18 Self-Sabotaging Habits That Keep You Stuck in Misery

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There are two kinds of people in this world: the ones whose glass is always half full and the ones whose glass is always half empty. But which one are you? If you find yourself dwelling in negativity and leaning towards the pessimistic side of life, then this article is for you. Here are 18 bad habits that are keeping you miserable.

Living in the Past or Future

Editorial credit: Viktor Gladkov / Shutterstock.

Have you ever heard the quote, “Stop looking backward; you’re not going that way.” This quote is a concise way of telling us that constantly dwelling on past regrets can rob us of the present moment. It’s the same with getting stuck worrying about the future and creating “What if” scenarios in your head. Both of these are a recipe for misery. Instead, try practicing mindfulness and staying present. This can help you appreciate the here and now, reduce stress and anxiety, and allow you to feel happier. 

Not Practicing Gratitude

Editorial credit: ESB Professional / Shutterstock.

If you are not practicing gratitude in 2024, what are you doing? Due to how the human brain works, we are all wired to pay more attention to negative stuff. This is called negativity bias. That’s why, to counteract this propensity toward the macabre, we must actively train our brains to notice and appreciate the good stuff, and a daily gratitude practice will help you achieve this.  


Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Procrastination station, we’ve all been there, but some of us get stuck here more often than others. Getting stuck in one place and constantly putting off your goals and essential work only leads to negative consequences that will lower your mood and end up creating even more work for you in the long run, ultimately keeping you stuck in a loop of miserableness. 

Neglecting Physical Health

Editorial credit: ORION PRODUCTION / Shutterstock.

Your body is a temple. Surely, we all understand the link between our physical, mental, and emotional health by now. But in case you don’t, the body is a network of interrelated systems that all work together like a giant orchestra. If the string section is playing off-key, it affects the entire performance, and neglecting your physical health will have negative consequences for your overall well-being, leading you to stay miserable. 

Avoiding Self-Care

Editorial credit: marekuliasz / Shutterstock.

It felt like 2023 was the year of the term Self-care,” and we heard about it on repeat. But the fact is, every day is a self-care day, and we need to look after ourselves by eating good meals, staying hydrated, and looking after our appearance. This is as important in 2024 as it’s ever been, and if you’ve been neglecting yourself, this is a surefire way to keep yourself feeling miserable. Start paying attention to your own needs, and watch what happens. 

Resisting Change

Editorial credit: AJR_photo / Shutterstock.

The only thing that’s constant in life is change, and honestly, it can kind of suck sometimes. Just as we get used to one living situation, along comes another era of change. It’s natural to want to resist change, but fear of change can keep you stuck in a rut. While change can be daunting, it often brings new opportunities and experiences that can enhance your life. Embracing change rather than resisting it is key to personal growth.

Not Setting Boundaries

Editorial credit: Andrii Iemelianenko / Shutterstock.

“Stand for something, or you’ll fall for everything,” we love how this quote drives home the importance of enforcing our boundariesFailing to set boundaries can lead to burnout and resentment. It's important to protect your time and energy by saying no when necessary and setting clear limits with others.

Holding onto Grudges

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Holding onto anger and resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. Forgiveness is not about condoning the wrongs done to you but about freeing yourself from the burden of negative emotions.

Isolating Yourself

Editorial credit: Jacob_09 / Shutterstock.

Human connection is vital for mental health. Isolating yourself from friends and family can lead to feelings of loneliness and depression. Make an effort to maintain social connections, even when you don't feel like it, and this will help stop you from feeling miserable. 

Seeking External Validation

Editorial credit:fizkes/ Shutterstock.

Relying on others for approval can make you feel insecure and dissatisfied. Building self-esteem from within and trusting your own judgment is crucial for long-term happiness. If you are constantly seeking validation from others, you’re likely to never find it and, thus, remain miserable. 

Blaming Others

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

The first step to solving a problem is admitting that you have one. Blaming others for your problems can prevent you from taking responsibility for your own life. Acknowledging your role in your circumstances empowers you to make positive changes.

Comparing Yourself to Others

Editorial credit: stoatphoto / Shutterstock.

“Comparison is the thief of joy,” what a true sentiment this is. Constantly comparing yourself to others can lead to feelings of inadequacy and envy. Focus on your own progress and achievements instead of measuring yourself against others, or else you’re likely to stay miserable. 

Negative Self-Talk

Editorial credit: asiandelight / Shutterstock.

Have you heard how many negative narratives are flying around these days? From the news to body shaming, online trolls, and the falsehood of social media, if you want to have a chance of feeling positive, you have to quit with negative self-talk. Instead, challenge your negative self-talk and replace it with more positive and realistic thoughts.

Engaging in Negative Habits

Editorial credit: TheVisualsYouNeed / Shutterstock.

Unhealthy habits like excessive drinking, smoking, or overeating can contribute to poor mental health. Finding healthier ways to cope with stress can improve your overall well-being, or else the negative consequences of these poor lifestyle choices will end up keeping you miserable. 

Not Getting Enough Sleep

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

Sleep is an essential component of health and wellness. While we sleep, our bodies repair damage, remove waste and replenish the neurotransmitters that keep us feeling happy and motivated. Poor sleep can have a significant impact on your mood and mental health. Aim for seven to nine hours of sleep each night to ensure your body and mind are well-rested. 


Editorial credit: Microgen / Shutterstock.

Striving for perfection can lead to constant dissatisfaction and stress. The fact is that nothing in life is “perfect.” Accepting that it's okay to make mistakes and that things don't have to be perfect can help you feel more content and at peace with the reality of being a human. 

Complaining and Playing the Victim

Editorial credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

Constantly complaining and seeing yourself as a victim can reinforce feelings of helplessness and negativity. Taking responsibility for your actions and focusing on solutions rather than problems can shift your mindset away from feeling miserable toward feeling proactive and positive. 

Ignoring Professional Help

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If you're struggling with persistent unhappiness and genuinely feeling miserable all the time, then seeking professional help can be beneficial. Therapists and counselors can provide support and strategies to help you manage your mental health and work towards feeling happier in your life.

Change Is Possible

Editorial credit: marekuliasz / Shutterstock.

Recognizing and changing our habits can be a significant step toward improving our mental health and overall happiness. By making small, consistent changes, you can cultivate a more positive and fulfilling life. Rest assured that you don’t have to stay miserable forever, and it’s always possible to grow and change. 

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