18 Types of People You Should Never Trust

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We meet all kinds of weird and wonderful people throughout our lifetime, some of whom we embrace with open arms, others less so. Some are best avoided for our sanity and safety. If you’re given cause to worry or you spot a red flag, follow your gut instinct and put some distance between you and the perpetrator. You’ll be thankful for it in the long term.

The Chronic Liar

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

These people lie about everything, however big or small. If they’re always trying to outsmart everyone with hard-to-believe stories, there’s every chance that they’re making them up to draw attention. Chronic liars can spin tales so well that you can struggle to distinguish reality from fiction.

The Constantly Late Friend

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Punctuality might not be her strong suit, but you love her all the same. When she shows up, you have the best time, so it’s hardly an issue, right? But punctuality is a sign of reliability. If someone can’t manage to be there when arranged, are they respecting you and your time as you do theirs?

The Gossipmonger

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They’re always eager to share the latest juicy news. But remember, if they talk about others behind their backs, they’ll talk about you, too. Your secrets are safer kept to yourself. Surrounding yourself with gossipers also has a detrimental effect on you and your mood. Stick with the more upbeat people, and your mood will thank you for it.

The Flake

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They cancel plans at the last minute or just don't show up. Once or twice is perfectly acceptable, but when it’s constant, it becomes futile to make plans. If reliability isn’t their thing, you might want to find friends who actually value your time and company. After all, you might start to get a complex, and you don’t deserve to.

The Over-Promiser

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They promise the moon but fail to deliver. Whether it’s a work project or a personal favor, over-promisers set you up for disappointment more often than not, and it leaves you feeling deflated every time. Stop setting yourself up for a fall. Choose your friends more wisely.

The Self-Proclaimed Expert

Editorial credit: Andrii Iemelianenko / Shutterstock.

They claim to know anything about everything, but their advice is often misguided or plain wrong. Whether it’s unsolicited financial tips or dubious health advice, take everything they say with a pinch of salt, as they’re probably just attention-seeking. Don’t get them started on conspiracy theories.

The Fair-Weather Friend

Editorial credit: Dean Drobot / Shutterstock.

These friends are only around when things are going well, and that’s fine when you’re young and carefree. When we mature and face tough times, it’s nice to know that someone will stick around rather than disappear without a trace. True friends stick around through thick and thin.

The Perpetual Victim

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Everything bad happens to them, and it’s never their fault. The world seems to hate them and wants to punish them. It’s exhausting to listen to. While it’s good to be empathetic, perpetual victims can drain your energy and may never take responsibility for their actions. Don’t give in to their constant cries for help. They’re toxic to be around.

The Manipulator

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They know how to twist situations to their advantage, often at your expense. They’ll play havoc with your mind and leave you feeling confused. If you sense that someone might be playing mind games, opt for a quick exit. Watch out for those who play on your emotions to get what they want.

The Braggart

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Do you know someone who constantly talks about their achievements, frequently making you feel less than whole? Here’s the thing: if you’re feeling like your self-esteem is taking a bashing, it could well be that you’re around someone like this. Confidence is great, but humility is key. If they can’t stop bragging, they might not have much else to offer.

The Negative Nelly

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Everything is doom and gloom with them, so be prepared to have the greatest news in the world tainted with shades of gray. Their constant negativity can be contagious, pulling you into a deep spiral of pessimism. Over time, you can start to feel more exhausted, gloomy, and downbeat. Surround yourself with positive influences instead.

The Credit Thief

Editorial credit: CREATISTA / Shutterstock.

If you know someone who takes credit for your ideas and hard work, call them out or step away. Whether in the workplace or social settings, these people thrive on stealing the spotlight, and they’re pretty vindictive at the heart of it. They’ll happily step on people to get to the top. Guard your achievements carefully.

The Drama Magnet

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

If there’s drama, they’re in the middle of it, even if it has nothing to do with them. These people thrive on chaos and can turn the calmest day into a soap opera episode, concocting stories about anyone and everyone to give them something to do. They’re not only draining, but they’re also pretty cruel to endlessly badmouth people. Save your peace of mind by keeping your distance.

The Commitment-Phobe

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi/ Shutterstock.

Whether it’s relationships, jobs, or simple social plans, they can’t commit to anything. Their fear of commitment can leave you hanging in uncertainty and frustration, always leaving you at a loose end. The only way to take control of your life is to ditch the people who can’t move forward with you, and that starts with the ones who don’t even show up.

The Mooch

Editorial credit: BRAIN2HANDS / Shutterstock

If they’re always borrowing money, food, or rides and rarely returning the favor, you’ve got yourself a mooch. Mooches can drain your resources and patience with their inability to practice independence. It’s time they learned the art of self-sufficiency. If you wanted kids, you’d have kids.

The Hypocrite

Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.

They preach one thing but do another. Hypocrites are frustratingly inconsistent and can’t be trusted to stand by their word or principles. If they’re discussing someone behind their back then embracing them with open arms, be mindful of their cunning behavior. Avoid at all costs.

The Know-It-All

Editorial credit: Motortion Films / Shutterstock.

They’ve been there, done it, and got the t-shirt. They never even listen because they already know everything. Conversations with them are one-sided lectures, and their closed-mindedness stifles any meaningful exchange of ideas. They don’t understand compromise and won’t allow for any gray areas. They’re far too arrogant, so stick to people who are open to healthy debate instead.

The Control Freak

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Whether a partner, friend, or family member, they want to dictate every aspect of your life and know your every move. While advice is great, control freaks take it too far, leaving you feeling suffocated and stripped of autonomy. Sometimes, constant control can leave you uncertain about how to act without their input. Don’t let it get that far.

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