8 Pricey Items People Insist On Buying Despite Being Broke

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When times are tough, it's natural to tighten the purse strings. However, even the most budget-conscious among us have our weak spots and even when we’re a bit hard up, we still make room for those tempting splurges. If it’s a choice between the rent or Netflix, the latter will likely win. We can always find inventive ways of justifying our choices, even if they are dubious. Here are 18 things that people tend to spend their money on, no matter how hard up they might be.

Gourmet Coffee

Editorial credit: naito29 / Shutterstock.

A cup of freshly brewed high-quality coffee is an affordable luxury that can make a tough day a little brighter. Even if we have a perfectly decent coffee maker at home, the ritual of visiting our favorite coffee shop for a flat white or a cappuccino offers a small escape from a busy day. It's the frequency that's an issue, and when funds are tight, it's tricky to sacrifice them daily.

Streaming Subscriptions

Editorial credit: Adam Yee / Shutterstock.

Platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+ provide hours of entertainment for a relatively low monthly fee. Yes, it can be regarded as a luxury, non-essential item when bills need paying, but during tough times, the value of escapism and relaxation these services offer is priceless. That’s what we tell ourselves anyway.

Takeout and Delivery

Editorial credit: Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock.

After a long day at work, sometimes cooking is the last thing anyone wants to do. Ordering takeout can feel like a necessary treat that saves time and effort. We can always justify the low cost, we just need to avoid splurging several nights a week. The odd one here and there won't break the bank.

Beauty Products

Editorial credit: nadianb / Shutterstock.

We’re all allowed to feel good about ourselves and a high-end lipstick or a luxurious face mask can make anyone feel pampered. These small indulgences can boost confidence and provide a sense of self-care that feels crucial during stressful times. Plus, everyone’s talking about self-care these days, so what’s the problem?

Pet Treats and Toys

Editorial credit: Masarik / Shutterstock.

For pet owners, spoiling furry friends with treats and toys is a way to show love and appreciation. Seeing a pet happy and entertained brings joy and a sense of fulfillment that’s worth every penny, even if they do already have over one hundred toys lying around.


Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

The sun is out and moods are high, so we can’t resist an affordable glass of red or a cool beer with our dinner. We’re not talking about breaking the bank, but a small tipple to help us unwind can always be justified, even when we can’t afford it.

Lottery Tickets

Editorial credit: alisafarov / Shutterstock.

The allure of a big win is hard to resist, and it could be considered an investment if the numbers fall. Buying a lottery ticket offers a moment of hope and excitement, a small investment in the dream of financial freedom. It's all about keeping gambling healthy and not making a habit of it.

Fitness Classes and Apps

Editorial credit: Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.

Health and well-being are paramount, especially in stressful times. We’re constantly being reminded that we need to keep fit and look after our well-being so spending on yoga classes, gym memberships, or fitness apps ensures that our physical health is maintained. Exercise can also improve mental health so it’s no big deal.

Video Games

Editorial Credit: M-Production / Shutterstock.

Those who game understand the need to game. Immersive video games provide an escape from reality and a great way to unwind. Whether it's the latest console game or a popular mobile app, gaming offers entertainment and a way to connect with friends online. We'll always find a way to afford the latest game release.

Premium Snacks

Editorial credit: barmalini / Shutterstock.

Gourmet snacks like artisanal chocolates, exotic chips, or fancy cheese are gorgeous treats and can lift our moods to no end. These splurges turn miserable moments into much happier ones, offering us a small but significant boost in happiness. That’s acceptable, surely.


Editorial credit: Joko Narimo / Shutterstock.

Houseplants are embraced for their uplifting and health benefits. We love them for brightening up our living spaces and improve air quality. Caring for plants can also be a soothing and rewarding activity, making it a worthwhile splurge. Having a spider plant does not negate the need for another.

Kitchen Gadgets

Editorial credit: Hazal Ak / Shutterstock.

Having shiny and exciting kitchen tools like an air fryer, espresso machine, or spiralizer can make cooking much enjoyable and efficient. We can explore new foods and experiment with cooking. Now and again, we can’t help but invest in the latest gadget, even when we know we really shouldn’t.

Home Decor

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Small home improvements like new throw pillows, candles, or wall art can make a big difference in creating a cozy, comforting environment. These occasional purchases enhance the feeling of home, making it a beautiful, comforting sanctuary. It's worth acknowledging the desperate need for cushions when you already have over twenty of them.

High-Speed Internet

Editorial credit: 13_Phunkod / Shutterstock.

Reliable, fast internet is a necessity in today’s digital world. It supports our work, education, entertainment, and social connections, making it a crucial investment for most households. No amount of financial hardship is likely to hold us back from scrolling the pages of social media.

Tobacco And Vapes

Editorial credit: GrungeElfz/ Shutterstock.

We're all aware of the dangers associated with smoking. Vapes are deemed to be much less harmful but we're still relatively unaware of the long-term effects. Those who choose to smoke or vape won't sacrifice keeping stocks replenished during the hardest of times. This isn't always a personal choice but due to an addiction. Stopping smoking is the best way to cut down on unnecessary spending. You'll be amazed at how much you can save.

Books and E-Books

Editorial credit: jakkaje879 / Shutterstock.

A good book is a timeless escape into different worlds and book addicts can’t be without some form of reading material. We only have to pass by a store to see new books staring at us from the shopfront. The temptation is too real.


Editorial credit: White bear studio / Shutterstock.

If our skincare products are running low, there’s no way we can be without them. Investing in quality skincare products can improve not just physical appearance but also self-esteem. It doesn’t matter how overdrawn we are, we can’t be without our three-step cleanser.

Sale Finds

Editorial credit: ezphoto / Shutterstock.

It always seems to be that when we have no money, we’ll spot the sale of the century. Whether it’s the laptop we always wanted or the latest designer candle at half price, there’s no resisting when that sale sticker is slapped on our favorite must-have item. A bargain’s a bargain, whether we’re hard up or not, right?

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