18 Privileges We Often Overlook in Our Daily Lives

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There are some privileges that are easy to recognize, and there are others we completely ignore. It’s easy to overlook the advantages we have when it reveals uncomfortable truths about the lives of others, so here’s a list of those privileges that’ll stop you from claiming ignorance.  

Access to Clean Water

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Turn on the tap, and drinkable water pours out. Yet, for many around the world, this is a luxury. Having access to clean water is a privilege that affects health, quality of life, and even education opportunities. If you don’t have access to clean water, learning is at the very back of your mind, and survival is all you can think about. Next time you turn on your tap, remember how lucky you are. 

Stable Electricity

Editorial credit: arturnichiporenko/ Shutterstock.

Reliable access to electricity powers our homes and keeps our food fresh and devices running. It's needed for almost every aspect of our daily life, and we take it for granted. A small power cut is enough to send a neighborhood into a rage. For many, they don’t have access to consistent electricity and this affects everything from education opportunities to healthcare. 

Safe Neighborhood

Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

Living in a safe neighborhood where you don't have to worry constantly about your safety improves your mental and emotional well-being. If you haven’t lived somewhere which isn’t safe, you won’t understand but it affects almost every part of your life. You need to plan when to go for the groceries because it isn’t safe after dark, and your children can’t play outside. 

Educational Opportunities

Editorial credit: Cherries / Shutterstock.

The chance to attend school is one of the biggest privileges we don’t fully recognize. Education is the foundation for personal development and career opportunities, but many won’t have the chance. People from lower-income areas are more focused on getting by each day, and that might mean they need to sacrifice their education.

Healthcare Access

Editorial credit: REDPIXEL.PL / Shutterstock.

Having healthcare that is accessible and affordable is something many can’t take for granted. If you’re scared going to the doctor will mean getting into debt, you’ll avoid it for as long as possible. As sad as it is, there are people who die from treatable illnesses because they don’t have the money for healthcare.

Nutritional Food

Editorial credit: Pinkyone/ Shutterstock.

Good health requires access to fresh, affordable, and nutritional food. Food deserts are areas without fresh produce and affect many communities. Not having adequate nutrition means you can’t concentrate at work and school and will have long-term health repercussions. 

Technological Access

Editorial credit: thinkhubstudio / Shutterstock.

Having access to the internet and modern technology is a part of our everyday lives for staying connected and informed. Not everyone else is able to afford access to the internet or the technology needed to use it. This makes it difficult to search for a job and access some governmental services. For younger people, it puts them at risk of falling behind at school. 

Cultural Representation

Editorial credit: HannaTor/ Shutterstock.

Seeing your culture and experiences reflected in media, literature, and public life validates your identity and experiences. Many cultures don’t have this experience, finding themselves portrayed in inappropriate and sometimes racist ways. It removes your ability to find inspiration from movies and television, and some people live up to the negative stereotypes. 

Freedom of Movement

Editorial credit: photobyphotoboy / Shutterstock.

Being able to travel or move cities or countries for better opportunities or safety is not a universal privilege. Having a powerful passport is a privilege that people often don’t realize they have. For many people, just traveling to another country requires invasive and time-consuming checks before a visa is issued. If they want to move to another country to work, it can be impossible. 

Legal Protection

Editorial credit: Billion Photos/ Shutterstock.

Legal protection without discrimination is a privilege that isn’t afforded to everyone. This includes having the right to fair treatment by police and other institutions, which unfortunately isn’t a reality for all, often depending on race, ethnicity, or economic status.

Financial Security

Editorial credit: Chay_Tee / Shutterstock.

The security of knowing you can pay your bills, handle an emergency, and support your family without constant stress relieves you of an enormous burden. Having to consider how every single purchase you make is going to affect your being able to survive the rest of the week is draining. Unfortunately, there’s a large number of people in society that need to make that choice. 

Social Networks

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Having a supportive network of friends and family provides emotional support, career advice, or financial help when it’s needed. Not everyone has such a safety net, and they’re left to fend for themselves. Next time you ask friends or family for help, remember you’re in a lucky position.

Freedom from Discrimination

Editorial credit: Ivelin Radkov / Shutterstock.

Living life without being discriminated against due to race, gender, or sexual orientation affects your opportunities and interactions on a daily basis. You don’t have to worry if you’re going to be stopped by the police or if you’ll be followed around the store by a detective.

Bodily Autonomy

Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

The ability to make choices about your own body and healthcare without fear of violence is a human right, but not always guaranteed. There are millions living across the world who can’t make these choices for themselves. 

Language Advantage

Editorial Credit: lassedesignen / Shutterstock.

Speaking the dominant language of where you live or work fluently affects education, employment, and social integration. It allows for daily interactions and reduces the likelihood of a person becoming isolated. This is especially so for English speakers who can travel the world and still find someone who’ll understand.

Psychological Safety

Editorial credit: AlessandroBiascioli / Shutterstock.

Feeling psychologically safe in expressing oneself without fear of ridicule or harm is a sign of living in a progressive society. Not everyone has this comfort, and in parts of the world, mental health issues are totally ignored. This also stands for members of the LGBTQ community who will never be able to publicly live their sexual identities. 

Aesthetic Acceptance

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Being attractive brings privileges, and beautiful people are not always aware of how much of an impact it has on their lives. People become more open to talking to you, and you might receive special treatment in places where others wouldn’t.

Environmental Stability

Editorial credit: Julia Ardaran / Shutterstock.

Living in an area not prone to severe weather or environmental hazards affects daily life, economic stability, and safety. Climate change is making the situation worse, and in the future, it’s not inconceivable that previously populated places on earth will be uninhabitable.

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