politically correct.

Public Displays of Affection

Editorial credit: Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.

Excessive public displays of affection (PDA) were more common in some settings. Today, moderate and respectful displays are preferred to ensure comfort for all individuals in public spaces.

Ignoring Social Media Etiquette

Editorial credit: Twin Design / Shutterstock.

Posting excessively personal or inappropriate content on social media platforms was less regulated in the early days. Fortunately, there are now clear expectations for respectful, thoughtful, and considerate online behavior

Navigating Modern Etiquette

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

As our society changes, it's crucial to stay mindful of how our behaviors impact others. By respecting boundaries, practicing empathy, and adhering to updated social etiquette, you can foster positive interactions and contribute to a more respectful and harmonious society. Sometimes we do things out of habit, not even knowing we are offending others. As with everything, however, ignorance is no excuse. 

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