18 Items You Should Never Toss in the Trash During Decluttering

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When you finally get around to decluttering your home, there’s an urge to get rid of everything. We’re here to tell you to take it slowly and think before throwing the entire house in the trash. Some things might be valuable, some bad for the environment, and others a waste of money. Here are 18 things you should never throw in the trash. 

Old Electronics

Editorial credit: trekandshoot / Shutterstock.

It’s tempting to throw the old electronics in the trash, but there are a couple of things to consider before you do. Some store personal data, and even if they are old, there are ways to restore damaged data and compromise your details. Completely destroy or wipe it first. Electronics also contain hazardous materials that are damaging to the environment. You can see if there's a local service specializing in safely destroying the goods. 

Important Documents

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Criminals only need a few pieces of information to use your identity for fraud. Shred old documents with personal information; even mail is used to obtain names and addresses, using the details for identity theft. 

Family Heirlooms

Editorial Credit: Lomb / Shutterstock.

Heirlooms are family history, so keep them. There might be some not to your taste, but storing them is preferential to throwing them in the trash. Other family members might want them for their nostalgia value. If you don’t want to keep them, have a professional valuation and see if they are worth money. 

Vintage Clothing

Editorial credit: Marbury / Shutterstock.

Vintage clothing holds sentimental value, and keeping hold of clothes is eco-friendly. Clothing production methods impact the environment, and workers who make the clothes are poorly paid. 

Spare Change

Editorial credit: BRAIN2HANDS / Shutterstock

Throwing away spare change is literally throwing away money. Instead of throwing it in the trash, count it and take it to a bank. They will exchange it for dollars or deposit it into a bank account. If you don’t need the money, donating it to a local charity means it will help someone who really needs it. 

Expired Medications

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Expired medicines are hazardous and have unseen health implications. Children could find the medicine in the trash and end up in hospital. Medicines pollute the ecosystem and enter water systems, contributing to antibiotic resistance. As people become more resistant to antibiotics, they can’t fight the viral infections they were made for. 

Antique Furniture

Editorial credit: Boris Diakovsky / Shutterstock.

Keeping hold of antique furniture is an investment opportunity. Furniture appreciates in value as it ages, especially if it is by a notable maker or in demand from collectors. If you’re sure it’s worthless, keep it around for the aesthetic; retro furniture from the '70s and '80s is back in fashion

Old Photographs

Editorial credit:Sergio Photone / Shutterstock.

Throwing old photographs away is throwing memories in the trash. Printed photos are becoming increasingly rare as people prefer to store them in digital formats. Instead, create a photo album so the pictures are orderly, and you can look whenever you want a reminder of the past. 

Books and Magazines

Editorial credit: frantic00 / Shutterstock.

Books and magazines pile up, so there is a temptation to throw them all away. You should sort through them to see if there are any you want to keep; the ones you don’t need can be recycled.


Editorial credit: Hanka Steidle / Shutterstock.

Keep your jewelry for sentimental reasons and to pass it on to children or other family members. If you have no one to pass them on to, give it to a charity shop. Throwing it away is a waste, and there is someone else out there who might want some jewelry but can’t afford it. If it’s expensive jewelry, a jewelry store will value it so it can be sold. 

Tools and Hardware

Editorial credit: Stock-Asso/ Shutterstock.

Having your own tools and hardware saves money. If you go to the store and buy a new set of tools every time something needs fixing, you’re wasting money.

Sentimental Items

Editorial credit: Gorloff-KV / Shutterstock.

Sentimental items allow you to relive memories and remember people from the past. It’s tempting to throw them out when they pile up, but you’ll miss them when they’re gone. 

Reusable Containers

Editorial credit: Tamer A Soliman / Shutterstock.

Reusable containers are environmentally friendly, and you don’t have to use a new container every time you need to store something. Plastic waste has a significant effect on the environment, especially wildlife living in the sea and rivers. If everyone keeps their containers and reuses them, it will have a positive impact. 

Craft Supplies

Editorial credit: Timski/ Shutterstock.

Craft supplies offer a creative outlet, and creativity helps with mental health issues. You may not want to use them right now, but in the future, they could help when you’re feeling low. Making things releases your artistic side, reducing anxiety and stress and allowing you to focus. If you have children, they are a handy way to keep them busy when you need some downtime. 

Receipts and Warranties

Editorial credit: azrin_aziri / Shutterstock.

Receipts and warranties pile up quickly, so instead of throwing them away, find a dedicated space to keep them. If something you have purchased breaks down, they are going to want to see the warranty. If you return something, you must have a receipt. You’ll regret throwing them in the trash when the washing machine breaks down. 

Musical Instruments

Editorial credit: cowardlion / Shutterstock.

Musical instruments provide stress relief and are another way to boost your mood. If you have an instrument you don’t know how to play, learn to play it; it’s a rewarding experience, and you can impress friends. If you really don’t want to keep them, give them away to a local charity for children who will find use for them. 

Kitchen Appliances

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Keeping kitchen appliances stored away will come in useful when something breaks down. Imagine a situation where you are cooking a meal for friends, and the blender breaks. It’s vital for the meal you’ve spent a few weeks planning. Then you remember you didn’t throw the old one away; the situation is saved. 

Gardening Equipment

Editorial credit: Sina Ettmer Photography / Shutterstock.

Gardening equipment is expensive, and throwing it away is a waste. If you are in a situation where you can’t tend to your garden, the equipment you have can be given away to friends or family. Specialists in restoring broken equipment will also pay to take tools off your hands.

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