18 Traits of Men Who Attract Women Without Even Trying

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While there are certain traits that the majority of women tend to find appealing and more compelling in men, dating really is about chemistry and connections. The truth is that you can’t force any of it, especially when it comes to building a long-term relationship. If you’re struggling to date, it may benefit you to note which of these intriguing and attractive characteristics sound like you and to try and showcase those when meeting new people. You always want to be your true self, but you can highlight the best parts of yourself! These are 18 traits that make men exceedingly more attractive to women.


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This might be the number one most attractive quality in a man. Charm encompasses many different things and is, in the end, uniquebut generally, it to the person, is just something you either have or you don’t. People with charisma are magnetic and alluring, making others want to be around them and have their attention.

Sense of Humor

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Being able to both make others laugh and laugh at oneself is one of the most compelling traits. It shows women that you won’t take yourself too seriously and show certain signs of no toxic insecure masculinity that women are quite reasonably wary of.

Emotional Intelligence

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Emotional intelligence is on the rise in terms of importance when it comes to finding a partner. It’s the ability to recognize and manage both one’s own emotions and the emotions of others. This skill includes knowing how to talk about the complexities of human emotions and, therefore, form strong, trusting bonds with others.

Good Communication

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Since we see it so rarely, we love it when we meet a guy who actually knows how to communicate his feelings. This builds trust and reliability in a partnership, so if you can show a woman you like early on that you can talk to her, she will be more inclined to want to pursue things with you.

Adventurous Spirit

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Even if a woman herself is not particularly adventurous, it’s always intriguing to be around someone who might push you out of your comfort zone and help you live life to the fullest extent. 


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Feeling like a guy truly respects and values you as a person is a major turn-on. It’s a sign of emotional maturity and empathy and is integral to any healthy relationship. One way you can show respect to new people is by asking them questions about themselves and listening and responding thoughtfully to what they have to say.


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Women are gaining independence as a group, and nobody wants a guy she has to babysit. Women also enjoy and appreciate their space and time to spend with friends, family, and alone. An independent man who will allow her to have those things without taking it personally is very attractive. 


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It’s about so much more than money. Women want someone who takes charge of his life and goes after the things he wants. Drive and motivation to have a strong career can manifest in a low-paying non-profit job or in a high-paying corporate one. What matters is that you have something you care about and want to fight for. 

Socially Aware

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As women, we spend so much time trying to be polite and drop hints to guys we’re not interested in with no success. As a man, if you are attuned to the feelings of the people around you and can sense when they do or don’t want you around, you are immediately less threatening and more intriguing.


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If you can show people your true self from the beginning, you will form genuine and meaningful connections based on shared values. Showcasing such comfort in yourself is a way to appear self-assured and confident.


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Obviously, confidence is a huge one. Confidence is alluring and draws people in because it can feel nice to be around someone with that kind of positive energy. Confident people are often good leaders and know how to take charge of situations, which is also attractive.


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Passion is compelling because it embodies creativity, emotional fulfillment, and excitement. Being excited about something brings vibrancy into your life, and surrounding yourself with other passionate people is inspiring and motivational. So many women seek out men with things they are enthusiastic about outside of the relationship.


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Unfortunately, this seems to be a rare trait in dating. Transparency is key because it builds essential relationship elements like trust and connection. Showing someone who you truly are will build interest and intimacy in the dynamic, and being honest with a woman shows that you respect her. 


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What is sexier than intelligence? Hardly anything. Intelligent people are able to participate in interesting conversations and provide valuable insights or opinions. They can challenge you to think differently and maybe even improve your life. Intellect is also often correlated with wit, which is highly attractive in platonic and romantic relationships.


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Often going hand-in-hand with confidence, boldness means the courage to confess your feelings and go after the woman you want, and nothing is more compelling and rom-com-inspired than that. 


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A guy who can hold his own in social situations is very attractive. To have a certain level of comfort in social settings allows the people you’re with to enjoy themselves and not have to worry about you. Sociability also demonstrates an ability to connect with others, and women might be immediately drawn to someone who showcases this.


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So many men are held back by societal pressures of toxic masculinity and feel they need to behave a certain way all the time, but progressive, intelligent women actually want a man who shows an openness to new experiences and people of different backgrounds and cultures. 

Friendly Nature

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While there are some women who prefer a man more aloof, many women feel drawn to a guy who is friendly and sweet. Someone like this is much easier to talk to and get to know, and you feel a sense of comfort being around them. A welcoming presence gives positive vibes to the room and fosters an overall sense of closeness and relaxation. 

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