18 Ways to Tell If Someone Has an Exceptionally High IQ

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Making conclusions regarding someone’s intelligence solely based on individual, observable cues is often deceptive. Intelligence cannot so easily be measured by what we witness in others, and it comes in many forms, well beyond just “book smarts” and “street smarts.” That being said, there are still some indicators suggesting improved cognitive abilities in people that can be perceived from an external perspective. Here are 18 possible signs that someone has a high IQ.

Good Memory

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Someone who excels in recall, whether it be photographic memory or otherwise, might be more intelligent. They will likely perform better in academic settings than those with weaker memories.

Critical Thinking

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Critical thinking is the ability to analyze, conceptualize, and apply information based on well-rounded knowledge and experience. More than just simply memorizing and recalling facts and figures, it’s about using cohesive observation and experience to make an evaluation.


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Curiosity cannot possibly be measured, partly because it varies based on the individual and the subject matter. Some people are deeply curious about nature but couldn’t care less about mathematics, while some are intrigued by literature and unbothered with philosophy. If someone demonstrates curiosity, that is an indicator that they want and have the capacity to learn.

Reading Habits

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People who enjoy reading across a variety of topics demonstrate a desire to learn and explore the world in that way. Reading is a great way to gain empathy and understanding towards others, immerse oneself in different cultures, and overall develop increased knowledge about the world.

Problem Solving Skills

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Having the creativity to find new solutions to complex problems is an integral skill in adult life. There is so much benefit to being someone who is not restricted by mental bounds or rules and is able to think outside the box. 


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Being open-minded is a true sign of intelligence that often goes overlooked. While many people value tradition, true intelligence includes having the ability to take in new information and be willing to change one’s perspective based on it.


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While plenty of intellectual people do not excel at this particular skill, it is often an indication that someone is quite sharp. The ability to quickly adapt to new situations and information is a very useful skill because you are able to more seamlessly go through life’s natural changes without too much of a hitch. 

Sense of Humor

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Many intelligent people appreciate wit and humor, so having a good sense of humor and being able to crack crowd-pleasing jokes indicates an emotional attunement with those around you. It tends to just make life more interesting and bring a much more human feel to conversation. Studies have actually shown that children with higher levels of general knowledge are more easily able to demonstrate humor

Emotional Intelligence

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Emotional intelligence is the ability to register and regulate emotions, both one’s own and those of the people around them. It is important to have in order to maintain healthy and positive relationships with others and to manage mental health.

Analytical Skills

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Those who have strong analytical skills maintain the ability to draw conclusions from larger swaths of information, helping you to better problem-solve. Such skills are critical for many academic fields and career paths. 

Verbal Fluency

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Verbal fluency refers to the ability to produce and understand language accurately and with ease, vocally or through writing. Those with verbal fluency have conversations, and sentences flow naturally, making it easy for them to express thoughts and ideas. It can be measured in various ways like accuracy of speech, depth of vocabulary, and coherence of the ideas shared. 

Attention to Detail

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It’s a buzz term on so many resumes and job descriptions, but not many people genuinely have strong attention to detail. It often requires a person to be silent and observant, which does not come naturally to everyone. Some say having attention to detail is like being a human magnifying glass, catching things that most overlook.

Interest in Abstract Ideas

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For someone to be interested in abstract concepts means they are imaginative and crave intellectual stimulation. Rather than accepting things as they are without question, these people are compelled by all the mystery and unknown in our world. These are the kinds of people who come up with innovative ideas and solve problems in unique ways.

Quick Comprehension

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Being able to quickly pick up on new concepts and apply them effectively is a strong indicator that someone is very naturally intelligent. Understanding complex ideas at an efficient rate can come in really handy when it comes to studying for tests to making decisions on a time crunch.

Pattern Recognition 

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IQ test scores are largely determined by someone’s ability to recognize patterns. Pattern recognition is the mind’s ability to detect similarities in different types of data, and our ability as humans to do this has allowed us to evolve and survive over time. We are wired to seek out patterns because they help us understand the world around us and predict what might happen next.


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Self-awareness is a sign of emotional intelligence, giving us insight into our emotions, allowing us to recognize and acknowledge both our strengths and weaknesses, and assisting us in developing empathy and social skills. Self-awareness allows individuals to reflect on their actions and make respective adjustments to behavior in response. 

Mathematical Aptitude

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Unsurprisingly, mathematical aptitude is closely correlated with high IQ scores. Being a math whiz involves a lot of analytical thinking, curiosity, attention to detail, and willingness to take on challenges. Those who excel at math often share these characteristics.


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Self-reliance is integral to the growth of confidence for most people, and it is what allows us to move into adulthood with maturity and relative ease. Independence is related to intelligence in that it involves critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. Independent people are more capable of making decisions based on their own unique experiences and emotions, and they are less likely to be held back by the viewpoints imposed on them by others.

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