18 Items You’re Probably Not Cleaning Enough in Your Home

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Keeping a clean home isn’t just about maintaining appearances; it's also crucial for our health and well-being. While most of us remember to vacuum floors and wipe countertops, there are many spots in our homes that get overlooked. Here are 18 things you should be cleaning more regularly to ensure a truly clean and healthy living space.

Cell Phones

Editorial credit: Tasha Cherkasova / Shutterstock.

Your cell phone is in your hand constantly throughout the day. You might check it while prepping food, taking the dog for a walk, during work, or worse, while on the toilet. Cell phones are among the dirtiest items we own, with numerous studies showing they can carry more germs than a toilet seat. That’s why it’s super important to regularly disinfect your phone with alcohol-based wipes to keep it germ-free.

Toothbrush Holders

Editorial credit: sebra / Shutterstock.

Although toothbrush holders might seem like an unlikely candidate, they are germ-harboring vessels. Toothbrush holders can collect toothpaste and dental bacteria, resulting in a disgusting slime often found at the bottom. To keep yourself germ and bacteria-free, it’s important to clean after every use to prevent mold and bacteria growth.

Trash Bins

Editorial credit: Hakim Graphy / Shutterstock.

Trash bins are for trash, right? So some people don’t think they need regular cleaning, well, think again. Bins can become a health hazard if not washed out often; this can attract rodents and flies and create a bad smell. That’s why it’s imperative to clean them out regularly with disinfectant and water to keep odors, germs, and vermin at bay.

Laundry Baskets

Editorial credit: GNT STUDIO / Shutterstock.

You might not think it, but over time, laundry baskets can collect dirt and odors from our dirty clothes. They can be a breeding ground for germs and all kinds of nasties. So remember to wipe them down regularly and wash fabric liners if possible.

Keyboard and Mouse

Editorial credit: Lucas Seijo / Shutterstock.

Hands are pretty dirty things as they are touching everything around us all day long. Then those same hands type on our computer, and this can spread germs and bacteria to the mouse and keyboard of our laptops. As these are often used daily, they can accumulate dirt and bacteria, so it’s a good idea to clean these devices weekly with some antibacterial fluid. 

Kitchen Sponges 

Editorial credit: Kabachki.photo / Shutterstock.

Kitchen sponges are notorious for harboring bacteria, and it’s so easy to forget to replace them. Sanitize them daily by boiling them in hot water or bleach, and replace them regularly. 

Cutting Boards

Editorial credit: IriGri/ Shutterstock.

Cutting boards, especially those used for raw meat, can hold bacteria in their crevices. Wash them thoroughly with hot, soapy water after each use, and rinse them off with boiling water as often as possible. 

Coffee Makers

Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

People forget that coffee is a perishable foodstuff, and coffee makers can accumulate mold and bacteria in their water reservoirs and piping. Remember to clean them monthly by running a solution of equal parts water and vinegar through the machine.

Light Switches

Editorial credit: eggeegg / Shutterstock.

There are so many common surfaces in our home that are touched by almost everyone who enters on a daily basis. Things like light switches, door handles, and cupboard knobs are touched multiple times a day, often by dirty hands. This makes them a hotspot for germs, so it’s a good idea to use a disinfectant to wipe them clean weekly.

Remote Controls

Editorial credit: Creative Cat Studio/ Shutterstock.

The only thing that’s probably in our hands, almost as much as our cell phone, is our TV remote control, and this makes them a breeding ground for germs. Think of all those nights watching Netflix when you were eating pizza and swapping channels at the same time or snacking on Doritos and dip, exactly. Along with human skin cells, food particles, and general hand germs, remote controls can be alive with colonies of harmful bacteria so keep your alcohol wipes at the ready. 

Refrigerator Coils

Editorial credit: Jesse33/ Shutterstock.

We bet the last time you were cleaning your house, refrigerator coils were not on your “to-do” list. But refrigerator coils can be a magnet for dust and food particles from your kitchen; this can impair their function and make your fridge work harder and use more energy. So it’s a good idea to vacuum the coils at least twice a year to keep them in optimal condition.

Air Vents

Editorial credit: Jason Finn/Shutterstock.

Dust and debris can accumulate in air vents, reducing air quality and efficiency, so try to clean them every few months with a vacuum and a damp cloth. 

Washing Machine

Editorial credit: Rozhnovskaya Tanya / Shutterstock.

Ever wondered why all your socks go missing, well, the culprit is usually the inner drum of your washing machine, this is where the sock graveyard can be found. Along with random damp and fusty clothing items, washing machines can develop mold and mildew in the drum and detergent drawer. To avoid this, try running an empty cycle with hot water and vinegar monthly to flush out all the nasties.


Editorial credit: Malikov Aleksandr / Shutterstock.

Dishwashers can accumulate food waste and soap scum, so it’s important to clean the filter and run an empty cycle with a specially formulated cleaning formula monthly to keep it running efficiently. 


Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

We might change our sheets regularly, but what about our mattresses? Most Americans admit to only changing their mattress every six to eight years. Mattresses can collect dust mites, dead skin cells, and other allergens. That’s why it’s a good idea to vacuum your mattress monthly and consider using a mattress protector to keep it clean. 

Door Handles

Editorial credit: Mariia Korneeva / Shutterstock.

Door handles are another common surface in the home that are touched multiple times a day by multiple people. That’s why it’s a good idea to wipe them down with a disinfectant at least on a weekly basis, if not more often.  


Editorial credit: j.chizhe / Shutterstock.

We bet whenever you’re dusting your house, the last thing you think to dust off is your plants. But, houseplants can collect dust on their leaves, which can inhibit growth and photosynthesis. To avoid this, it’s a good idea to wipe down the leaves with a damp cloth or spray them with a fine mist every few weeks to keep them healthy.

Kitchen Cabinets 

Editorial credit: Africa Studio / Shutterstock.

We’re usually quite good at cleaning our kitchen counters and mopping the floors, but what about the kitchen cupboards themselves? This is where food spills, and tea and coffee stains can collect and harbor germs. Kitchen cabinets can get sticky and grimy from cooking residues. So make an effort to wipe them down weekly with a mild cleaner to keep your kitchen looking and smelling its best.

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