18 Signs You’re Dealing with an Adult Lacking Class

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Class can be a difficult trait to identify. To some, class is speaking in the Queens clipped English; to others, it’s carrying oneself in a certain manner. The truth of the matter is that class is defined by behavior, manners, and respect for others. Wealth and status can undeniably contribute to a perception of class, but true classiness far transcends material possessions. We’re often quick to judge those we perceive to have no class over those who do, so let’s look at what it means to lack class.  

Lack of Basic Etiquette

Editorial credit: Dean Drobot / Shutterstock.

Classless adults often display a disregard for basic etiquette, such as interrupting others, speaking loudly in public spaces, or neglecting to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you.’ This can apply to wealthy, upper-class individuals or working-class populations equally. There’s no hierarchy when it comes to manners.

Insensitive Comments

Editorial credit: pics five/ Shutterstock.

Making insensitive or offensive comments without any regard for others' feelings or backgrounds is not only rude and distasteful, but it’s a clear sign of classlessness. That includes derogatory jokes or remarks that could be considered derogatory, discriminatory, or belittling.

Poor Table Manners

Editorial credit: SeventyFour/ Shutterstock.

While upper classes are taught endlessly how to navigate the dinner table, it doesn’t always mean they execute the necessary manners. Anyone who exhibits poor table manners, such as chewing with their mouth open, talking with food in their mouth, or reaching across others without excusing themselves, lacks class in its entirety.

Space Invading

Editorial credit: wavebreakmedia / Shutterstock.

We’re not talking about heading to the moon. We’re referring to the individuals who invade others’ personal space without permission, making them feel uncomfortable through unwelcome physical contact. Showing you have class means respecting boundaries; it’s never good to invade personal space.  

Being Rude to Service Staff

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

It’s often believed that those with wealth and fame are the rudest to service staff due to a feeling of superiority. Whether or not that’s true, treating service staff with disrespect or disdain reveals a lack of empathy and humility. Classy people treat everyone kindly and courteously and refuse to acknowledge a hierarchy. Rightly so.

Constant Swearing

Editorial credit : fizkes / Shutterstock.

While there’s no harm in highlighting a point with a token curse word from time to time, choosing to resort to swearing in every conservation is a sign of low class. It usually signifies a lack of intellect with cursing a rapid means of expressing feelings. There’s no need for it.  

Public Aggression

Editorial credit: silverkblackstock/ Shutterstock.

Classy adults keep their disdain and arguments to themselves, opting to resolve matters privately and behind closed doors. Whether it’s in a public space or on social media, those who lack class often resort to audience-inspired displays of anger, aggression, or confrontation. It’s always best to avoid them.

Excessive Bragging

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

This trait isn’t limited to social status. People from all walks of life are capable of boasting about their achievements, possessions, or status. Of interest, this is usually a sign of insecurity, but it demonstrates a lack of class. Classy people are humble and modest. They don’t need to announce their lives to the world.


Editorial credit:Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

Engaging in mindless gossip has often been attributed to working-class origins, where factory workers sought superficial conversation to get them through the day. Nowadays, it’s a worldwide phenomenon that many people engage in daily, particularly when it comes to celebrity lifestyles. When gossip and rumor spreading are frequent, it shows a lack of integrity and respect for privacy. There’s no class in that.

Materialism and Status-Seeking

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Prioritizing material possessions, status symbols, or social hierarchy over personal values and relationships reflects a shallow and classless mindset. The truest classiness is defined by character and integrity, not by material wealth or external validation. We just need the consumers of the world to realize this.

Failure to Take Responsibility

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Not taking responsibility for one’s actions and blaming others or making excuses is a poor way to handle manners and emotions. A classier attitude would be to own up to mistakes and strive for self-improvement.

Social Media Spite

Editorial credit: Twin Design / Shutterstock.

One of the main platforms that demonstrate classless behavior in the modern era is social media. We’re often aware of individuals who engage in cyberbullying, trolling, or posting inappropriate content without considering the impact on others. It shows no regard for the feelings of others and lacks class in every way.

Poor Hygiene

Editorial credit: G-Stock Studio / Shutterstock.

If there’s one thing we were taught as infants, it’s to always regard our hygiene and present ourselves to the best of our ability. Wherever one is positioned within the socio-economic scale, neglecting personal hygiene or living space reflects a lack of self-respect and consideration for others.


Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

There’s no doubt that more affluent populations tend to take the brunt of snobbish accusations within society, but it has its place across all statuses. Acting snobbish or pretentious, looking down on others based on perceived status or superiority, is a clear sign of classlessness. Background or circumstances should be of little circumstance.

Dishonesty and Deception

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Anyone who engages in dishonest behavior, such as lying, cheating, or manipulating others for personal gain, undermines trust and integrity. It’s more common than we’d like to believe and happens across all races, cultures, and genders.

Neglecting to Show Gratitude

Editorial credit: AS Inc / Shutterstock.

Regardless of one’s place in society, there’s never an excuse to deny someone gratitude. It is probably one of the basic foundations of good manners and is usually indoctrinated in us from an early age. Demonstrating entitlement and ingratitude is vulgar and lacks class.


Editorial credit: Nattakorn_Maneerat / Shutterstock.

Classless adults exhibit a lack of self-control and moderation, indulging in excessive drinking, eating, spending, or other behaviors that prioritize instant gratification over long-term well-being. Understandably, richer members of society are in a better position to execute overindulgence, so it’s of little surprise that it’s a more common trait within these populations.

Refusal to Apologize

Editorial credit: Photoroyalty / Shutterstock.

There’s great importance in apologizing for mistakes and forgiving others for theirs. It shows humility and a willingness to better ourselves. Refusing to apologize or holding grudges simply adds to negativity and conflict and shows a lack of maturity. Classy people own their mistakes and learn from them.

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