18 Factors That Show Young Women Are More Liberal Than Their Male Peers

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The great “gender divergence” has seen young women embracing more liberal views and expectations, while the liberal views of young men have remained quite constant. This has caused us to witness an ever-growing gap between males and females regarding their worldviews. This has had some negative implications, especially in the realm of dating, as singles are finding it more and more difficult to match with potential suitors who hold polarizing views to themselves. Here are some of the ways that young women have been becoming more liberal than men.

Traditional Expectations

Editorial credit: Jacob_09 / Shutterstock.

While most young women no longer feel bound by the traditional expectations of society, such as the need to be married young and become a mother, it appears that some men have been moving in the opposite direction. The popularity of extreme social influencers such as Andrew Tate, who push misogynistic views towards females, have gained a worrying amount of popularity. 

Career Ambitions

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In 2020, women began outnumbering men in the workforce within the US, holding 50.4% of jobs. Women have been focusing more on their careers, and their increasingly liberal views have supported this as women are now more keen than ever to seek paid employment. 

Social Dynamics

Editorial credit: Studio Romantic / Shutterstock.

This tendency for young women to hold more liberal views and engage with progressive social issues has been having an impact on dating and social dynamics as many young males and females are struggling to find common ground, both socially and romantically. 

Declining Conservatism 

Editorial credit: Burlingham / Shutterstock.

Conservatism among young women has declined since 2012, reaching an all-time low of 16% in 2020 and 2021. In 2023, it seems 29% of men from the same age group identified as conservative. As you can see, this shows us that the trends of liberal young women and conservative young men appear to be moving in opposite directions. 

Gender Equality

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Women's preference for liberal views and acceptance of gender equality has resulted in a need for relationship dynamics to be reconfigured regarding traditional roles within the home, socially, and economically. 

Marriage Decline

Editorial credit: Aliaksei Kaponia / Shutterstock.

Women are getting married later, if they are getting married at all. Women are now a lot more open-minded about the status of their romantic relationships, and most young women no longer feel pressured or even want to get married. 

Social Issues

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Data between 1980 and 2016 indicates that women tend to be more liberal than men on social issues, facilitating aid for the poor and funding for public schools, etc. This is another divisive issue that women have been becoming more liberal on in comparison to men. 


Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Research shows that 43% of females aged between 18-34 support Socialism, while only 32% of males from the same age bracket do. This is a difference of more than 10%, which is indeed a significant percentage of the population.

Political Ideologies

Editorial credit: Daniel M Ernst / Shutterstock.

This widening gap between the political ideologies of both genders has translated into dating culture. Most females are keen to find a partner who shares their liberal and progressive views. However, with an increasing proportion of young men moving in the opposite direction, this is making dating more difficult. 

Democrats vs Republicans

Editorial credit: Melnikov Dmitriy/ Shutterstock.

Data from 2022 suggests that while 43% of young women had a preference for a Democratic candidate, only 34% of men did. Conversely, 34% of young men had a preference for a Republican candidate, while only 19% of young women did. 

Choosing a Mate

Editorial credit: TimeImage Production / Shutterstock.

Young women now realize that they do not have to “settle” for a partner who doesn’t meet their needs or who indeed shows them anything less than love and respect. Young women know that they can be single, independent, and happy, and they are happy to take their time and choose their mate more carefully than perhaps previous generations. 

Political Activism

Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

Young women's increasing liberal views have been leading them to get involved in political activism at significantly at higher rates than men. Taking part in political activism means that you must hold some strong views, which you are essentially prepared to fight for, protest for, and defend.

A Widening Gender Gap

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According to a recent Gallup poll, only 25% of men between the ages of 18 and 29 identify as politically liberal, while 40% of women in the same age group do. 


Editorial credit: Kseniya Lanzarote / Shutterstock.

In the US, UK, and Germany, young women have been expressing increasingly liberal views regarding the issue of immigration, in comparison to young men. 

Racial Justice

Editorial credit: Nelson Antoine / Shutterstock.

Data suggests that young women have been leaning ever more so to the left on issues like racial justice, with a preference for liberal policies, while young men appear to be more inclined to stay in the middle or lean further to the right. 

Societal Change

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Women’s increasingly liberal views indicate bigger shifts in the overall perspectives of populations. We have seen massive societal change towards a more inclusive, fair, and equal society regarding gender, race, and disability as a whole. 


Editorial credit: Hitdelight / Shutterstock.

Young women's attitudes are changing, and it’s highlighting just how different the attitudes of young men are. For example, the ideologies of Andrew Tate's followers couldn’t be further away from the young, progressive, egalitarian views of a young, liberal woman. 


Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

All of this change in views, attitudes, and political activism is having a wider impact, and it’s changing the culture of our society. We are seeing more progressive social policies being implemented, and women's liberal views seem to be pushing the needle toward a more inclusive, equal world. 

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