18 Ways Women Emasculate Men Without Realizing

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Relationships are more complex than primitive representations would have us believe. Men were regarded as strong hunter-gatherers who handled the decision-making, and women were known to be light-working foragers who bred children. Times have changed vastly, and modern men have varying attitudes and personas. While the alpha male is a thing of the past, it doesn’t mean all men want to lose touch with their masculine magic. Some women can unintentionally say or do things that make them feel emasculated, and it isn’t good for their state of mind. Let’s take a look at some classic emasculating comments.


Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

Constantly pointing out a man’s flaws, whether in his cooking skills or fashion choices, can chip away at his confidence. No one wants to be endlessly bombarded with ways they need to improve. Constructive feedback is great from time to time, but balance it with positive reinforcement to keep his spirits high.

Making All the Decisions

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While it’s fantastic to take charge, making every decision without input can make a man feel sidelined. Fair decision-making needs to be a two-way split, with both partners having their say. Encourage him to share his opinions and take turns. If he’s indecisive, at least show him you’re willing to hear him out.

Teasing About Emotions

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Joking about a man’s emotions can make him feel like he needs to hide his feelings, and that’s a bad thing in the modern climate surrounding men’s mental health. Men struggle to open up at the best of times, so celebrate their vulnerability and create a safe space for open emotional expression.

Comparing Him to Others

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Comparisons of any nature are rarely positive. Comparing him unfavorably to other men, whether it’s a friend or a celebrity, can damage his self-esteem. Focus on his unique qualities and the strengths he brings to your relationship. Don’t make him feel inferior to others. It’ll negatively impact his mental health.

Undermining His Efforts

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Downplaying his efforts, like redoing tasks he’s already completed, can make him feel inadequate. Even if he hasn’t done a great job of hoovering the lounge, thank him for his efforts. Don’t be ungrateful; it belittles his contribution.  

Taking Over Man Tasks

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In the modern climate, it’s hard to differentiate between gender tasks, particularly as all genders are capable of independence. There are always tasks that men like to take on, and while it may seem sexist, it’s just them feeling useful. If he wants to hammer a few nails or chop some wood, allow him to do so. If you’re that eager to help, make it a team effort.

Publicly Correcting Him

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Oh dear. It’s never pleasant to be publicly corrected, and it can make you feel inferior in their company. Correcting him in front of others, especially in a critical manner, can be deeply embarrassing and patronizing. Save sensitive comments for private moments so he can keep hold of his dignity.

Dismissing His Opinions

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Ignoring or belittling his ideas and opinions will make him feel unvalued. He’s got as much right to an opinion as you have, after all. Engage in meaningful discussions and show that you respect his viewpoints. It doesn’t mean that you have to agree, but you do need to grant him the airtime.

Controlling the Finances

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Taking full control of the finances without consulting him can make him feel excluded from important decisions, and people of all genders would likely feel the same. Always collaborate on financial planning to ensure both partners have a say.

Taking the Lead in Intimacy

Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

It’s old-fashioned to think that men have to make the first move, but it’s also not good to always take control. Constantly taking charge in the bedroom can make him feel less masculine. Balance the dynamics by encouraging him to take the lead sometimes. That way, you’ve got a healthy two-way relationship.

Making Jokes at His Expense

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Light-hearted teasing can always be fun, but knowing where to draw the line is important. Constant jokes at his expense can wear him down over time, especially if he’s always the butt of the jokes. Be mindful of how your humor affects his feelings. How would it make you feel?

Belittle His Job

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Not all men choose to embrace the manly builder stereotype, and the range of jobs available to them is vastly wide nowadays. Some men are highly celebrated hairdressers, a job that might be more commonly associated with a female. It doesn’t matter what they do for work, there’s never a good excuse to belittle their job or career choice, and doing so can emasculate them. If they have a good work ethic and enjoy what they do, they’re winning at life.

Ignoring His Needs

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Focusing solely on your needs and neglecting him creates an unhealthy imbalance that degrades a relationship over time. Ensure that both partners’ needs are addressed to maintain a healthy relationship. It’s just about communicating with each other.

Assuming He Can’t Handle It

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It’s never fair to assume unless you know he’s incapable of handling something. If he’s laid up with a broken leg, it’s fair to say that he won’t be carrying things up the stairs, but that’s the exception to the rule. Assuming he can’t manage household tasks or childcare can be demoralizing. Trust him to handle responsibilities and support his efforts.

Talking Over Him

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No one can help interrupting now and again, but constantly talking over him during conversations can make him feel unheard. It isn’t respectful, so practice active listening and give him space to express himself.

Diminishing His Achievements

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Men are proud of their achievements, and they love a moment to bask in the glory. Downplaying his accomplishments, whether at work or in hobbies, can make him feel unappreciated. Grant the man his moment. Celebrate his successes and show genuine pride in his achievements.

Questioning His Masculinity

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

Making remarks that question his masculinity, even in jest, can be deeply hurtful. He might not fit a masculine stereotype, but you’ve chosen him as a partner for a reason. Encourage a broader definition of masculinity that includes sensitivity and vulnerability. Not all men are tall, dark, and handsome.

Criticizing His Clothing

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Not all men embrace trending fashion, so don’t be critical if he has an alternative dress sense. Diversity is what makes the world interesting, and knocking him for his choice of clothing is cruel and belittling. Embrace his clothing choices, and if you feel that a certain item doesn’t fit an occasion, be liberal in your reasoning.

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