18 Reasons Why Men Get Crankier As They Age

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You might be familiar with the term “grumpy old man,” and although it’s often said in a jestful way to refer to an older man who seems a little crankier in his later years, there is actually some evidence to suggest that as men age, due to a range of biological, psychological, and social factors, they do tend to become less happy, and more cranky. Here are 18 reasons why men get crankier as they get older.

Hormonal Fluctuations

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Although we hear a lot about menopause, which affects women, men actually have their own version, except it is rarely talked about. Andropause, as it is sometimes referred to, is caused by declining levels of testosterone, which occurs as men age, and it can result in irritability, mood swings, and an overall decrease in well-being. 

Sleep Problems

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For many reasons, as men age, their quality of sleep can decrease. This can be caused by effects of the andropause or by health-related conditions, like an enlarged prostate, which is a common complaint of older men and causes them to need to use the toilet more regularly, often waking them at night. With poor or interrupted sleep, the body doesn’t get to fulfill many of the functions it needs to, and this can leave anyone feeling grumpy. 

Feeling Less Attractive

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Men care about their appearance too, and as they get older, they have to adjust to the fact that they don’t look the way they did at 25. With gray, balding hair, wrinkles, and possibly some weight gain, lots of older men find it challenging to accept that they might not be as attractive to the opposite sex as they once were. This can impact a man's self-esteem and confidence, causing him to feel cranky or grumpy. 

Cognitive Function

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As human beings age, our cognitive functions decline; it is just a natural part of the aging process; however, it can leave older men feeling irritable and frustrated that they can’t seem to do or remember things as well as they used to. 

Health Conditions

Editorial credit: Ruslan Huzau/ Shutterstock.

Age-related illness is a fact of life, and unfortunately, this can cause older men to struggle to adapt to their new reality, which may mean a restricted diet, no longer playing sports, or having to attend lots of medical appointments. All of these factors can combine to make older men feel irritable and cranky. 

Losing Loved Ones

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It’s a sad fact that as people age, the chance of losing close friends to illness increases, and it can be very challenging and frustrating for older men to feel that they are losing more and more of the people that they hold dear. Irritability and mood changes are a natural part of the grieving process, and this can be another factor contributing to a man's apparent grumpy demeanor. 

Brain Chemistry 

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Aging can result in alterations in how the brain chemistry works. This can mean changes in levels of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which can both negatively impact mood, leading to more grumpiness. 

Medication Side Effects

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Older men are usually dealing with more health conditions and are, therefore, more likely to be taking more medications, all of which have side effects of some kind. Often, this can be a contributory factor to lower mood and/or increased irritability in older males. 

Chronic Pain 

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Living with chronic pain isn’t much fun for anyone, and it is something that older men often deal with. Whether it’s the persistent pain of arthritis, backache, or some other condition, constantly being in pain can negatively impact mood. 

Hearing Loss

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Hearing loss is a common complaint of the elderly, and not being able to hear others, along with the stigma of deafness, can cause men to feel more isolated and down, leading to low mood and crankiness. Furthermore, research shows that men are twice as likely as women to experience hearing difficulties. 

Feeling Out of Touch

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Older men can get frustrated by the fact that they feel out of touch with today’s culture and trends. Whenever these men were in their prime it may have been the ‘50s, ‘60s, or ‘70s, and a lot has changed since then, from fashion to music, and technology, and they may get irritated by the fact that they feel like they are living in a different time.  

Loss of Independence

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Imagine that you were once a successful businessman, maybe you were a boss who ran a company, or a father who took care of his wife and kids (not just in a financial sense), and now as you have gotten older, and your health has declined you can’t work anymore, and you can’t play football with your grandkids as you can’t walk without the aid of a stick; you might feel pretty frustrated about losing a sense of your independence. This is precisely how lots of older men feel, and it can manifest as irritability or cranky behavior. 

Loss of Sexdrive

Editorial credit: Ruslan Huzau/ Shutterstock.

It’s common for older men to experience a loss of libido and also issues with erectile dysfunction. Both of these issues can severely impact a man's self-esteem and confidence, and he may struggle to feel like he can satisfy his romantic partner, which can lead to feelings of disconnection and isolation. 

Political Correctness

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Whether we are talking about stereotypes, bias, or issues around equality and acceptance such as gender fluidity, a lot of these concepts are new for older men who may hold more traditional views, and expectations, and older men can sometimes feel frustrated, or embarrassment at not always knowing the correct thing to say.

An Increase in Stressors

Editorial credit: Dmytro Zinkevych/ Shutterstock.

As we age, the number of stressors that we face can dramatically increase, for example, we may have caring responsibilities for our own partner, or be dealing with grief from losing them, we will often also have increased financial concerns from medical bills and mortgages, and then there is our own health to deal with, and whenever you add all that up, you can understand why older men might be feeling crankier than they were in their younger days.

Sight Loss

Editorial credit: Toa55 / Shutterstock.

As we age, most of us will experience a decrease in our ability to see. While for some, this is easily rectified with a pair of glasses, for others, sight loss can be more severe, and not being able to recognize friends and family or watch your favorite TV shows is bound to be pretty frustrating. This is another reason why older men may be crankier as they age.  

New Technology

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Older people find themselves in an ever-changing world that is increasingly dependent on electronic and digital systems that they were never taught about in school. We now live in a time that’s dominated by technology, and getting the hang of using a computer for online banking or using video calls to stay in touch with relatives can be challenging for older generations. They can get easily frustrated by technology. 


Editorial credit: Inside Creative House / Shutterstock.

Although retirement is hailed as some golden chalice that we should all look forward to, it’s important to remember that working adds a lot of value to people's lives, and we don’t just mean financially. The daily routine of employment and social engagement is very stimulating for our mind and body, and many men have been socialized to attach part of their self-worth to work, especially older generations, so whenever they retire, it can represent a large void in a man's life. 

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