18 Careers Commonly Seen as Marriage Deal-Breakers

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Choosing a life partner involves considering many factors, and their profession is one of them. We’re not talking about earning potential, we’re referring to professions that carry a certain amount of instability, stress, or even heartbreak. If you want to avoid a breakup, it might be worth giving it some thought if a potential partner works in any of the following industries. We’re all for taking risks with love, but sometimes, you have to protect your heart.  

Military Personnel

Editorial credit: Dragos Asaftei / Shutterstock.

The demanding and often dangerous nature of military life, including long deployments and frequent relocations, can put a huge strain on relationships. Long periods spent apart, the absence of a quick reassuring text, and the uncertainty of a perilous lifestyle: it is commendable but can be too traumatic for many partners.

Emergency Responders (Police, Firefighters, EMTs)

Editorial credit: ALDECA studio / Shutterstock.

While these professions are undeniably noble and affluent, they can all have an impact on both partners. When you combine a high-stress environment, irregular hours, and frequent dangers that carry hazardous potential, it can make it difficult for partners who prioritize stability and safety.

Traveling Salesperson

Editorial credit: DGLimages / Shutterstock.

Constant travel and time away from home can strain the best of relationships. Sales work often involves working in different locations with unpredictable working hours to hit high targets. This can add stress to the lives of both partners and coupled with the lack of consistent presence and support, it might be challenging for some partners to manage.

Entertainers (Actors, Musicians)

Editorial credit: PopTika / Shutterstock.

It can be an attractive proposition to date an entertainer, but the reality of a relationship with one can sometimes be a dealbreaker. The erratic schedules, public scrutiny, and potential for long periods away on tour or filming can create huge challenges. How would you cope knowing your beloved partner is filming a romantic scene while away from home? The lifestyle associated with the entertainment industry may not align with everyone’s values.


Editorial credit: GaudiLab / Shutterstock.

There’s every reason to find an entrepreneur highly attractive, and they likely possess all the qualities you’re seeking in a relationship such as high energy, charisma, and passion. In reality, the high-risk, high-reward nature of entrepreneurship often involves long hours and financial instability. The stress and uncertainty of starting and maintaining a business can also be difficult for partners who prefer a more predictable lifestyle. You may be second in line, so make sure you’re prepared for that.

Professional Athletes

Editorial credit: Maridav/ Shutterstock.

It sounds so glamorous, long-distance travel, physical fitness, and potentially great earnings. Let’s not forget the demanding training schedules, frequent travel without you, and intense public scrutiny that can impact personal relationships. The career’s relatively short span and the pressure to maintain peak physical condition add further stress.

Long-Haul Truck Drivers

Editorial credit: Virrage Images / Shutterstock.

While the salary can be alluring for many, the extended periods away from home and the solitary nature of the job can be isolating for both partners. There’s generally an irregular schedule and long hours which can also disrupt family life and personal time.

Doctors and Surgeons

Editorial credit: Joyseulay / Shutterstock.

Many young people want to date or marry a doctor, and it’s easy to understand why with their affluent natures and kind spirits. While respected and well-compensated, the long hours, on-call shifts, and emotional toll of the medical profession can leave little time for personal relationships. The stress and responsibility of working with patients can also spill over into home life.


Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

If you’ve heard the saying, ‘The law is a jealous mistress’, you’ll have some idea of the demands of being a lawyer whilst balancing a relationship. The demanding nature of legal work, particularly for litigators, involves long hours, high stress, and often emotionally charged cases. It can be difficult to switch off after an average day at the office and this can continue for weeks if not months. The intense workload can leave little time for a balanced personal life.


Editorial credit: Algernon77 / Shutterstock.

There’s plenty to be excited about when dating a politician, potentially great earnings, and the chance to be part of groundbreaking change or progress within society. However, public scrutiny, a demanding schedule, and often negative media perspectives of political life can strain personal relationships. The need for constant public engagement and travel can also limit quality time with a partner.

Stock Traders

Editorial credit: Friends Stock/ Shutterstock.

The high-pressure environment of financial markets, long hours, and significant stress can impact personal relationships. Stock traders are notorious for being on the job 24/7 to stay on top of trending stocks and shares, so it’s hard to appreciate downtime together as a couple. The volatile nature of the job can also create financial instability and stress.


Editorial credit: Microgen / Shutterstock.

Journalists can be exciting partners in many ways, but irregular hours, frequent travel, and potential exposure to dangerous situations can be challenging for partners. They’ll always be chasing the next story to gain traction within their careers, so you need to be prepared to compromise and make changes at the last minute. The constant demand for news coverage and deadlines can vastly limit personal time.

Chefs and Restaurant Managers

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

You might be privy to wonderful meals, but your time together will be limited. The demanding nature of the hospitality industry, including long hours, late nights, and high-stress environments, can make it difficult to maintain a healthy work-life balance and personal relationships. The hours are anti-social so you can say goodbye to weekend dates and Christmas celebrations as a family.

Pilots and Flight Attendants

Editorial credit: Demkat / Shutterstock.

Couples often struggle to make time for each other when one of them works within the airline industry. There is not only frequent travel, irregular hours, and extended time away from home, but the constant jetlag can also mean downtime spent catching up on lost sleep. The lifestyle associated with the aviation industry may also involve constant adjustments and unpredictability.

Social Workers

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

While incredibly rewarding, social work can be emotionally draining and involve high levels of stress for both partners. The demanding nature of the job can leave little energy for personal relationships and self-care, and in certain cases, difficult cases can spread into personal lives. It takes a tough individual to work in social care, but it can be challenging.

Miners and Oil Rig Workers

Editorial credit: Mark Agnor / Shutterstock.

The pay is awesome, but it comes at a great cost. The physically demanding and often dangerous nature of these jobs, combined with long periods away from home, can be challenging and stress-inducing for relationships. The isolation and tough working conditions add to the difficulty, while partners at home can remain fearful about worst-case scenarios.


Editorial credit:flauma / Shutterstock.

While creative professions can be fulfilling, they often come with financial instability and irregular work hours. There’s a constant need for solitude and the unpredictability of income can be challenging for partners seeking stability. A wonderful piece of art comes with dedication and commitment, but the journey toward it can be tough on any relationship.

A Famous Person

Editorial credit: guruXOX / Shutterstock.

Many people dream of dating someone famous, and there’s no doubt that it can have its advantages such as high earnings, global travel, glamorous parties, and endless gifts. It means living in the public eye as a celebrity partner and often being scrutinized for something trivial like wearing the wrong-colored outfit. It can also open the floodgates to online trolling and spam, so it’s not quite as rosy as you might think. There’s a deceivingly dark side to fame.

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