19 Fastest Ways to Completely Sabotage Your Relationship

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Most people cherish a vast array of relationships, from romantic partnerships to friendships, or familial bonds. But regardless of its type, every kind of relationship can be damaged beyond repair, sometimes unintentionally. Thankfully, there are ways to avoid certain behaviors and attitudes eroding the connection you once cherished. Here are 19 surefire ways you might inadvertently sabotage a relationship.

Lack of Communication

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Communication is one of the most important elements in any healthy relationship, and like oxygen, it keeps them alive. When you stop communicating openly and honestly, misunderstandings grow like weeds in a neglected garden.

Taking Each Other for Granted

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When you start assuming your partner or loved one will always be there without acknowledging their efforts, you're planting seeds of discontent. Appreciation can come in many forms, but mostly it just means telling your loved one that they're important and that you care. 

Ignoring Their Needs

Editorial credit: Goksi /Shutterstock.

Relationships are a two-way street. If you consistently prioritize your own needs over your partner's, resentment can build quickly. Don’t ever stop looking for ways to make your partner happy or underestimate their needs. 

Being Overly Critical

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Constructive criticism is one thing, but constant nitpicking is relationship cyanide. If you find yourself focusing more on flaws than strengths, it's time for an attitude adjustment. Being overly critical is a surefire way to kill even the best relationships.

Lack of Trust

Editorial credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.

Trust is like a delicate glass sculpture, once shattered, it's hard to piece back together. Doubting your partner's intentions, snooping around, or being overly possessive can fracture even the strongest bonds. Trust builds over time and is the foundation of any great relationship.

Not Making Time

Editorial credit: Kaspars Grinvalds / Shutterstock.

Life gets busy, but neglecting quality time with your loved one is like failing to water a plant and leaving it to whither. Whether it's date nights or engaging in meaningful conversations, invest time in your partner regularly. Quality time doesn’t mean sitting in front of the television watching Netflix, it takes some real effort.

Stonewalling During Conflicts

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Have you ever played the silent treatment game with your partner? Stonewalling, shutting down, and refusing to engage during conflicts will leave issues unresolved and feelings unheard. Instead, learn to communicate even when it's uncomfortable with honesty and transparency.

Disrespecting Boundaries

Editorial credit: Linaimages / Shutterstock.

Boundaries are like the guardrails on a highway, they keep things safe. While ignoring or trampling over your partner's boundaries shows a lack of respect, healthy boundaries ensure both parties feel valued. Boundaries are those parameters we set to maintain a sense of self and integrity.

Being Passive-Aggressive

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The art of saying one thing and meaning another is the definition of being passive-aggressive. Passive aggression is relationship poison disguised as sugar. If you have issues, address them directly rather than dancing around them with veiled jabs or sarcastic remarks, it is less likely to result in resentment.

Not Taking Responsibility

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Blaming others or refusing to acknowledge your mistakes is relationship kryptonite. It takes two to tango, and even if you believe you did nothing wrong, you have to take responsibility for your partner's feelings. Own up to your actions and apologize sincerely when you're wrong. It shows maturity and strengthens trust.

Losing Your Identity

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Have you ever looked in the mirror, only to find you've morphed into the image of your partner? Losing your individuality in a relationship can suffocate both parties. To stop this from happening, maintain your interests, friendships, and personal goals, as a relationship can only be strong when there are two people in it, not one and a half.

Being Overly Dependent

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Your partner isn't your therapist, parent, or personal hero, and depending solely on them for emotional validation or fulfillment is relationship quicksand. Cultivate self-reliance and seek support from a variety of sources, rather than losing yourself and your independence.

Neglecting Intimacy

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Intimacy isn't just about physical closeness, it encompasses emotional and psychological alignment. Neglecting intimacy can create distance and feelings of loneliness. Always try to foster connection through affection, empathy, and shared experiences.

Refusing to Compromise

Editorial credit: Billion Photos / Shutterstock.

Relationships require compromise to flourish, and this is a two-way street. Refusing to meet halfway or always insisting on your way can lead to resentment and dissatisfaction. Compromise is one of the cornerstones of a healthy relationship, and without it, there is a great likelihood of resentment.

Being Dishonest

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi/ Shutterstock.

Honesty isn't just the best policy, it's the foundation of trust. Lies, big or small, erode trust faster than sandcastles in a storm. To preserve this special bond, practice honesty even when it's uncomfortable.

Being Jealous and Possessive

Editorial credit: DC Studio/ Shutterstock.

Jealousy is a green-eyed monster that can devour relationships, creating constant suspicion, possessiveness, or controlling behavior that stifles freedom and trust. Although some amount of jealousy is natural, being overly distrustful might end a once-healthy relationship over time.

Avoiding Conflict

Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

Conflict is part of any healthy relationship, but when it arises, it's important to handle it carefully. Make sure to face conflicts head-on with respect and empathy, rather than fighting fire with fire.

Not Supporting Their Dreams

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Supporting each other's goals and aspirations is a key element in any relationship while dismissing or belittling someone's dreams can lead to resentment and hinder personal growth. Celebrate each other's successes and encourage growth. When two people grow independently, the relationship will follow suit.

Being Inconsistent

Editorial credit: MDV Edwards / Shutterstock.

Flakiness, unpredictability, or mixed signals can create confusion and insecurity in relationships, while consistency is vital. Being reliable in your words and actions builds trust and stability, while inconsistency not only lessens trust, it can lead to confusion and frustration.

Relationships are Like Gardens

Editorial credit: Branislav Nenin / Shutterstock.

By avoiding these relationship pitfalls and nurturing positive habits, you can cultivate healthier, stronger connections with your loved ones. Remember, relationships are like gardens, they require care, attention, and the occasional weeding to flourish. So, if yours is starting to wither make sure to tend to it today.

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