18 Reasons Why No One Cares About Gen X

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Sandwiched Between Boomers and Millennials: Gen Xers were born between two much larger and more vocal generations. The Boomers had their post-war prosperity, and Millennials are digital natives. Gen Z needs no introduction. Gen X often feels overshadowed by the sheer volume and impact of these generations, so let’s look at the reasons why.

Media Focus

Editorial credit: Kaspars Grinvalds / Shutterstock.

Media and marketers always skip over Gen X to the point of us barely acknowledging their existence, and when they do, it’s largely negative. There’s ample focus on the purchasing power and booming trends of Boomers and Millennials. Gen X never seems to hit the spotlight unless they’re being blamed for something.

Small Cohort

Editorial credit: tadamichi / Shutterstock.

As a generation of only 65 million Gen Xs are stuck between two demographic powerhouses’: Millennials and Boomers. Baby Boomers made up 76 million and Millennials a whopping 83 million of the population. Much like being a quiet individual in a room full of loud personalities, there’s no chance of being heard amongst the surrounding noise.

Pop Culture Influence

Editorial credit: Kraft74 / Shutterstock.

Boomers went a long way in shaping early TV and music, and Millennials dominated social media, Gen X had icons like Nirvana frontman, Kurt Cobain, and the cult movie The Breakfast Club. These influences are noteworthy, but they’re usually overshadowed by the more recent cultural phenomena of Gen Zs.

Technological Transition

Editorial credit: Light And Dark Studio / Shutterstock.

Gen X grew up with typewriters and rotary phones but in their early twenties, they adapted to computers and smartphones. Their transitional experience is less extravagant compared to Millennials’ tech-savviness and Boomers’ pre-digital nostalgia. Unlike those that were born into savvy tech, Gen X simply made a silent transition.

Workforce Dynamics

Editorial credit: Ground Picture /Shutterstock.

Gen X entered the workforce during the mid to late 90s, a time of economic instability and corporate downsizing. They were often seen as the quiet, hardworking backbone of companies, quietly climbing the ladder while others made more noise. They simply kept their heads down and remained grateful for the work.

DIY Ethic

Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

Known for their DIY spirit, Gen Xers learned to be resourceful and self-reliant thanks to the help of the can-do Boomer parents. They were born with the ability to change fuses with their eyes closed. This resilience often means they handle things quietly and efficiently, sometimes going unnoticed compared to the more vocal self-promotion of other generations.

Grunge and Anti-Materialism

Editorial credit: eli medeiros / Shutterstock.

With its anti-materialistic ethos, the grunge movement of the '90s defined much of Gen X culture. They had record-breaking artists like Mudhoney, Pearl Jam, and P J Harvey amongst many more, and while these bands have remained popular, they haven’t put Gen X on the music map. Grunge followers held an understated, anti-establishment attitude so maybe that’s why they didn’t always seek the limelight.

Family Focus

Editorial credit: Tursk Aleksandra / Shutterstock.

As many Gen Xers are now parents, they prioritize family over the need for a spotlight. Having seen vast changes from their childhood to the younger generations of today, they’re keener on raising their children with strong values and re-establishing good morals. They often put their own needs second, leading to less public visibility.

Financial Conservatism

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi/Shutterstock.

Having lived through economic recessions, Gen Xs tend to be financially conservative and cautious about their finances. They’re not the savers that the Boomers were, but they’re not inclined to splash the cash for instant gratification like the younger generations. Their practical, low-risk approach to money just isn’t newsworthy.

Career Stability

Editorial Credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Gen X has experienced working-class backgrounds and worked hard to build successful lives that have catapulted them into higher societal divisions. That’s why they value job stability and loyalty, often staying with the same employer for many years. Their steady, reliable presence in the workforce is boring compared to the varied working approaches of other generations.

Private Lives

Editorial credit: Olena Yakobchuk / Shutterstock.

Gen X prefers to keep their personal lives private, unlike Millennials and Gen Z who often share openly on social media. Boomers only tend to dip into social media, so Gen X's discretion can lead to a lower profile in the public eye. They tend to be the quieter ones on social media, but they're not to be underestimated.

Cultural Contributions

Editorial credit: Wachiwit / Shutterstock.

Gen X has contributed significantly to arts, music, and literature. The problem is that their works are sometimes less commercially promoted compared to the blockbuster successes of other generations. Boomers had Harper Lees, To Kill a Mockingbird and Gen Zs had J.K. Rowlings, Harry Potter. What chance did Gen X have?

Education Shifts

Editorial credit: Jack_the_sparow / Shutterstock.

They experienced significant changes in education, from the rise of standardized testing to the use of the mind-bending internet in schools. The simple transition wasn’t noteworthy enough to make it count for anything groundbreaking. They adapted, and they got on with it. It’s no Breaking News Special.

Entrepreneurial Spirit

Editorial credit: GaudiLab/Shutterstock.

It’s hard to make a name for yourself when you fall short of anything groundbreaking, but as a generation who experienced the realities of hard-graft manual labor to earn a living, as well as successful entrepreneurship, Gen Xers can adapt to anything. While they can easily slip into entrepreneurial roles, they tend to do so without making any noise.  

Political Engagement

Editorial credit: Fox_Ana/ Shutterstock.

Boomers were the biggest voting generation and Gen Zs are giving them a run for their money with their activism and strong opinions. Gen X tends to be more skeptical and less ideologically extreme than other generations. Their moderate, balanced approach to politics doesn’t capture headlines. It doesn't mean they don't have strong opinions though.

Healthcare Challenges

Editorial credit: Michail Petrov/Shutterstock.

As they age, Gen X is dealing with healthcare challenges and the financial burden of supporting both their children and aging parents. This ‘sandwich generation’ struggle is real but often goes unnoticed. It’s a great thing that healthcare is now aimed at the less advantaged of society, but Gen Xs are frequently overlooked.

Cultural Stereotypes

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

There are numerous stereotypes about Gen X being cynical and disengaged despite evidence to the contrary. The truth is that, unlike other generations, they’ve learned the best of both worlds and have things pretty well under control. The general misunderstanding is what usually contributes to their forgotten status.


Editorial credit: Aleksandra Suzi/ Shutterstock.

Gen Xs lived during the Cold War, the Vietnam War, and the Civil Rights Movement, and they also spearheaded the LGBTQ+ campaign. They even formed organizations such as Act Up to increase funding for AIDS research after the 80s AIDS pandemic.  With Boomers known for their anti-establishment-inspired Summer of Love in ’69, and Gen Zs fighting tooth and nail for equality, it’s no wonder that Gen Xs are ignored.

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