18 Types of Women Men Need to Avoid Dating

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Everyone deserves to be in a happy, healthy, loving relationship where they feel respected and appreciated. However, the path of true love doesn’t always run smoothly, and neither does the path of a toxic relationship. That’s why it’s important to try and avoid getting into one in the first place. Dating in 2024 is a challenge, and most dating advice focuses on what women should avoid when dating guys; however, the door swings both ways, and there are some red flags that men need to avoid when dating women, too. Here are 18 types of women that men need to avoid dating.

The Narcissist 

Editorial credit: Nicoleta Ionescu / Shutterstock.

Narcissism is a personality trait characterized by low empathy, and the term “narcissist” actually refers to a type of personality disorder called NPD, or Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which indicates that a person lacks empathy and accountability for their actions. What is unusual about narcissists is that they also tend to be extremely charismatic, and this can make men feel very attracted to them. Men need to avoid narcissistic women as they are incapable of having emotionally healthy romantic relationships, and they will often end up behaving in toxic ways that involve self-centredness, manipulation, lying, and even cheating. 

The Gold Digger

Editorial credit: Body Stock/ Shutterstock.

Although it’s a cliché, some women are more concerned about what's in a man's bank balance than what's in his heart. Men need to avoid women who are only interested in their money as they can end up being used financially and left feeling emotionally abused by a female who is only looking for one thing: their credit card. 

The Constant Critic

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

Being with a partner who constantly criticizes and puts you down can hurt a man’s self-esteem, confidence, and, ultimately, his mental health. Therefore, men must watch out for the signs of a critical female early on so that they can make a swift exit. 

The Manipulator

Editorial credit: wavebreakmedia / Shutterstock.

Manipulative people love to use your emotions against you and guilt trip you into doing things their way. Often, a man will be oblivious to the fact that a woman has manipulative tendencies until it’s too late and he’s in a relationship with her. That’s why men need to watch out for the subtle signs of manipulation early on in the dating game so they can avoid these types of females altogether. 

The Drama Queen 

Editorial credit: Kaspars Grinvalds / Shutterstock

Being in a relationship with a drama queen is a headache most men don’t need. Overly dramatic people can bring added stress to your life, and life is stressful enough, so men need to try and spot the signs of dramatic females as quickly as possible so they can skip the drama and get back to enjoying their lives. 

An Addict

Editorial credit: Africa Studio / Shutterstock.

Being in a relationship with an addict is no joke; not only can it take a mental and emotional toll, it can have a negative impact on all areas of your life. That’s why men need to avoid dating women with any form of addiction or substance misuse issues. 

Binge Drinkers

Editorial credit: Tomas Urbelionis / Shutterstock.

Social drinkers can be fun to be around, especially at parties or at the club; however, once social drinking blurs the lines into binge drinking, things can start to get messy. Dating a female who binge drinks can get you into all sorts of trouble. Apart from being unhealthy and dangerous, it’s an expensive habit, too, and men should avoid dating binge-drivers at all costs. 

Insecure Females

Editorial credit: Just Life / Shutterstock.

Dating an insecure woman can be a hassle men don’t need; if a female constantly asks you for reassurance, accuses you of fancying other women, or tries to make you jealous, these are all signs that you need to swipe left ASAP.

The Commitment-Phobic Female

Editorial credit: WESTOCK PRODUCTIONS / Shutterstock.

If you’re putting yourself out into the dating world as a man, we’re guessing you are looking for something serious. Commitment is part of a healthy romantic relationship, and without it, a man can be left feeling insecure and unhappy if he can’t trust the woman he’s with. It’s best to avoid any women with commitment issues and keep it pushing.

The Liar

Editorial credit: Look Studio / Shutterstock.

Unfortunately, compulsive liars do exist, and it’s difficult to maintain a healthy, happy, romantic relationship with a woman who constantly lies about everything. Therefore, as soon as a man realizes that a woman has a tendency to be dishonest, he should be jumping ship ASAP. 

The Abuser

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

Who wants to be in a relationship with an abusive person? No one. Unfortunately, abusive people usually employ subtle tactics to disguise their toxic traits until they are already in a relationship with someone. That’s why we urge men to look out for any potential signs of abusive characteristics in females, as this will likely save them a lot of time and heartache. 

The Cheater

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Being cheated on is no fun for anyone, and cheating destroys the trust in a relationship, which is an essential part of a healthy partnership. Sometimes, after one partner cheats, the other may try to stay and work things out, but often, their efforts prove futile, and they end up leaving anyway. That’s why we advise men to use discernment and try to avoid women with a tendency to cheat, as it never leads anywhere good. 

The Controller

Editorial credit: Rocketclips, Inc. / Shutterstock.

Often, men get accused of being controlling over women in relationships. However, controlling behavior can come from either gender. Being in a relationship with a controlling person can lower a person's self-esteem, self-confidence, and sense of independence. That’s why we urge men to avoid dating controlling women at all costs. 

The Victim

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

This might sound controversial, but some women can intentionally embellish the qualities of “the fairer sex” and try to use their feminity as a way to play the role of a victim. Obviously, not all women do this, but sometimes, bothilty of playing the role of victim sexes can be gu if they have manipulative tendencies. This can be dangerous for men, as it can put them in precarious situations where they could be accused of being in the wrong. Therefore, if you notice a woman always positioning herself in the role of a victim, we advise men to run-don’t-walk away.

The User

Editorial credit: Dejan Dundjerski / Shutterstock.

As harsh as it sounds, some women are out to use men, and both sexes can be guilty of this. But if a man doesn’t want to be left with an empty bank account and a broken heart, he needs to avoid dating users as a top priority. 

The Jealous Type 

Editorial credit: wavebreakmedia / Shutterstock.

Dating a jealous person is no fun, as they will constantly make you self-conscious about who you are talking to and how you’re behaving. Jealousy between couples can spark arguments and lead to conflict, so if a man wants to avoid a combative relationship, he also needs to avoid dating jealous females. 

The Flirt

Editorial credit: eldar nurkovic/ Shutterstock.

Being in a relationship with a serial flirt can feel embarrassing and demeaning. No man wants to look on while his partner flirts with other men. This often leads to hurt feelings and bruised egos. So, if a man wants to avoid all these negative emotions, we suggest that he avoids flirty women, too. 

The Bad Communicator

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.

Communication, communication, communication; as clichéd as it sounds, communication is the key to a healthy, happy, long relationship. If you can’t communicate with someone, you can’t have a loving relationship with them either, and that’s why men need to avoid women who lack good communication skills.  

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