18 Expired Food Items You Must Throw Away Immediately

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We've all been there, staring into the fridge, debating whether that yogurt or chicken is still safe to eat. While some foods can be safely consumed past their expiration date, others should be tossed immediately to avoid health risks. If you’re not sure what to keep and what to trash, read on. There might be a few eye-openers.


Editorial Credit: DONOT6_STUDIO / Shutterstock.

When milk expires, it’s time to say goodbye. Drinking expired milk can lead to food poisoning due to bacterial growth like E. coli or salmonella. A sour smell and curdling are clear signs it's time to toss it. That alone will make you feel unwell.


Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

Expired eggs are a huge no-no. They can harbor salmonella, which can cause severe foodborne illnesses. If in doubt, perform the float test: if an egg floats in water, it’s time to discard it. If you’ve never heard of that, you can thank us later. It genuinely works.

Raw Chicken

Editorial credit: Jacek Chabraszewski/ Shutterstock.

Raw chicken is as bad as it gets. Expired raw chicken is a breeding ground for bacteria like salmonella and campylobacter. The risks are too high, and the smell alone should be enough to send it straight to the trash. Don’t even risk it; not even your dog will thank you for it.

Deli Meats

Editorial credit: FotosDo/ Shutterstock.

Deli meats have a short shelf life and can quickly develop listeria, even when they’re stored in the fridge. Eating expired deli meats can lead to listeriosis, a nasty infection that can become serious in some cases. Pregnant women and people with compromised immune systems need to be extra careful.


Editorial credit: MIKISTOCKER / Shutterstock.

Yogurt, past its expiration date, can develop mold and bacteria, which isn’t the most inviting of appetizers. While it may be slightly sour naturally, expired yogurt can lead to upset stomach and other digestive issues. The thought of it alone can cause your stomach to turn.

Soft Cheeses

Editorial credit: Erhan Inga/ Shutterstock.

Just because blue cheese is made using Penicillium mold, it doesn’t mean that all moldy cheeses are safe to eat. Soft cheeses like brie and ricotta spoil faster than hard cheeses, and when expired, they can grow harmful mold and bacteria, making them unsafe to consume. You’ll probably catch the distinct aroma before noticing the mold.


Editorial credit: Joni Hanebutt / Shutterstock.

Fresh seafood is highly perishable and should be eaten or discarded by the expiration date. Take a risk on it, and you’re likely to end up with severe food poisoning due to toxins and bacteria. Sorry to say, that includes sushi.

Ground Meat

Editorial credit: Mironov Vladimir/ Shutterstock.

Ground meat, whether beef, pork, or turkey, spoils quickly due to increased surface area exposed to bacteria. If it’s even a minute over the expiry date, don’t take the chance. Consuming expired ground meat can result in foodborne illnesses like E. coli.

Pre-Packaged Salad Mixes

Editorial credit: Pinkyone/ Shutterstock.

While they’re not a common expiry danger, salad mixes can easily harbor bacteria like E. coli and listeria once they expire. Even if they look okay, it's better to be safe and discard them after the expiration date. You can usually tell by the soggy appearance that they take on. Not ideal for that fancy dinner party.

Fresh Berries

Editorial credit: David Bokuchava / Shutterstock.

It might be a shocking discovery, but berries can quickly mold and harbor bacteria once they pass their prime. Eating expired berries can lead to gastrointestinal issues that, in a twist of fate, can often be attributed to the berries themselves. Next time you have a stomach cramp after eating a handful of blueberries, check the date on them.


Editorial credit: Kristini/ Shutterstock.

Mayonnaise is prone to bacterial growth once it expires, so most jars or bottles advise you to consume it a few days after opening. We rarely do, and they can often sit in the fridge or cupboard for weeks on end. Bad move. Consuming expired mayo can lead to food poisoning, so it's best to err on the side of caution and toss it.

Sour Cream

Editorial credit: Diana Taliun/ Shutterstock.

Sour cream tastes sour in its pre-expired and expired state, so it’s hard to tell the difference. Your stomach will be the judge. Like many other dairy products, sour cream can develop harmful bacteria and mold after expiring and may cause digestive distress and foodborne illnesses.


Editorial credit: bump23 / Shutterstock.

If you’ve ever taken a swig of expired juice, you’ll appreciate the horrors of doing so. Unpasteurized juice can harbor bacteria that can multiply after the expiration date. Even pasteurized juice can ferment and develop mold, making it unsafe to drink. Don’t swig from the bottle or carton to test it; that’s the best advice you’ll ever receive from anyone.

Canned Foods

Editorial credit: FabrikaSimf/ Shutterstock.

Canned foods have a long shelf life, so many people assume they’re safe to hold on to. Rationing always consists of tin cans, so what harm can they possibly do? A lot as it happens. They can still expire and develop harmful bacteria or toxins, particularly if the can is damaged or bulging. Eating expired canned food can lead to serious health risks.


Editorial Credit: Master1305 / Shutterstock.

Expired bread can develop mold quickly, and it's usually pretty clear to see. Not that you’d want to eat moldy bread, but doing so in small amounts is unlikely to cause any harm. However, mold can produce mycotoxins, which are potentially dangerous if consumed. Eat the whole bag, and you’re in for a rough ride.


Editorial credit: conzorb / Shutterstock.

Butter can go rancid after its expiration date, so lifting the lid might cause you to gag. It’s likely to develop a rancid, off-flavor, and potentially harmful bacteria. Rancid butter can ruin your cooking, devastate your cakes, and chronically upset your stomach.

Pasta Sauce

Editorial credit: Zoeytoja / Shutterstock.

It’s easy to overlook this one, but once opened, pasta sauce should be used by the expiration date to avoid mold and bacterial growth. If you’ve had a long day at the office and you decide to risk it, remember that it can cause food poisoning and spoil your meal. Takeout pizza is a safer option.

Sausages and Hot Dogs

Editorial credit: Richard M Lee / Shutterstock.

Processed meats such as these can harbor listeria and other bacteria once they expire. As some of the most dangerous food types to eat past the expiry date, sausages and hot dogs can lead to serious foodborne illnesses. In truth, the cost of meat nowadays makes leftovers a rarity, but just be on guard in case you reach for the scraps.

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