18 Things Baby Boomers Got Right, According to Young People

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Although Baby Boomers have faced a lot of criticism from Gen Z and Millennials, young people have slowly started realizing that the Boomer generation has actually gotten several things right. From lifestyle choices to values, let’s take a look at what younger generations appreciate about Baby Boomer's advice.

Understanding Life's Unfairness

Editorial credit: Roman Chazov / Shutterstock.

This one really hits home, but a sometimes harsh lesson from Boomers is that life isn’t always fair and that you can do the hard work, say all the right things, and still not come first. Recognizing this reality helps foster resilience and grit, traits that are beneficial in navigating today’s complex world.

Homeownership Aspirations

Editorial credit: Alexander Raths/Shutterstock.

For Baby Boomers, owning a home was a significant achievement and a symbol of stability that they prioritized. Despite the challenging housing market today, the dream of homeownership persists among younger people, reflecting the values instilled in them by the Boomer generation.


Editorial credit: Chinnapong / Shutterstock.

Expressing gratitude has always been a significant value for Boomers, and now younger generations are catching on to what is so special about being grateful. The practice of showing appreciation can lead to improved mental health and stronger relationships, making it a timeless lesson for all generations.

Reading for Pleasure

Editorial credit: Olena Yakobchuk / Shutterstock.

Boomers have always been massive advocates of reading, not just as a pastime but as a means of continuous learning. Despite the rise of digital distractions, the habit of reading remains invaluable, offering numerous benefits for mental stimulation and knowledge acquisition.

Craftsmanship and Quality

Editorial Credit: Karen Dole / Shutterstock.

The Boomer generation valued quality and craftsmanship over disposable, fast-fashion trends. This appreciation for durable, well-made goods is seeing a resurgence among younger people who are becoming more conscious of sustainability and quality over quantity.

Face-to-Face Communication

Editorial credit: Quality Stock Arts/ Shutterstock.

In an era dominated by digital communication, the importance of face-to-face interaction, as emphasized by Boomers, is gaining renewed appreciation. Personal connections foster deeper relationships and better communication skills, something that technology often lacks. Plus, interacting with others in real life has numerous benefits for our mental well-being, another thing that younger people are starting to realize. 

Voting and Civic Duty

Editorial credit: Frame Stock Footage / Shutterstock.

Baby Boomers have always understood the importance of participating in democratic processes like voting and civic duty. This sense of civic duty is something younger generations are beginning to value more as they start to recognize the impact their vote can have on shaping society.


Editorial credit: ShutterstockProfessional/ Shutterstock.

Boomers were known for their self-reliance, a trait that remains vital in today’s volatile economy. The ability to solve problems independently and adapt to changing circumstances is highly valued in the fast-paced modern world.

Healthy Eating Habits

Editorial credit: Pressmaster / Shutterstock.

Baby Boomers are the OG’s of health and fitness, and long before the advent of trendy diets, Boomers recognized the importance of a balanced diet and home-cooked meals. This focus on whole foods and healthy eating is something that younger generations are increasingly adopting as they seek healthier lifestyles.

Appreciation for the Outdoors

Editorial credit: kudla/ Shutterstock.

Growing up, Boomers spent a lot of time outdoors, cultivating a deep appreciation for nature. This love for the environment is increasingly relevant today as society faces pressing environmental issues and climate concerns. Now, younger generations are starting to embrace outdoor activities and environmental conservation with similar fervor.

Social and Cultural Contributions

Editorial Credit: Lomb / Shutterstock.

The Boomer generation made significant contributions to music, culture, and social movements. From rock and roll to civil rights, their impact has been profound and continues to influence today's society and younger generations.

Family Values

Editorial credit: Drazen Zigic / Shutterstock.

One of the cornerstones of Boomer's beliefs is the importance of family. This generation prioritized family time and strong familial bonds, something that resonates deeply with many Millennials and Gen Zers today. Amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life, the emphasis on family remains a cherished principle.

Respecting Elders

Editorial credit: RedStock/ Shutterstock.

Boomers were raised with a strong sense of respect for their elders. This tradition, although sometimes viewed as old-fashioned, has retained its enduring value. Younger generations are beginning to appreciate the wisdom and experience that older individuals bring to the table, fostering a culture of mutual respect.

The Golden Rule

Editorial credit: Panchenko Vladimir / Shutterstock.

Treating others as you wish to be treated was a fundamental lesson for many Boomers. This principle of empathy and kindness is something that resonates strongly today, especially in an interconnected world where cooperation and understanding are crucial.

Entrepreneurship Spirit

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

Many Boomers demonstrated a strong entrepreneurial spirit, starting businesses and driving innovation. This legacy of entrepreneurship continues to inspire younger generations to take risks and create new opportunities.

Work Ethic

Editorial credit: Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.

Baby Boomers are often lauded for their strong work ethic. Their dedication and commitment to their careers set a standard that many younger individuals strive to emulate as they begin to recognize the value of hard work and perseverance.

Punctuality Matters

Editorial credit: Ground Picture/ Shutterstock.

Boomers placed a high value on punctuality, viewing it as a sign of respect for others' time. This practice remains critical in both professional and personal settings, helping to build trust and reliability.

Patience as a Virtue

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

In a world of instant gratification, the Boomer adage that patience is a virtue is increasingly relevant. Taking the time to make thoughtful decisions can lead to better outcomes and a more balanced life, and younger generations are finally starting to see the importance of slowing down and being patient. 

Economic and Technological Advancements

Editorial credit: PhotodriveStudio / Shutterstock.

Boomers contributed to periods of significant economic and technological advancements. Their innovations laid the groundwork for many of the conveniences and technologies that we enjoy today, and their contributions literally changed the world. Even in 2024, it's clear that the lessons and values upheld by the Boomer generation have left a lasting legacy. Younger generations are beginning to recognize and appreciate these insights, bridging the generational divide and fostering a greater understanding of the principles that have stood the test of time. 

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