18 Habits Wealthy People Carry Over from Their Days of Poverty

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Most people dream of a day when they no longer have to worry about affording mundane things like groceries, a mortgage, and a car payment. Those same people, after they make it big, still have the same habits that die hard. These are activities that those who have the money and don’t have to do anymore still do.

Comparison Shop

Editorial credit: Stokkete / Shutterstock.

Just because you can afford things that doesn’t necessarily mean that you want to give it to big businesses. Many who have the means still spend a good chunk of their time researching and comparison shopping before they make purchases. They admit to going through the same battle with themselves about which option to choose.

Eat Leftovers

Editorial credit: Joe Belanger / Shutterstock.

As it becomes more and more expensive to eat out, many people are putting dining on the back burner until they can once again afford it. Even those who can readily eat out every night admit that they still will eat leftovers in the refrigerator from a home-cooked meal or restaurant. 

Take Other People’s Leftovers

Editorial credit: Akira Kaelyn / Shutterstock.

Many in the corporate world admit that if someone is offering leftover sandwiches from a corporate meeting, they have no shame taking one off their hands. There’s no reason to throw out a good meal. 

Getting the Very Last Bit of Toothpaste

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Some people pay more on contraptions that are meant to save the last bit of toothpaste than they will ever save money from getting that last bit. Those who have the means to buy a new tube every day of the week still admit to scraping the tube from the bottom up just for the satisfaction of that end.

Shampoo Bottles

Editorial credit: monticello / Shutterstock.

The same people who will go to great lengths to get the rest of the toothpaste will also do things like adding more water to the shampoo bottle for one extra wash or to the liquid soap for one more hand cleaning. 

Reusing Ziploc Bags

Editorial credit: Kira McDermid / Shutterstock.

Although it isn’t a very common practice, some people admit that they will intentionally wash out a Ziploc bag after use to reuse it again. Even if it isn’t about saving money, good for them to be environmentally conscious enough to go the extra step.

Check for Coupon Codes

Editorial credit: NicoElNino / Shutterstock.

When shopping online, many who have money to burn will skip from one site to the next, looking for valid coupon codes. They also sign up for things like Honey and the Capital One checkout finder. If there is savings to be had, it is better to have them.

Waiting for Special Sales Events

Editorial credit: StacieStauffSmith Photos / Shutterstock.

There was a time when Memorial Day was about honoring veterans; it still is, but it is also a great time to upgrade your appliances. Many people will put up with old and beat-up things like a washer that doesn’t quite wash or a dryer that does anything but a complete dry just to get that extra savings. 

Changing Clothes to Not Stain Their Good Ones

Editorial credit: Piece of Cake / Shutterstock.

People who have a lot of money and can afford to buy clothes for every day of the week still wear their “Sunday best” when they are doing something other than going to the country club. Although they can just purchase a new suit, they know it is easier to change into jeans before they hit the lawn.

Big Box Stores

Editorial credit: Trong Nguyen / Shutterstock.

People who are wealthy enough to never have to shop again, go to the grocery store, or replace a roll of toilet paper admit to not just going on their own but going to big box stores for savings. Yes, even the very wealthy get a kick out of saving money. While they are there, they probably skip the high-priced lunch and hit the Costco hot dog shop. 

Saving Condiments From Fast Food

Editorial credit: ccpixx photography / Shutterstock.

You would think that not many wealthy people who could afford a nice meal would still hit McDonald's, but they do. Some admit to keeping the condiments in the car or even storing them in the house in case there is ever a ketchup emergency.

Hotel Shampoo

Editorial credit: Pavelis / Shutterstock.

Although some hotels have replaced the travel shampoo bottles with all-purpose use dispensers, there are still some people who will clean out the hotel bathroom before they leave. Not only do they take the shampoos, they take the sewing kits, coffee bags, and free water bottles. No free things left behind!

Hang on to Things They Don’t Need

Editorial credit: Marli Anders Esmeriz/ Shutterstock.

Most of us know that we should hang onto things that are old and could be mistaken for junk because if we need something, we will probably find out what it is used for. When you are rich enough, no matter what you need it for, you can replace it. Wealthy people admit to holding onto random things like CDs and CD players, just in case they might need it again. 

Rolling One Bar of Soap Into Another One

Editorial credit: Lana Langlois / Shutterstock.

Not many people still use a bar of soap, but those who are wealthy and do still use bar soap admit that they will use the very last of it by combining it with another one so that it doesn’t go to waste. 

Divide Paper Towel Pieces

Editorial credit: Van dii / Shutterstock.

A piece of paper towel can’t cost more than a couple of cents, but people with enough money to potentially buy an entire paper towel factory will still admit to breaking apart one piece to use as two.

Call About a Two Dollar Charge

Editorial credit: David Gyung / Shutterstock.

Wealthy people admit that they go through their checking accounts with a fine-toothed comb. They also say that they have no problem waiting on hold for a long time to clear up a charge for two dollars that they think is fraudulent.

Using Plastic Grocery Bags for Trash Bags

Editorial credit: Alex Milan / Shutterstock.

If you ever wonder where all of the plastic grocery bags go, some wealthy people can clue you in. Many admit that they use grocery bags as trash can liners instead of using trash bags. 

Going to the Dollar Store

Editorial credit: Victoria Ditkovsky / Shutterstock.

There is something to be said about the thrill of the hunt. Many people who can afford to have people shop for them at the most expensive places available still like to stop at the dollar store looking for a bargain

Good on Them for Keeping a Conscience

Editorial credit: Africa Studio / Shutterstock.

Many people think about a day when they have so much money that their lives will be completely different, and they won’t have a care in the world. The thing about habits is that they die hard, as do the values that we hold. Just because someone has enough money to waste food doesn’t mean that they should. Just because things can be thrown out and replaced, that doesn’t mean that it is environmentally friendly to just throw them away at will. Good for them for making it to the top and not forgetting what is important. 

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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