18 Unspoken Rules of Conduct in America

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All countries have values and norms that might differ from other places around the globe. Americans have a certain expectancy of behaviors about what they should and should not do. If you are not a native and intend on visiting, these are important unwritten rules about things you should never do on American soil.

Invade Personal Space

Editorial credit: Jennifer M. Mason / Shutterstock.

Americans are somewhat standoffish and require a personal space buffer. Unlike many places in Europe, it is offensive to stand too close to someone, especially if you don't know them. Americans also don’t kiss on the cheek as a greeting, and they do not like it when you are a “close talker” or someone who talks too closely to another person’s face.

Fail to Tip

Editorial credit: lunopark / Shutterstock.

Americans believe in tipping for service. It used to be just waitresses who expected to receive a tip, but the practice has extended to pretty much anyone who does anything. In the United States, not all staff get paid well, so the tipping is meant to provide them with a little extra for their hard work. A gratuity of anywhere from 20 to 25% is customary, pre-tax, for great service. For mediocre service, a standard 10% will usually suffice.

Be Vague

Editorial Credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

In other countries, people have a more subtle and softer approach than communication in America. Americans tend to be more direct and straight to the point. It might come across as rude or blunt to people from abroad, but that isn’t the intention. If you have something you need, communicate it directly.

Being Publicly Affectionate

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Being affectionate in public isn’t entirely banned, but American couples tend to be more reserved when they are out and about. Holding hands is okay, and perhaps a quick kiss, but anything past that tends to make people uncomfortable. Romance is something that goes on behind closed doors.

Not Engaging in Small Talk

Editorial credit: wavebreakmedia / Shutterstock.

Americans tend to strike up conversations with strangers and engage in what people call “small talk.” If they are waiting on public transportation or the doctor’s office, they will talk to the people around them to pass the time. Small talk is termed such because it is talk about things that are mundane and common to most people only.

Failing to be Grateful

Editorial credit: BIGANDT.COM / Shutterstock.

In America, it is traditional to express gratitude when someone does something nice for you. A simple “thank you” or “I appreciate you” is considered a must. Being grateful extends to people waiting on you or anyone who does anything for you while traveling. Americans consider it a nicety, and if you don’t do it, they won’t consider you very nice at all.

Cutting the Line

Editorial credit: Gena Melendrez / Shutterstock.

Americans wait in line for just about everything, and they are very territorial about their space. If someone cuts in front of them, it is considered very rude. If you see a line, assume that you will have to join at the end and wait your turn like everyone else. When you try to get ahead, even to ask a question, you will receive some pretty terrible looks.


Editorial credit: Varavin88 / Shutterstock.

Jaywalking is a term that Americans use for walking in the street anywhere besides where it is legal. Crosswalks are there for a reason and are to be used. It Is illegal to walk anywhere else, which might seem very odd to others. You can receive a ticket if you attempt to walk or cross the street anywhere but designated crossing areas.


Editorial credit: Drazen Zigic / Shutterstock.

Most things in America are a fixed price and nonnegotiable. The only exception to the rule is if you are buying a car or at the flea market. It is considered rude to try to haggle down the price of something if it is marked. 

Complain About Gun Ownership

Editorial credit: Josiah_S/ Shutterstock.

America is one of few countries where guns are allowed to be purchased and owned by just about anyone. According to the latest statistics, as many as 40% of men and 47% of all adult citizens are gun owners. It is a right that they hold very dear to their hearts. If you are in America, it is best not to complain or debate whether guns should be legal. It is not a great source of topic.

Wearing Your Shoes Indoors

Editorial credit: Jameekorn Dulyaporn / Shutterstock.

Americans tend to be quite tidy and clean, so most insist that you not wear shoes inside of their homes. The dirt from your shoes isn’t supposed to be carried indoors. If you didn’t wear socks, then the homeowner will most likely offer you a pair of socks or slippers, but you should at least try to remove your shoes just for courtesy's sake.

Table Manners

Editorial credit: Catherine Murray / Shutterstock.

Although Americans do have traditional formal dinners at times, it is not the norm. In the United States, many families do not gather around a table to have a meal daily, and if they do, it is very casual. Although you want to use a fork properly, there aren’t many other rules that you need to worry too much about in a casual dinner setting. 

Throw Out Your Litter

Editorial credit: jeandum / Shutterstock.

Americans take littering very seriously and it is strictly prohibited in many states. If you throw something out of your car window or into the street, you will likely be met with a lot of angry passersby. It is considered extremely rude and arrogant to throw your trash around as if you own the world. If you have something to dispose of, make sure that it ends up in a trash receptacle. 


Editorial credit: Pisit Koolplukpol / Shutterstock.

According to recent statistics, 61% of Americans enjoy a 100% smokeless indoor environment. Smoking laws do vary by state, but in general, you can not smoke in public places, even if they are outdoors. If you do smoke, make sure that you are allowed to legally, and then pay close attention to who might be around. It is considered very bad to smoke around pregnant women and children. 

Consideration of Public Transportation

Editorial credit: Christian Mueller / Shutterstock.

Although public transportation might not be as connected in the United States as it is in most European countries, when you do use it, there are some very obvious rules for the consideration of others. You are not supposed to talk loudly on your mobile phone, earphones are a must to play music, and if someone is traveling in a group, it is customary for someone to offer to scoot down so that the group can stay together. Etiquette is real and really important when you ride the train, subway, or bus. 

Do Not Mock Religion

Editorial credit: 9dream studio / Shutterstock.

Although America is a very diverse country with many religious practices, it is considered rude to mock religions of any kind. Saying anything derogatory about a religion or religious belief is in poor taste. In the Southern States, which is often called the “Bible Belt” religion is a very big part of the American way of life. 

Withholding Gifts

Editorial credit: George Rudy / Shutterstock.

Americans are into gift-giving for special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, and weddings. It is also thought a courtesy to show up to a party with a “Host gift,” which is a small token to thank someone for inviting you. The usual type of gifts are flowers, candies, or a bottle of wine. Coming empty-handed is considered rude. 

Splitting the Bill Controversy

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

When going out with friends and casual acquaintances, it is usually customary to split the bill evenly between the people who attend. It is considered rude to haggle or argue about how much you have to pay. Americans tend to think what goes around comes around, so if they pick up a bigger portion one time, it will even out over time. 

Traditions are Important

Editorial Credit: Dace Spalvina / Shutterstock.

If you are traveling in a strange part of the world, it is important to know what type of behavior you are expected to uphold. Although Americans are pretty easygoing, there are some non-negotiable things that you might want to pay attention to not offend. 

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