18 Absurd Complaints People Have About Boomers

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Baby Boomers, often shortened to Boomers, are the generation that was born between 1946 and 1964. The term “Baby Boomers” refers to the fact that right after the end of World War II there was a massive increase in birth rates with over 3 million babies being born in 1946. This generation was quite economically successful and remains influential within society due to their hard-earned capital. However, not everyone has positive feelings towards Boomers, with some subsequent generations holding resentment towards this older generation's wealth, prosperity, and different ways of living.

Their Fear of Online Banking

Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.

Boomers are now aged between 60 and 75, and the fact is that they are part of an older generation who aren’t as comfortable with online transactions as younger generations. Boomers are used to going into physical banks, writing and lodging checks with real human beings, and they remain suspicious of online banking. 

Their Taste in Music

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Most Boomers were in their “hay day” during the 1970s, and the music they listened to is vastly different from today's modern rap or dance music scenes. Some people today find it extra corny that Boomers are still listening to psychedelic hippy music from 1975. 

They Take too Long at ATMs

Editorial credit: Hadrian / Shutterstock.

Being older, Boomers have slowed down a bit now, and whether you like it or not, if you are waiting in line behind a Baby Boomer at a cash machine, you should be prepared for it to take a while. 

They Love Sending Emails

Editorial credit: Rawpixel. com / Shutterstock.

Boomers are probably the last generation whose main way of communicating in writing was via the written word, so whenever emails came along, they were more than happy to get on board with this new way of “sending letters.” The only problem is that nobody likes reams of long emails, except Boomers, of course, so be prepared to receive detailed explanations and stories, with pictures attached, from your favorite Boomer. 

They Don’t Trust New Technology

Editorial credit: pathdoc/ Shutterstock.

Boomers' suspicion of new technology reaches far beyond online banking, and most of them have just about accepted that microwaves are safe. People do find it irritating that Boomers don’t trust new, convenient inventions like wireless headphones or biometric identification on their mobile phones. 

They Still Like to Use Physical Maps

Editorial credit: Krakenimages.com / Shutterstock.

Even though we are living in 2024, and we now have GPS tracking, Google Maps, and satellites to help give us directions, Boomers still love to use a physical map to help them get around. Younger generations find this incredibly irritating as they are so used to just switching on their SatNav and being told exactly where to go. 

They Make Fun of Modern Fashion Trends

Editorial credit: AJR_photo / Shutterstock.

I bet you that you have heard a baby boomer joke about someone wearing ripped jeans along the lines of “ Did you fall over in those, dear?” Boomers don’t get modern fashion trends, and they can’t quite understand why you would pay money for ripped jeans. 

They Love Spending Time at the Grocery Store

Editorial credit: Elliott Cowand Jr / Shutterstock.

While younger generations have most of their groceries pre-ordered and delivered now via online shopping, Baby Boomers much prefer to take their time and spend two hours strolling around a food market, leisurely taking their time, and squeezing the fruit before they buy it. 

They Keep Scrap Books

Editorial credit: Newnow / Shutterstock.

What is a scrapbook? I hear you ask, well, bear with me; Baby Boomers love to collect things, and in their childhood, making scrapbooks, which involved collecting pictures, and sticking them into a large book, was a common hobby, something that this generation still enjoys today.

They Always Have Hard Candy

Editorial credit: rblfmr / Shutterstock.

If you know a Baby Boomer who doesn’t carry a Werthers Original around in their pocket, they probably have Brandy Balls instead. Hard candy was a big thing when Boomers were growing up, and they have never quite let go of their sweet tooth for it. 

Driving is a Past Time For Them

Editorial credit: l i g h t p o e t / Shutterstock.

Boomers literally treat driving like a hobby, and you will often hear them say, “Let’s go for a drive”. While Millenials and Gen Z are most likely to answer “Drive where?” to this statement, the generational gap between these demographics becomes clear. Boomers enjoy driving for the sake of it, and they don’t need to have a specific purpose to enjoy “A drive.”

They Throw Shade at Beards

Editorial credit: Anatoliy Karlyuk / Shutterstock.

Boomers hold a sense of resentment towards anyone they meet with a beard. Their generation was brought up to believe that your appearance was paramount, and part of looking clean and professional involved being clean-shaven daily. Boomers see men with beards as unprofessional, unkempt, and shabby-looking. 

They Hate Apps

Editorial credit: Rachel Moon / Shutterstock.

Boomers have yet to grasp the concept of an “App”, and they treat them as if they are some kind of alien technology sent here from space. Younger generations trying to help their parents, or grandparents download and use an app find the whole experience trying to say the least. 

They Take Sandwiches Everywhere

Editorial credit: Ilia Nesolenyi / Shutterstock.

Have you ever been somewhere with a Boomer and they suddenly present you with a cheese and ham sandwich? This can happen in the most unlikely places. It could be in the park, in the car, or on a train. Boomers learned to always be prepared for outings with sandwiches, something they most likely were taught by their World War II surviving parents. 

They Enjoy Telling Long Stories

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Some Boomers still remember a time when they had no TV, never mind the internet. This meant that a lot of their entertainment as children came from storytelling, and thus, Boomers enjoy taking their time to recount an event in great detail. 

They Ask You When Are You Getting Married? 

Editorial credit: Den Rozhnovsky / Shutterstock.

Boomers were the generation who were married with kids and a mortgage before 30, usually before 25, so they commonly ask younger generations, “When are you getting married?” and many of them ask this quite innocently as it was just how things were in “their day.”

They Send Long Text Messages

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

It’s fair to say that Boomers don’t understand or use “Text speak” when they are texting, and you will need to send long sentence replies, with the correct grammar included, to the long texts that you receive from them. 

They’re Obsessed With Their Gardens

Editorial credit: Simplylove / Shutterstock.

Boomers are from a time when not having a well-trimmed front lawn was a sign of disgrace. Therefore, you will find them spending hours in their gardens pruning trees, watering plants, and cutting the grass. 

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