18 Habits That Make People Dislike You Without You Knowing

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It’s hard to please everyone with our behaviors, and it’d be futile to try. We’re all seeking acceptance in one way or another and may even compromise our morals and opinions to do so. Some people never seem to strike the balance, and they’re adept at deterring people with their subtle but annoying habits. They say it’s the small things that break us, so you might want to avoid exhibiting any of these behaviors to keep your popularity game strong.

Constant Interrupting

Editorial credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

There’s nothing more annoying than being repeatedly cut off mid-sentence. If you’re a perpetrator of this behavior, just know it’s a surefire way to annoy others. It shows a lack of respect for their thoughts and makes conversations feel one-sided. Try to listen actively and wait for your turn to speak, even if you’re not interested. It’s simple manners.

Name Dropping

Editorial credit: Mangostar / Shutterstock.

Casually slipping in the names of influential people you know comes off as boastful and insincere. You only serve to look as though you’re trying too hard to impress. Focus on genuine connections and let your achievements speak for themselves. No cares about the latte you shared with George Clooney back in ’92, the one you’ve told us about 300 times.

Oversharing Facebook Photos

Editorial credit: Kicking Studio / Shutterstock.

Facebook is great for uploading photos, but if you’re constantly sharing photos of your vacations, social interactions, and kids ‘milestones, you’re in danger of damaging relationships. No one wants to be bombarded with images of your life, it can lead to unhealthy comparisons and become annoying. Be a bit more selective.

Being a One-Upper

Editorial credit: Daniel M Ernst / Shutterstock.

The people who always have a bigger, better story than everyone else are annoying to be around, they come across as competitive and unsupportive. Rather than allowing your ego to take center stage, sit back and show interest in others' experiences. Celebrate their stories without needing to outshine them. You'll find it liberating.

Lack of Eye Contact

Editorial credit: Egoitz Bengoetxea / Shutterstock.

For some people, a lack of eye contact can be due to social anxiety or autism. If it’s none of these but you still avoid eye contact, you’re likely to be viewed as disinterested or untrustworthy. Good eye contact shows that you’re engaged and paying attention. It also opens up conversations more freely. Practice looking at people’s faces when they speak to build rapport, but don’t stare.

Endlessly Posting Selfies

Editorial credit: Soloviova Liudmyla / Shutterstock.

Undeniably, selfies are the modern thing to do, but people who share little other than selfies, and regularly update their selfie profile picture, are just irritating for others. Try sharing some group pictures that you can look back on and others can respond to. Constant selfies come across as a desperate bid for attention, and they do nothing for your self-esteem.

Negative Body Language

Editorial credit: Dusan Petkovic / Shutterstock.

Most of us know that crossing your arms, rolling your eyes, or avoiding physical closeness can signal that you’re closed off or judgmental. There are times when it’s an involuntary reaction and we’re unaware that we’re even doing it. The key is to check in with yourself and avoid doing it all the time. Open, relaxed body language makes others feel more comfortable and welcome around you. if you want to impress, mirror their body language and you'll have rich interactions.

Social Boasting

Editorial credit: DimaBerlin / Shutterstock.

If you’re always trying to make your life sound more interesting by posting boastful messages on social media, it’s time to intercept your behavior. Everyone knows that social media is a highlight reel, and people value honesty and transparency over the repetitive broadcasting of your marvelous life. Try to remember that your behavior can make other people feel inadequate too.

Being Overly Critical

Editorial credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

Constantly pointing out flaws or criticizing others can make you seem negative and unsupportive, and it won’t win you any friends. Most people are well aware of their flaws and don’t need a reminder during a light-hearted conversation. Offer constructive feedback when necessary and try to add positivity to your encounters.

Talking Too Much About Yourself

Editorial credit: Studio Romantic / Shutterstock.

Dominating conversations with your own stories and opinions is self-centered. There’s a time and a place to share tales of old, but don’t be the person who monopolizes every conversation with their dramatic encounters. Ask questions and show genuine interest in others' lives to create a balanced and more enjoyable dialogue.

Poor Listening Skills

Editorial credit: Motortion Films / Shutterstock.

Successful conversations are two-way, not one person doing all the talking while the other listens, unless you’re in a learning environment, that is. Not paying attention or frequently changing the subject can frustrate people and make them keen to avoid future interactions with you. Try a bit of active listening by nodding, making relevant comments, and summarizing what the other person has said to show you’re truly engaged.

Being a Flake

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Frequently canceling plans or failing to follow through on commitments can be annoying for people. It appears that you don’t value them and have no concerns about dropping them at the eleventh hour. While anxiety and autism can be a contributor to frequent cancellations, always aim to be honest about your reasons. Your friends will be more tolerant and learn to understand your behavioral patterns.   

Always Arguing on Social Media

Editorial credit: Tero Vesalainen / Shutterstock.

We all know someone who seems to perpetually get involved in online drama. Whether it’s a passive-aggressive comment or a heated update, they’re always on the lookout for some juicy drama to entertain themselves. Followers tend to hit the ‘unfollow’ button, occasionally opting for ‘unfriend’ or even ‘block’ if it becomes too incessant. No one wants to be around all that negativity.  


Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

Talking negatively about others behind their backs can damage your credibility and make others wary of you, especially if you’re gossiping about a friend or family member. If you’re talking about them, you’ll probably talk about the recipient too, so it won’t win you any friends. Focus on positive, uplifting conversations and steer clear of spreading rumors or engaging in harmful gossip. Gossip is harmful.


Editorial credit: Pond Saksit / Shutterstock.

People who constantly boast about their achievements or possessions are off-putting. Humility goes a long way, so hearing someone talk about their troublesome search for a new car every year or their bulging salary is pretty vulgar. Be conscious of those around you and consider how bragging might make them feel.  Allow them to recognize your accomplishments without needing to highlight them yourself.

Being Late

Editorial credit: Bjorn Beheydt/ Shutterstock.

Regularly showing up late is disrespectful of others' time, and it might stop the invitations from coming your way. No one can help being late once in a while, but don’t let it happen all the time. Aim to be punctual, and if you're running behind, drop them a text message and apologize for the inconvenience. Make punctuality part of your routine.

Invasion of Personal Space

Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

There’s nothing worse than having someone breathing down our throats in Walmart due to a lack of personal space. Standing too close or touching people without consent makes others feel uncomfortable. Respect personal boundaries and pay attention to body language cues to ensure you're not overstepping. There’s enough room for everyone, you don’t need to attach yourself like Velcro.

Posting Cryptic Social Media Posts

Editorial credit: 13_Phunkod / Shutterstock.

It’s pretty annoying when people post cryptic messages on social media. They’re usually aimed at garnering attention in the way of ‘What’s up?’ responses or ‘sadfishing’. Most followers tend to ignore them as they’re aware of the intention behind it. If you’ve become known as a cryptic poster, you might well have lost a lot of online friends. Post or don’t post, just don’t be cryptic about it.

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