As society evolves, so do our values and practices. What was once commonplace can now seem barbaric, a testament to the progress we've made in understanding human rights, health, and well-being. Reflecting on these outdated norms not only highlights our progress but also serves as a reminder to continue striving for a more humane and equitable world. Here’s a deep dive into some of the most shocking outdated societal practices that were once condoned and considered “normal.”
Smoking in Public Places
Not that long ago, smoking in restaurants, airplanes, and offices was the norm. You could be sitting on a flight, and the person next to you would be lighting a cigarette. But, today, that seems unimaginable, with all of the safety concerns, increased awareness around health, and the dangers of passive smoking, it’s hard to believe that this was ever allowed to happen.
Legal Segregation
Legal segregation, which separated people based on race, was prevalent in many parts of the world until the mid-20th century. Today, such practices are seen as blatant violations of human rights and equality, and people are truly appalled that this was not only something that happened on a daily basis but was actually enforced by law.
Foot Binding
In China, the practice of foot binding, which aimed to make women's feet smaller, was seen as a status symbol. This painful and crippling practice has been abolished and is now recognized as a form of oppression, but it was an encouraged and supported cultural practice for over a millennia.
Witch Trials
Between the 14th and 18th centuries, witch trials were common in parts of Europe and America, leading to the execution of many innocent people. These trials were fueled by superstition and fear, but they are, thankfully, practices that modern society has long abandoned. It’s hard to believe that this was even “a thing,” and the fact that people were tortured and “burned at the stake” for simply being accused of being a witch is truly awful.
Human Zoos
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, people from colonized countries were displayed in human zoos across Europe and America. These dehumanizing exhibits treated individuals like exotic animals, a practice now universally condemned as deeply racist and unethical, and most of us would rather about forget this shameful part of history.
Animal Cruelty for Entertainment
Forms of entertainment such as bullfighting and animal circuses were once widely accepted. Today, there is a growing awareness of animal welfare, leading to widespread condemnation and banning of such practices. Sadly, bullfighting still happens in around eight countries, including Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Columbia, France, Venezuela, Peru and Ecuador. But it’s widely condemned, and it’s likely that this inhumane “sport” will soon be banned in these countries, too.
Sexual Harassment at Work
It’s hard to believe that workplace sexual harassment was often ignored or dismissed in the past. Modern awareness and strict legal frameworks around fairness, equality, and diversity now protect employees and encourage a safe, respectful working environment.
Child Labor
During the Industrial Revolution, child labor was rampant, with children working long hours in dangerous conditions. Thankfully, modern child labor laws protect children from such exploitation, emphasizing education and safety instead. Today, this would not be allowed to happen in the US, but sadly, in many countries around the world, child labor is still common.
Human Sacrifices
This one is hard even to contemplate, but historically, many cultures engaged in human sacrifices as part of their religious rituals. This gruesome practice, which often involved the killing of captives or community members, is now universally banned and considered illegal.
Asbestos Use
Asbestos is a substance that was once widely used in building and insulating homes. Although this material was once valued for its fire-resistant properties, it’s now known to cause severe health issues, including cancer, and its use has now been largely banned.
Gay Conversion Therapy
In 2024, we are much more enlightened about diversity, and we have increased awareness about the fact that sexuality and gender can occur on a spectrum. So it’s hard to believe that in the past there was such a thing as “Gay conversion therapy” which aimed to change an individual’s sexual orientation. Today, this practice is widely condemned as pseudoscientific, harmful, and even abusive, with many countries banning it.
Public Shaming and Humiliation
If you’ve ever seen the episode from Game of Thrones where a woman is made to walk naked through the streets while people shout “Shame” and pelt her with rotten vegetables, then you’ll have an idea of what this one is about. This isn’t just a made-up scene for dramatic effect, it’s a recreation of the kind of practices that were commonly used as medieval punishments. Another example is the “stocks and barrels” that were used to subject people to public humiliation. These practices are now regarded as inhumane, and modern justice systems focus more on rehabilitation instead of public humiliation.
Spanking and Corporal Punishment
Spanking and corporal punishment were once standard disciplinary measures. But modern research shows that these practices can cause long-term psychological harm, leading to a shift towards more constructive forms of discipline.
Unrestrained Driving
Before seatbelt laws, driving without any form of restraint was common. But today, driving without a seatbelt feels unimaginable as it’s something we are systematically trained to do. We now recognize that seatbelts are essential for safety, and that’s why there are strict laws enforcing their use.
Dueling was once an accepted way to resolve disputes, and it involved two people (usually male) firing guns at each other from a distance. It was considered an honorable way to settle a disagreement, but this practice is now viewed as draconian and barbaric. Today, conflicts are ideally resolved through dialogue or legal means.
Bloodletting was once a standard medical practice, and it was believed to cure a variety of ailments by balancing “bodily humors.” It involved releasing large quantities of blood from a person with the intention of “purifying” their body. But thankfully, modern medicine recognizes that it’s an ineffective and dangerous practice that has now been replaced by evidence-based treatments.
Forced Sterilization
It’s truly hard to believe that during the 20th century, forced sterilization programs targeted specific groups of people who were deemed “unfit” for reproduction. But thankfully, this practice is now considered a gross violation of human rights and bodily autonomy.
Debtors' Prisons
Imprisoning individuals who couldn’t pay their debts was once common. But, modern societies now recognize this as a violation of human rights, focusing instead on more equitable solutions for debt repayment, such as debt management plans, etc.
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