18 Names with Sinister Meanings You Might Want to Avoid

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Choosing a name for a newborn is one of the most exciting things a new parent can do. They’ll look at popular names, or alternative ones, and often, look for one that carries a beautiful meaning. Some names can have unexpectedly dark meanings, so make sure you’ve looked into their origins before assigning them to your infant for the rest of their lives. No one wants to find out their name carries negative connotations.


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As a relatively popular and harmless-sounding name, it might shock you to learn that this once-English surname means ‘unfortunate’ or ‘ill-fated.’ It’s not the greatest meaning a name could have, but it hasn’t stopped it from being a popular first name in the modern era.


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Those who appreciate the musical prowess of Saint Cecilia think only positive things of this name, but it means, ‘blind’. Derived from the Latin name Caecilia, the meaning doesn't seem to have deterred its popularity.


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The name Tristan comes from a Celtic legend and means ‘tumult’ or ‘sorrowful.’ Such tragic connotations stem from the story of Tristan and Isolde, a tale of doomed romance. The story was known to be the inspiration for William Shakespeare’s, Romeo and Juliet.


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It’s hard to believe that such an attractive name can translate to ‘pig’. The name gained popularity in modern days from Shakespeare’s ‘The Merchant of Venice,’ where Portia is a brilliant and resourceful character. At least that’s a more positive connotation.


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Claudia is derived from the Latin word ‘claudus,’ meaning ‘lame’ or ‘crippled.’ A worse meaning would be hard to find, particularly when you’re staring into the eyes of a newborn. Despite its meaning, the name has been borne by numerous saints and royals and remains popular in Latin America.


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This Irish surname means ‘descendant of Braonán; which sounds harmless enough. The translation is less so, ‘descendant of the sad one.’ It's a name that carries a hint of melancholy, but that didn’t seem to negatively impact the career of former Boston Red Sox outfielder, Brennan Boesch.


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With a meaning that translates to ‘ugly head’ from the Gaelic ‘Cinnéidigh,’ the name doesn’t sound the most appealing. It’s carried by one of the most iconic political families in American history so it’s easy to see why many would choose to adopt the name for their kids.


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Meaning ‘weary Leah’, a name from the Hebrew Bible, the name remains a beloved and frequently used name around the world. Over the last few years, the name has gained popularity due to famous bearers of the name such as actress Leah Remini and popular Twilight character, Leah Clearwater.


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In Assyrian mythology, Lilith means ‘night monster’. In Jewish folklore, Lilith is Adam's first wife, who later became a demon and highly celebrated sexual goddess. The name evokes a sense of mystery and darkness and remains a popular name in Jewish populations.


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We rarely hear this name in the Western world, but it carries powerful connotations. Persephone is the Greek goddess of the underworld, and her name means ‘bringer of destruction.’ Her story involves being kidnapped by Hades, adding to the name’s haunting history.


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Most famously known as Shakespeare’s ill-fated tragic heroine in ‘Othello,’ Desdemona means ‘ill-fated’ or ‘unlucky’ which is fitting for the sake of the famous story. Despite its dark meaning, the name has great dramatic flair and gothic elegance.


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The name Mara means ‘sea’ in Gaelic, a spiritual and earthy connotation that any parent would surely embrace. It doesn’t end there; the name carries much darker connotations in different cultures. In Hindu tradition, Mara is the goddess associated with death, destruction, and winter. The Hebrew translation also has a somber meaning, signifying ‘bitter’ or ‘sorrow.’ The only benefit is that you can take your pick of meanings. Opt for the former.


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Noble sounding by anyone’s standards, Byron comes from Old English, meaning ‘barn for cows.’ It isn’t a well-established name, but it was made famous by the flamboyant British poet Lord Byron, adding a classy literary cachet.


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The name Mortimer is derived from the Old French ‘mort de mer,’ meaning ‘dead sea.’ It’s not one of the most commonly heard names and the translation could well be the reason why. Even so, it has a certain Gothic charm and is reminiscent of classic literature.


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Dolores is Spanish for ‘sorrows’, often associated with the Virgin Mary’s title ‘Our Lady of Sorrows.’ It’s a name that conveys deep emotion and religious significance and is mainly used in Ireland nowadays.


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Cameron comes from the Gaelic ‘cam sròn,’ meaning ‘crooked nose.’ While the meaning is less than flattering, it’s a popular name for both boys and girls, arguably due to the vast success of Hollywood star, Cameron Diaz.


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Melanie is a widely popular name and gives no obvious reason to assume a dark meaning. Derived from the Greek ‘melas, meaning ‘black’ or ‘dark’, this commonly used name shies away from sounding mysterious having been popularized by literature and film.

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