18 Ways to Keep Your Friends with Benefits Relationship Casual

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In 2024, people value their personal freedom more than ever, and this has resulted in more people shying away from traditional romantic relationships and instead opting for arrangements that require much less commitment and emotional investment. One increasingly popular option is a “friends with benefits” (FWB) relationship, which is a mutual agreement with a partner that you trust to only engage in sexual activity. FWB relationships can be thrilling yet complicated, and balancing friendship and physical intimacy without venturing into emotional territory requires a mindful and carefully considered approach. Let’s take a look at 18 tips to help you maintain a casual FWB relationship.

Keep Interactions Light and Fun

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Focus on having fun and enjoying each other’s company without adding any emotional weight. Making a conscious effort to engage in activities that are entertaining and low-pressure can help to keep the dynamic light-hearted.

Don't Spend the Night

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Staying overnight can create a sense of intimacy and complicate the casual nature of your relationship, so it’s best to keep sleepovers rare or completely off the table to maintain clear boundaries.

Regularly Reassess the Arrangement

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Check-in with each other periodically to reassess your arrangement as people’s feelings can change, and it’s crucial to ensure that both partners are still comfortable and happy with the setup that was initially agreed upon.

Avoid Routine

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Keeping your interactions spontaneous helps maintain the casual vibe, so make an effort to avoid falling into routines that mimic those of traditional relationships, such as weekly meetups or regular date nights.

Don't Introduce Each Other to Friends and Family

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Introducing your FWB to your inner circle can complicate things, and it’s best to keep this kind of relationship separate from your social and family life to avoid creating unrealistic expectations or misunderstandings.

Practice Safe Sex

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A friends-with-benefits situation is exactly like it sounds, and there is no expectation of commitment unless you and your partner have agreed otherwise. This means that both individuals could have more than one sexual partner at a time, so always prioritize safety in a FWB relationship. Use protection and discuss sexual health openly to prevent the spread of STIs and ensure both partners feel secure.

Keep Communication About the Relationship to a Minimum

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While clear communication is crucial, avoid over-discussing the relationship itself. Too much talk about where things are headed, or constant reassessment can add unnecessary stress and blur the casual lines.

Avoid Public Displays of Affection

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Keeping your interactions private helps maintain the casual nature of your relationship, as public displays of affection can blur lines and lead to confusion about the nature of your relationship to outsiders and even to yourselves.

Communicate Openly

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Clear communication is the cornerstone of any relationship, especially in a FWB scenario. Ensure you and your partner are on the same page regarding expectations and boundaries. Open dialogue helps prevent misunderstandings and keeps the relationship running smoothly.

Set Clear Boundaries

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Define what is and isn’t acceptable within your relationship. Make sure to discuss topics like exclusivity, types of interactions, and boundaries around emotional involvement. Setting these limits from the beginning can help avoid confusion and save you both from potential heartbreak.

Prioritize the Physical Over the Emotional

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FWB relationships should focus on physical intimacy rather than emotional connection. Keep interactions light-hearted and fun, steering clear of activities that might lead to deeper emotional bonds, such as romantic dinners or frequent texting about personal matters.

Stay Honest About Other Partners

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Transparency is vital, and if either of you is seeing other people, it’s best to be upfront about it. Honesty around this kind of topic prevents feelings of betrayal and keeps the relationship based on mutual respect.

Keep Jealousy at Bay

Editorial credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

Jealousy can quickly derail a FWB relationship. Remember, the essence of FWB is non-commitment, and this is precisely why you have agreed to this arrangement. Make sure to maintain open communication to address any insecurities without letting jealousy take root.

Maintain Personal Space and Privacy

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You might have to remind yourself repeatedly during this arrangement that this is not a committed relationship. This means that you and the other party should make efforts to respect each other’s personal space and privacy. You can do this by avoiding overstepping boundaries by showing up unannounced or demanding excessive attention outside of your agreed-upon liaisons.

Don't Make Future Plans

Editorial credit: Pond Saksit / Shutterstock.

To keep things casual, avoid making long-term plans with your FWB. This helps keep expectations in check and maintains the primary focus on the physical aspect of your relationship.

Manage Emotional Attachments

Editorial credit: DimaBerlin/ Shutterstock.

It’s natural for emotions to develop between two humans, especially if they are engaging in sexual activity. But in an FWB relationship, it’s crucial to manage them carefully. It can be helpful to set rules about not expressing romantic feelings and discuss what to do if one of you starts to develop deeper emotions.

Be Prepared to Walk Away

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Understand that FWB relationships are often short-term, and you should be prepared to walk away if the arrangement no longer works for you or if either of you starts developing feelings that complicate the relationship.

Keep it a Mutual Agreement

Editorial Credit: Dragana Gordic / Shutterstock.

Ensure that both partners are equally invested in the FWB arrangement. If one person’s needs or desires change, don’t be afraid to have an honest conversation and be willing to adjust or end the relationship if necessary.

Wrapping it Up

Editorial credit: View Apart / Shutterstock.

Maintaining a FWB relationship requires honesty, respect, and setting clear boundaries. By following these tips, you can enjoy a fun, casual relationship without the complications of traditional romantic entanglements.

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