18 Factors Contributing to Black People’s Confidence in Biden as President

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Black voters are going to have a key role in the 2024 presidential elections. Having shown a notable level of confidence in President Biden previously, he’ll likely be getting the vote of the Black US population. His decades-long career includes numerous efforts to support and advocate for Black communities, which has built a foundation of trust and confidence. Let’s take a look at the reasons why Black communities will be opting for Biden.

Kamala Harris as Vice President

Editorial credit: Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.

When Biden named Kamala Harris as his running mate, she became the first Black and South Asian woman to serve as Vice President. Following Barack Obama’s time in office, it seemed as though the scales of equality might have shifted once again, but this symbolized progress and representation.

Empathy and Understanding

Editorial credit: Alexandros Michailidis / Shutterstock.

Biden is the first president to speak openly about loss. Having lost several members of his close family in the most tragic of circumstances, his empathy has resonated with many individuals. The personal history of loss and resilience resonates deeply with many black communities.

Racial Justice

Editorial credit: Motortion Films / Shutterstock.

From executive orders to policy initiatives, Biden has actively worked to tackle racial inequalities, showing his commitment to justice and equality. His administration has taken active steps to address systemic racism across schools, workplaces, and within communities, particularly outlining historically unfair justice systems.

Economic Policies

Editorial credit: vinnstock/ Shutterstock.

Biden’s economic policies have been aimed at reducing unfair racial wealth gaps. The American Rescue Plan focuses on improving economic opportunities which enables Black Americans the opportunity to start new businesses. This has lowered the Black unemployment rate as well as supporting minority-owned businesses and working-class families.

Healthcare Advocacy

Editorial credit: Tinakorn Tankkanganasri / Shutterstock.

Lower wages amongst Black communities have long made healthcare an unachievable commodity until Obamacare was introduced. Since its introduction, the number of uninsured Black Americans have dropped significantly. Biden has further prioritized expanding healthcare access. In particular, his efforts to build on the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and address healthcare disparities have and will continue to benefit many Black Americans who have historically been overlooked.

Voting Rights Protection

Editorial credit: vesperstock / Shutterstock.

Biden is a keen supporter of robust voting rights legislation. In response to voter suppression efforts, he has pushed for laws that protect voting rights. This has been a crucial move in ensuring that all voices, especially those of marginalized and Black communities, are heard.

Community Engagement

Editorial credit: lev radin / Shutterstock.

Biden has a history of engaging with Black communities and a strong resolution to reduce racial divisions created by the former white supremacist leader. He has taken on significant engagement with Black leaders and communities in a bid to recover the soul of America that has previously been polarized.

Criminal Justice Reform

Editorial credit: Zhanna Hapanovich/ Shutterstock.

The Biden-Harris administration has committed to reforming the criminal justice system with the Safer America Plan. This aims at preventing and reducing gun crime and violence to promote safer communities. In light of the death of George Floyd, there has been a tremendous focus on accountable policing where Black populations should no longer feel threatened when stopped for an alleged traffic violation.  

Support for Education

Editorial credit: EtiAmmos / Shutterstock.

Biden has increased funding for Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and expanded educational opportunities for Black communities. Recognizing the importance of providing quality education and opportunities for Black students, he has also launched a student repayment plan and approved billions of dollars worth of loan debt cancellation.

Responsive to Black Lives Matter

Editorial credit: Tverdokhlib / Shutterstock.

Biden championed the launch of the Black Lives Matter movement, further using it as a catalyst for his administration’s stance on racial justice and policing reforms. Following the riots of 2020, his office went on to sign the most significant police reform in history aimed at reflecting the demands and values of the BLM movement.

Addressing Housing Inequality

Editorial credit: Isa H / Shutterstock.

Biden has tackled discriminatory housing practices by increasing access to housing and identifying discrimination in the housing market for Black communities. He set up the first national infrastructure to prevent evictions, which were most common in all-Black neighborhoods.

Workforce Diversity

Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.

On his first day of office, Biden signed an executive order aimed at cultivating workforces that drew from the full diversity of the nation. He stated that this new model was in place to set a new precedent in recruiting, hiring, developing, and promoting workers of all ethnicities.

Climate Justice

Editorial credit: Michal Urbanek / Shutterstock.

Biden recognizes the impact of environmental racism. His climate policies include addressing how environmental issues disproportionately affect Black and minority communities following New Orleans's Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and Houston’s Hurricane Harvey in 2017. With Black communities often the most impacted by the impacts of climate change, it further highlights the stark differences between those who contribute to climate issues compared to those who suffer the effects.

Pandemic Support

Editorial credit: Audio und werbung / Shutterstock.

Black Americans were more susceptible to the economic fallout of the pandemic due to their concentration in low-income employment industries. His focus on ensuring that COVID-19 vaccines and relief reached underserved communities was a critical move during the pandemic, which hit Black communities particularly hard. His American History Plan and Build Back Better Plan helped support housing, healthcare, childcare, paid leave, and more.

Civil Rights

Editorial credit: Vitalii Vodolazskyi/ Shutterstock.

Biden has provided ongoing support for civil rights issues. His administration has continued to champion civil rights, supporting legislation and actions that protect the rights of all Americans, particularly marginalized groups. He has continually recognized the need for solidarity with African Americans and embraced the true history of the nation.

Equal Collaboration

Editorial credit: Consolidated News Photos / Shutterstock.

Biden’s administration has shown a readiness to listen to and work with Black leaders and organizations, particularly those from legacy Black Civil Rights organizations. He has embraced relationships with leaders aimed at creating a more collaborative approach to addressing community needs.

Economic Relief Packages

Editorial credit: Summit Art Creations / Shutterstock.

During various crises, Biden’s relief packages have provided crucial financial support to families and businesses. This featured largely during the pandemic and had a significantly positive impact on Black communities struggling with economic hardships.

Good Intentions

Editorial Credit: Aaron of L.A. Photography / Shutterstock.

One of the greatest aspects of Biden's time in office has been his ongoing efforts to promote good intentions amongst US populations. While he has openly called out his opponent, Donald Trump, in a bid to highlight the dangers of voting for a white supremacist with little interest in supporting black communities, the changes that he has thus far instilled have been for the greater good of Black populations within the US.

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